Light, color, and correlated sound. A program for the human nervous system.

Get ready to experience the world-famous Scooby-Doo! and Crew like never before in this all-new, original puppet movie! What begins as a routine night for the Gang - which includes the slobbering sleuth and Shaggy eating a triple-extra-large Scooby snack pizza - becomes a mad dash to find the frightening Phantom Parrot, who has a map to pirate Gnarlybeard's hidden treasure. Scooby sniffs out the map's clues, which lead him right to a spooky pirate ship. Ruh-roh! What will Gnarlybeard be willing to do to protect his booty? The whole family will love casting off on this mysterious, fun-filled voyage again and again.



人类世界的紫悦将与坎特洛特高中的新同学们在‘永远自由营地’(Camp Everfree,或音译为艾佛瑞营地)参加露营活动,准备度过轻松的一个假期,但随后她们发现,风景优美的营区似乎弥漫着不寻常的气氛,且令人吃惊的是,紫悦与她的好友又得到了新的魔法能力。而紫悦也发现,“另一个自己”似乎正不怀好意的蠢蠢欲动......

芭比为了劝说凯丽参加圣诞舞会讲了一个关于一个有缺点的女孩的故事: 伊登·斯塔林,一个富有魅力的、在维多利亚时代的伦敦的一个歌剧院的女主唱。她美丽,有天赋和才气但是和她自大的猫咪查斯威特一样自私傲慢。“在自私的世界里只有自私的人能成功。”玛丽姑妈的这句话就是伊登的座右铭。 伊登自私地计划着让加德山剧院所有的演员在圣诞节那天留下来排练!甚至连伊登的服装设计师,她童年时代的朋友凯瑟琳·彼得诺也不能说服她这以自我为中心的脾气。这件事被她的已经悔改玛丽姑妈知道了,但是拖着自私之链的玛丽姑妈劝说不了伊登,玛丽姑妈告诉了3个不寻常的圣诞精灵——昨日精灵、今日精灵、明日精灵,她们把伊甜带到一个奇妙的旅行中去。 昨日精灵带伊甜回到了童年,她看到了玛丽姑妈让童年时的伊登练琴,伊登趁玛丽姑妈不注意偷偷的溜了出去,来到凯瑟琳的家里,凯瑟琳和家人为伊登也准备了礼物,让伊登感动不已。她和凯瑟琳一起唱起了歌,所有的人都很高兴。可是玛丽姑妈突然到来,她破坏了一切。伊登让昨日精灵带她回去。伊登坐在床上轻轻的啜泣,但很快她就认为这只是梦。 可是很快第二个精灵——今日精灵来了。今日精灵带伊登来到了卧室门外,伊登看到加德山的演员们都愤怒的把西红柿砸在伊登的照片上。凯瑟琳来了,伊登以为凯瑟琳会劝说大家。可是没想到凯瑟琳也拿了个西红柿泄恨似的把西红柿砸在伊登的照片上,正中照片中伊登的脸。伊登呆不下去了。来到了门外。她跟着凯瑟琳到了伦敦最贫困的孤儿院。凯瑟琳为孤儿院的孤儿们带来了新衣服,看了孤儿们一起唱的圣诞歌。伊登和今日精灵一起回去了,她受到了震撼,静静地等待第三位精灵的到来。 第三位精灵——明日精灵来了,她默默地跟着精灵,在隧道中她选择了一个冰冷的选择:因为演员们迟到而开除了他们。可是新来的演员们却不那么尽如人意。加德山破落了。贫困的伊登找到了凯瑟琳,此时的凯瑟琳已经靠着她的服装设计成为一个著名的服装设计师,并且拥有一间属于自己的工作室了。可是这时的凯瑟琳和原本的伊登一样自私了。孤儿院倒闭了,孤儿院的孤儿们也四处流浪。伊登心寒了。她开始明白了。 第二天伊登起床后,她送给了演员们礼物还发了奖金。她和凯瑟琳一同去了孤儿院并宣布要资助孤儿院。晚上她和凯瑟琳一同去了凯瑟琳家和凯瑟琳的家人一同吃晚餐。玛丽姑妈与她道别,三个圣诞精灵也为他们唱起了圣诞欢歌…… 听了芭比的故事后凯丽决定去参加舞会。


A new member has joined Eli and the Shane Gang! Junjie, once the protector of the Eastern Caverns, is a master of the slugslinging art of Slug Fu! But even with the power of five slingers, the Shane Gang find themselves in over their heads as they race across The 99 Caverns in search of the Legendary Elemental Slugs. The five Elementals are ancient slugs of great power, and the forbearers of all slugs found in SlugTerra today. In the wrong hands, they could bring Slugterra to the brink of destruction. So when an evil alliance starts hunting down the Elementals, Eli and his friends — old and new — take off in pursuit of the greatest threat their world has ever faced!

动画《鬼灭之刃》的第22话~第26话组成的“灶门炭治郎立志篇”的完结篇,它的剧情直接连接到剧场版《鬼灭之刃 无限列车篇》的故事。这次的《柱合会议·蝶屋敷篇》是为了这个广播而制作的新影像等被追加了的特别编辑版。

Recorded during the band's 2009 sell out UK tour on April 30 at the legendary Roundhouse in London. The Return to Eden tour was the first time that the classic Ultravox line-up of Midge Ure, Billy Currie, Criss Cross and Warren Cann had performed together in over two decades, and was followed by a highly successful European and festival tour that ran through the summer and into the Autumn.

在一片郁金香花园中,住着一位小精灵--桑贝琳娜(Thumbelina)。她和其它的精灵快乐地生活在自然中。花园里就要有新的小精灵出生了,她和她的朋友对此非常兴奋。突然,一架挖土机开始破坏她 们美丽的花园!心宝莲娜被迫和朋友逃出花园,来到了一个奇怪的地方--一座漂亮的现代城市公寓!在那里,她们见到了一个叫麦姬娜的人类女孩,并与她交了朋友,但是她们到底能否拯救美丽的花园呢?你会发现,即使是再渺小的人,也可以战胜强大。

The Return is a 2016 documentary directed by Emmy Award winning director Erich Joiner chronicling Ford GT's return to 24 Hours of Le Mans after their 1966 1-2-3 victory.

Two teenagers are playing by night in a dirty parking lot. After they are driving on an empty road, they start to tease each other on the way to the sea, but they seem to be too young to drive and the road is a bit strange.

Forced collectivism, famines, errors and mistakes mark Stalin´s ruthless rise to dictorial power and only increase his madness until he even declares a chicken to be an English spy that should be liquidated.


San Francisco filmmaker Konrad Steiner took 12 years to complete a montage cycle set to the late Leslie Scalapino’s most celebrated poem, way—a sprawling book-length odyssey of shardlike urban impressions, fraught with obliquely felt social and sexual tensions. Six stylistically distinctive films for each section of way, using sources ranging from Kodachrome footage of sun-kissed S.F. street scenes to internet clips of the Iraq war to a fragmented Fred Astaire dance number.

Juan Conte is a world-renowned spokesman of the new atheism. After suffering a heart attack, he receives a transplant and a change in his personal life begins, opening up to the possibility of being in a couple for the first time. Juan will go on a journey of horror and pain, in which his vision of reality will be put to the test.