یک گروه از جستجو گران با استفاده از یک سیاه چاله که به تازگی کشف شده است توانستند محدودیت های انسان در سفر های فضایی را از بین ببرند و امکان سفر به مکان های دورتر را فراهم آورند …

داستان «جوکر» در دهه‌ی ۱۹۸۰ میلادی روی می‌دهد و زندگی «آرتور فلک» استند-آپ کمدین شکست‌خورده‌ای را روایت می‌کند که با طرد شدن از سوی جامعه به دنیای زیرزمینی جنایت‌ در شهر گاتهام گرایش پیدا می‌کند.

Noriko is perfectly happy living at home with her widowed father, Shukichi, and has no plans to marry -- that is, until her aunt Masa convinces Shukichi that unless he marries off his 27-year-old daughter soon, she will likely remain alone for the rest of her life. When Noriko resists Masa's matchmaking, Shukichi is forced to deceive his daughter and sacrifice his own happiness to do what he believes is right.

سال ۱۸۴۱، سالومون نورثاپ (چیوِتل اجیوفور) یک سیاهپوست آزاد است که با همسر و فرزندانش در ساراتوگای نیویورک زندگی می کند. او با نواختن ویولن امرار معاش می کند. یک شب توسط چند نفر اراذل و اوباش اغفال شده، به وسیله آنها مسموم و به‌عنوان برده فروخته می شود. به هوش که می آید، خود را در غل و زنجیر می بیند. سپس به مزارع پنبه در جنوب امریکا برده می شود، جایی که ابتدا توسط یک برده‌دار به نام ویلیام فورد خریده شده و بعد از آن به ادوین اپس (مایکل فاسبندر) فروخته می شود.

نیک فیوری مدیر سازمان بین المللی S.H.I.E.L.D است که وظیفه این سازمان برقراری آرامش در جهان می باشد. زمانی که فیوری درمیابد که امنیت زمین توسط لوکی مورد تهدید قرار گرفته است، به کمک ابرقهرمانانی چون مرد آهنی، هالک شگفت انگیز، تور، کاپیتان آمریکا و بیوه‌ی سیاه با او مقابله می کنند، تا جهان را از فاجعه ای بزرگ نجات دهند...

Cinephile slackers Franz and Arthur spend their days mimicking the antiheroes of Hollywood noirs and Westerns while pursuing the lovely Odile. The misfit trio upends convention at every turn, be it through choreographed dances in cafés or frolicsome romps through the Louvre. Eventually, their romantic view of outlaws pushes them to plan their own heist, but their inexperience may send them out in a blaze of glory -- which could be just what they want.

Historical evocation of Ludwig, king of Bavaria, from his crowning in 1864 until his death in 1886, as a romantic hero. Fan of Richard Wagner, betrayed by him, in love with his cousin Elisabeth of Austria, abandoned by her, tormented by his homosexuality, he will little by little slip towards madness.

Itinerant projection-equipment repairman Bruno Winter and depressed hitchhiker Robert Lander - a doctor who has just been through a break-up with his wife and a half-hearted suicide attempt - travel along the Western side of the East-German border in a repair truck, visiting worn-out movie theaters, learning to communicate across their differences.

پاتريک بتمن يک جوان 26 ساله خوش قيافه، با هوش اما روانی و عاشق آدمکشی است. دلايل وی برای قتل عبارتند از حسادت بی پايان، عقده های روحی و مادی، تنفر و يا هيچ دليلی مگر جنون کامل. جنون او در طول اين فيلم افزايش می يابد و دست کم 20 نفر را بقتل می رساند از جمله همکاران، دوستانش و هر کسی ديگری که سر راه او قرار بگيرد يا اينکه مورد حسادت يا غضب او قرار بگيرد. تنها فردی که بنظر می رسد با او همدردی می کند منشی او جين است. در اکثر اوقات پاتريک نمی تواند بگويد که اين اتفاقات واقعی اند يا بخشی از يک لذت روانی هستند...

Several friends travel to Sweden to study as anthropologists a summer festival that is held every ninety years in the remote hometown of one of them. What begins as a dream vacation in a place where the sun never sets, gradually turns into a dark nightmare as the mysterious inhabitants invite them to participate in their disturbing festive activities.

The Night of San Lorenzo, the night of the shooting stars, is the night when dreams come true in Italian folklore. In 1944, a group of Italians flee their town after hearing rumours that the Nazis plan to blow it up and that the Americans are about to arrive to liberate them.

In the future, the government maintains control of public opinion by outlawing literature and maintaining a group of enforcers, known as “firemen,” to perform the necessary book burnings. Fireman Montag begins to question the morality of his vocation…

یک سفینه فضایی برای حمل و نقل هزاران نفر از مردمان قصد سفر به یک سیاره دور را دارد، ولی یکی از محفظه‌های خوابش مشکل پیدا می کند و در نتیجه یکی از مسافران ۹۰ سال زودتر از موعد مقرر از خواب بیدار می شود و زمانی که میبیند به تنهایی در حال پیر شدن و مُردن است تصمیم می‌گیرد مسافر دیگری را نیز بیدار کند و ...

In a world plagued by demons who cause great human suffering, young demon hunter Tang Sanzang must fight against monstrous demons, as well as contend with a beautiful demon hunting woman on his path to enlightenment.

کیت گیل، وبلاگ‌نویس، پس‌انداز زندگی خود را در سهام گیم‌استاپ سرمایه‌گذاری می‌کند و در مورد آن پست می‌گذارد. وقتی رسانه‌های اجتماعی سروصدا به پا می‌کنند، زندگی او و همه کسانی که او را دنبال می‌کنند نیز متحول می‌شود. هنگامی که یه نکته راجب سهام تبدیل به یک جنبش می‌شود، همه ثروتمند می‌شوند تا اینکه میلیاردرها پاسخ می‌دهند و هر دو طرف دنیای خود را به طور کامل دگرگون می‌یابند.

The Peanuts gang, including Snoopy and Woodstock, have gone off to summer camp. After a few days of the usual summer-camp activities, they all take part in a rafting race. Battling treacherous rapids, wild animals and bullies from a rival tent, the teams make their way downriver to the finish line.

Two policemen, one an old-timer, the other his volatile younger partner, find themselves suspended when a video of their strong-arm tactics becomes the media's cause du jour. Low on cash and with no other options, these two embittered soldiers descend into the criminal underworld to gain their just due, but instead find far more than they wanted awaiting them in the shadows.

14 years after making a film about his journey across the USA, Borat risks life and limb when he returns to the United States with his young daughter, and reveals more about the culture, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the political elections.

Naples. Present day. Giovanna, a combative 60-year-old social worker on the frontline of the daily war against pervasive criminality, is confronted, like a modern Antigone, with a moral dilemma that threatens to destroy her work and her life. Giovanna runs an after-school centre that takes care of underprivileged children; a grassroots alternative to the mafia dominance of the city. But one day, young Maria, wife of a ruthless Camorra criminal on the run, and her two children take refuge at the centre, and ask Giovanna for protection.

I was on a ship – this sounds like a novel: I had just embarked for Venezuela on June 2, 1967 as the Shah of Iran was arriving in West Berlin. There were protests, a student was shot, and a new form of opposition movement came into existence. The idea for this film came to me while I was still aboard the ship. The film is structured like a commercial. The film takes a metaphor literally: words can become weapons. However, it also shows that these weapons are made of paper. The weapon spoiled everything for the Shah and his wife, they are wearing paper bags on their heads with faces drawn on them – the kind of bags worn by Iranian students during demonstrations to hide their identity from the Savak, the Iranian Secret Service. When I showed this film to the audiences in the late 60s, it was highly praised. I think people understood then that over obviousness is also a form of irony. This capacity was lost a few years later. I think it's coming back today. –HF