ماریون کرین (لى) به امید تسهیل کار ازدواجش با سام لومیس (گاوین)، پول‏هاى کارفرمایش را میدزد و از شهر محل سکونتش خارج میشود و بین راه در هتل بیتس به دست جوانى به نام نورمن (پرکینز) که هتل را اداره می‏کند، به قتل می‏رسد...

پدر و مادر «آنتوان» کوچکترین توجهی به او نمی‌کنند و درگیر کارهای روزمره‌ی خود می‌باشند. او که هیچگونه رضایتی از محیط خانواده ندارد با دوست صمیمی‌اش یعنی «رنه»، به گشت و گذار می‌پردازد و رفته رفته لحظات جدیدی را تجربه می‌کند.

Noriko is perfectly happy living at home with her widowed father, Shukichi, and has no plans to marry -- that is, until her aunt Masa convinces Shukichi that unless he marries off his 27-year-old daughter soon, she will likely remain alone for the rest of her life. When Noriko resists Masa's matchmaking, Shukichi is forced to deceive his daughter and sacrifice his own happiness to do what he believes is right.

این فیلم تصویر زندگی «جیک لا موتا» (رابرت دنیرو) بوکسور معروف امریکایی است. تصویری از عاشقی هایش و به قهرمانی رسیدنش، از دلهره ها و شک هایش و از مغلوب شدنش در مبارزه با غول شهرت...

عروس آدم کش به راهش برای انتقام گیری از رئیس سابقش «بیل»، ادامه میدهد. دو عضو باقی مانده از گروهی که چهار سال پیش به او خیانت کردند، هدف های جدید او هستند.

A story set in the 90s and in the outskirts of Rome to Ostia. A world where money, luxury cars, night clubs, cocaine and synthetic drugs are easy to run. A world in which Vittorio and Cesare, in their early twenties, act in search of their success.

Aging wrestler Randy "The Ram" Robinson is long past his prime but still ready and rarin' to go on the pro-wrestling circuit. After a particularly brutal beating, however, Randy hangs up his tights, pursues a serious relationship with a long-in-the-tooth stripper, and tries to reconnect with his estranged daughter. But he can't resist the lure of the ring and readies himself for a comeback.

Cecilia is a waitress in New Jersey, living a dreary life during the Great Depression. Her only escape from her mundane reality is the movie theatre. After losing her job, Cecilia goes to see 'The Purple Rose of Cairo' in hopes of raising her spirits, where she watches dashing archaeologist Tom Baxter time and again.

In the early days of Nazi Germany, a powerful noble family must adjust to life under the new dictatorship regime.

China, year 1457. The Minister of Defense is executed, and his children are sentenced to exile by order of the tyrannical Tsao. Fearful of future revenge from the young people, Tsao sends cruel soldiers to murder them, but a brave group of swordsmen can change the course of the battle at the Dragon Inn.

Shinji and Masaru spend most of their school days harassing fellow classmates and playing pranks. They drop out and Shinji becomes a small-time boxer, while Masaru joins up with a local yakuza gang. However, the world is a tough place.

When Eve, an interior designer, is deserted by her husband of many years, Arthur, the emotionally glacial relationships of the three grown-up daughters are laid bare. Twisted by jealousy, insecurity and resentment, Renata, a successful writer; Joey, a woman crippled by indecision; and Flyn, a budding actress; struggle to communicate for the sake of their shattered mother. But when their father unexpectedly falls for another woman, his decision to remarry sets in motion a terrible twist of fate…

لارنس کسدان مرگ «الکس» را بهانه ي گرد آمدن شخصيت هايش قرار مي دهد و فيلم نامه اش را بر همين بنا استوار مي کند و انسجام مي بخشد. او غم غربت خود را به دهه ي 1960 با گنجاندن انبوه ترانه ها و موسيقي اين دهه بروز مي دهد. ـ نامزد سه جایزه اسکار و دو جایزه گلدن گلوب 1984 و یک جایزه بفتا 1985 ـ داستان: پس از مرگ «الکس مارشال»، دوستانش، «هارولد» (کلاين) و «سارا کوپر) (کلوز) تصميم مي گيرند براي يادبود او، مجلسي در آخر هفته برگزار کنند. به غير از «کلوئه» (تيلي)، دختري حدودا بيست ساله که محبوبه ي «الکس» بوده، بقيه ي حاضران در مجلس، هم کلاسي هاي دوران دانشگاه «الکس» هستند....

فیلم داستان گروهی است که به هروئین اعتیاد دارند."بابی" (آل پاچینو) معتادی جوان عاشق "هلن" دختری بیخانمان می شود."هلن" هم به اعتیاد روی آورده و زندگی هر دوی آنها در سراشیبی می افتد و...

When Johnny is released from prison following a forgery charge, he quickly lands a job as a short-order cook at a New York diner. Following a brief fling with waitress Cora, Frankie develops an attraction for Cora's friend and fellow waitress Frankie. While Frankie resists Johnny's charms initially, she eventually relents when her best friend, Tim, persuades her to give Johnny a chance.

«کارآگاه هری کالاهان» (ایست وود) پس از دستگیری موفقیت آمیز گروهی قاچاقچی مشروب، به فرمان رئیسش «سروان مکی» (دیلمن) به دلیل رفتار خشونت آمیزش از بخش جنایی به کارگزینی منتقل می شود. در همین بین، گروهی اوباش به زرادخانه ای دستبرد می زنند. اما خیلی زود «کالاهان» به بخش جنایی باز می گردد و وارد عمل می شود.

1865: Swiss captain Bluntschli fights as mercenary in the war between Bulgaria and Serbia. When his group's attacked by a few Bulgarian troopers, he learns that he's got the wrong ammunition for his cannon and has to flee. His flight leads him right into the bedroom of his enemy's fiancée.

A nurse, a paramedic, a gymnast and her coach offer a service for hire wherein they stand in for dead people by appointment, hired by relatives, friends or colleagues of the deceased, to assist with the grieving process.

A Catholic New Yorker falls in love with a girl and wants to marry her, but he struggles to accept her past and what it means for their future.

In a night of killer comedy, Bill Burr hosts a showcase of his most raucous stand-up comic pals as they riff on everything from COVID to Michael Jackson.