Jauns vīrietis bez ilūzijām cīnās pret savu bezmiegu, kas, iespējams, ir viņa garlaicības un pelēkās ikdienas dzīves sekas. Lidojumā ar lidmašīnu viņš tiekas ar Taileru Durdenu, harizmātisku ziepju pārdevēju, kuram ir ļoti īpaša filozofija: perfekcionisms ir vāju cilvēku darbs; tā vietā sevis iznīcināšana ir vienīgā lieta, kas padara dzīvi patiešām dzīvošanas vērtu. Abi nolemj izveidot slepenu cīņas klubu, kur varētu atbrīvoties no neapmierinātības un dusmām, kas būs pārliecinoši panākumi.

With no clue how he came to be imprisoned, drugged and tortured for 15 years, a desperate man seeks revenge on his captors.

Tonijs Lips, mazizglītots bāra apsargs itāļu apdzīvotā rajonā Ņujorkā, saņem piedāvājumu kļūt par melnādainā pasaules līmeņa pianista doktora Dona Šērlija šoferi koncertturnejā no Manhatanas līdz pat Dienvidu štatiem. Viņi dodas braucienā, ņemot līdzi ceļvedi, kurā atzīmēti tie retie iestādījumi, kas ir droši afroamerikāņiem. Ceļojuma laikā viņi saskarsies gan ar rasismu, gan ar negaidītu cilvēcību, un, par spīti abu atšķirīgumam, abu starpā uzplauks patiesa draudzība.

Aizraujošs, episks trilleris, kas ved skatītājus pagātnē un ienirst cilvēka unikālajā prātā. Stāsts par zinātnieku un viņa pasauli satricinošo izgudrojumu, un ģenialitātes augli. Filmas pamatā Pulicera balvas ieguvēju Kaja Bērda un Mārtina Dž. Šērvina romāns “American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer” par Dž. Roberta Openheimera, dēvēta arī par ‘atombumbas tēvu’, dzīvi.

Romantiskā drāma "Lepnums un aizspriedumi" pēc Džeinas Ostinas romāna motīviem vēsta par mīlestību un vērtībām Anglijā 18. gadsimta beigās. Piecas Benetu māsas – tostarp apņēmīgo Elizabeti un jauno Lidiju – māte audzinājusi ar vienu dzīves mērķi – atrast vīru. Kad turīgais vecpuisis Binglijs apmetas kaimiņu namā, ģimene ir sajūsmā. Binglija izsmalcināto draugu lokā noteikti netrūks pielūdzēju Benetu meitenēm. Tomēr, kad Elizabete satiek pievilcīgo, bet snobisko Dārsiju, sākas dzimumu cīņa.

In 1970s London amidst the punk rock revolution, a young grifter named Estella is determined to make a name for herself with her designs. She befriends a pair of young thieves who appreciate her appetite for mischief, and together they are able to build a life for themselves on the London streets. One day, Estella’s flair for fashion catches the eye of the Baroness von Hellman, a fashion legend who is devastatingly chic and terrifyingly haute. But their relationship sets in motion a course of events and revelations that will cause Estella to embrace her wicked side and become the raucous, fashionable and revenge-bent Cruella.

Pirmais pasaules karš, Rietumu fronte, diviem jauniem britu kareivjiem tiek dots praktiski neizpildāms uzdevums – nokļūt ienaidnieka aizmugurē, lai nogādātu ziņojumu, kas ļautu izglābt ievērojamu skaitu kareivju no drošas nāves.

A secret military project endangers Neo-Tokyo when it turns a biker gang member into a rampaging psychic psychopath that only two teenagers and a group of psychics can stop.

Uzreiz pēc astoņdesmit piektās jubilejas nogalināts detektīvromānu autors un kuplas ģimenes patriarhs Harlans Trombijs. Slepkavības izmeklēšanu uzsāk harizmātiskais un skrupulozais detektīvs Benuā Blanks, kuram acumirklī kļūst skaidrs – slepkavību ir pastrādājis kāds no Trombija plašās ģimenes locekļiem. Bet kurš tieši? Atjautības spēle uz dzīvību un nāvi ir sākusies!

Ieguvis savu jauno veidolu, kareivis Džeiks Sallijs kļūst par vadoni un uzņemas aizsargāt savu ģimeni un jaunos draugus no alkatīgajiem Zemes biznesmeņiem, kad tie ar līdz zobiem apbruņotu armiju atgriežas uz Pandoru.

When the creator of a popular video game system dies, a virtual contest is created to compete for his fortune.

Taped for HBO in August 1998, on the final date of Jerry Seinfeld's tour appearances at New York City's Broadhurst Theater, I'm Telling You for the Last Time presents the standup comedian's so-called "final" standup, or at least his final tour with the standup material that made him famous.

A wealthy New York investment banking executive hides his alternate psychopathic ego from his co-workers and friends as he escalates deeper into his illogical, gratuitous fantasies.

As the devoutly single Don Johnston is dumped by his latest girlfriend, he receives an anonymous pink letter informing him that he has a son who may be looking for him.

After making their way through high school (twice), big changes are in store for officers Schmidt and Jenko when they go deep undercover at a local college. But when Jenko meets a kindred spirit on the football team, and Schmidt infiltrates the bohemian art major scene, they begin to question their partnership. Now they don't have to just crack the case - they have to figure out if they can have a mature relationship. If these two overgrown adolescents can grow from freshmen into real men, college might be the best thing that ever happened to them.

Mitch McDeere is a young man with a promising future in Law. About to sit his Bar exam, he is approached by 'The Firm' and made an offer he doesn't refuse. Seduced by the money and gifts showered on him, he is totally oblivious to the more sinister side of his company. Then, two Associates are murdered. The FBI contact him, asking him for information and suddenly his life is ruined. He has a choice - work with the FBI, or stay with the Firm. Either way he will lose his life as he knows it. Mitch figures the only way out is to follow his own plan...

Daniel leaves prison. He returns to Marseilles where Mathilda, his daughter, has just given birth. Nicolas, her spouse, a self-employed driver, is exhausted while Mathilda is a sales assistant on a trial basis. But, one night, Nicolas is assaulted by taxi drivers determined to reduce unfair competition.

A man wakes up in an alley, bleeding and with no memory of who he is. He stumbles into a coffee shop and is befriended by a charitable ex-nun who is failing in her attempts to write marketable pornography.

The directors take five old VHS tapes documenting the Ãwas customs back to the tribe.

At 30, Jiro embarked on a year-long trip taking in the Soviet Union, North Africa, Europe, and the United States. Nearly half a century later, his daughter makes use of various memorabilia to take a step back in time and explore how such adventures have shaped the man’s take on the modern world.