Ypatingų galių turintys superherojai gyvena sau įprastu ritmu – gelbėja pasaulį ir saugo žmoniją nuo blogiečių, o laisvalaikiu tampa eiliniais praeiviais gatvėje. Bet pasaulio gelbėjimas – nelengvas darbas, todėl kartais jie priverda daug nemalonumų valdžiai. Ši – suerzinta superherojų populiarumo ir sukeliamų neramumų, išleidžia naują įstatymą: juo remiantis visi pasaulio sergėtojai nuo šiol privalės nusiimti savo kaukes ir atskleisti tikruosius veidus. Naujasis įstatymas ne sukiršina herojus ir padalija juos į dvi priešiškas stovyklas. Vienai jų vadovauja Kapitonas Amerika, griežtai pasisakantis prieš valdžios ketinimus paviešinti tikrąsias superherojų tapatybes, o kitai... Geležinis Žmogus. Visų nuostabai, jis pritaria naujajam įstatymui ir kategoriškai nepalaiko kolegų, norinčių likti incognito. Tačiau pasaulio gelbėtojų tarpusavio nesutarimai – puikus laikas vešėti blogiui...
Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, born in the stench of 18th century Paris, develops a superior olfactory sense, which he uses to create the world's finest perfumes. However, his work takes a dark turn as he tries to preserve scents in the search for the ultimate perfume.
Įvykiai filme vyks netrukus po „Kapitonas Amerika: pilietinis karas“, bet prieš „Begalybės karą“, todėl tai bus paskutiniųjų Keršytojų filmų pratarmė, logiškai atsižvelgiant į tai, kas nutiko Natašai „Pabaigoje“. Vos tik gimusi Juodoji našlė (dar žinoma Natalijos „Natašos“ Romanovos vardu) buvo perduota į KGB rankas, kurios prižiūrima tapo aukščiausios klasės šnipe. Vis dėlto SSRS subyrėjus, vyriausybė mėgino ją nužudyti. Praėjus 15 metų po Sovietų Sąjungos žlugimo, veiksmas persikelia į šių dienų Niujorką, kur ji yra laisvai samdoma operatyvinė darbuotoja. Filmas „Juodoji našlė“ pradeda ketvirtąjį „Marvel“ kino visatos etapą, kuriame Scarlett Johansson herojė Nataša Romanova yra pasimetusi bei palaužta, ir tik kovoje su nauju piktadariu galės atrasti tikrąją save.
While her life is falling apart, single mother Christine finds a magical family heirloom that leads to love and good fortune during Christmas.
When her niece is cast in The Philadelphia Ballet’s production of the Nutcracker, a jaded ex-ballerina is forced to come to terms with the life and love she left behind.
A talented photographer stuck in a dead-end job inherits an antique Advent calendar that may be predicting the future -- and pointing her toward love.
When a reporter goes undercover as a nanny to get the inside scoop on a playboy prince, she gets tangled in some royal intrigue and ends up finding love - but will she be able to keep up her lie?
As Christmas approaches, Paula, a St. Louis antique appraiser, reluctantly accepts a marriage proposal from her boyfriend, Daniel, a career-focused attorney. When her Aunt Jane senses she has mixed emotions over the engagement, she invites Paula to her Nantucket home. Upon her arrival, Paula plans a trip to the nearby island of Martha's Vineyard where she meets a charming inn owner.
Interim school superintendent Eve Morgan finds herself in a tough spot when she is assigned to shut down a school's failing music program and must come to terms with her musical past.
Po audringo romano su turtingu našliu, naivi mergina už jo išteka ir persikelia į vyro šeimos valdas. Tačiau ji niekaip negali pabėgti nuo savo mylimojo buvusios žmonos šešėlio.
Grupelė koledžo draugų susiruošia kelionei į mišką, bet ten susiduria su grėsminga jėga, kuri ima juos persekioti.
Darcy has always worked hard to prove herself and be successful on her own terms, even choosing to start her own company, rather than work with her father. Returning to her hometown for Christmas, Darcy reconnects with an old rival, restaurant owner Luke, and they are forced to plan a charity event together. As Darcy spends time with her family and Luke, she starts to realize what matters most in life and sets out to mend her relationship with her father, and possibly fall in love.
Nola Devlin is an unassuming, frumpy magazine editor who is overlooked and teased by her coworkers. Though, when she is behind the glow and anonymity of her computer screen, she becomes the famous advice columnist Belinda Apple. Nola’s friends, tired of being overworked and overweight, band together to create the Cinderella Pact, vowing to lose pounds by following the advice of Belinda Apple. When her secret identity is threatened, Nola is forced to take her own alter ego’s advice. But, as the group of friends drops dress sizes, their real issues are exposed, and better-than-expected life changes begin to blossom.
Boston lawyer Mary Ross inherits a house in Plymouth, Mass., from her great-aunt and plans to sell it. But soon has a change of heart, which is complicated by local historian, Everett Mather who's research indicates that the houses location might be the site of the original Thanksgiving.
When Anna Parisi, an unemployed fine arts painter, is unable to make ends meet, she is hired to become a personal Christmas shopper for Marc, an uptight corporate exec. As they begin working together, Marc learns that Christmas giving has less to do with the amount of money spent and more to do with the importance of the gift, while Anna discovers she might find success as an artist in a way she never expected. The best gift of all of course is the love they discover with one another.
After colliding with a pedestrian on her bicycle who loses his memory following the accident, Darcy Archer becomes determined to help the handsome guy figure out who he is. In the process, she finds out a lot more about who she is, what she wants from life, and how this too-good-to-be-true guy might just be the man she’s been waiting to bump into all her life.
A store decides to start a contest to sell off 60,000 Christmas lights, ordered by accident. The competition soon causes unrest among the locals, but the store's owner, Diane, wants to keep what has become a very profitable competition going, at all costs.
Andy is a passionate artist whose family has been building Rose Parade floats for generations. When her Dad gets sick, Andy is forced to take the helm and supervise the construction and decoration of their client's float. And to make matters worse, she's saddled with the extra challenge of dealing with a demanding businessman Cliff, whose company commissioned the float.
Dateless for the Christmas ball, 39-year-old bachelor, King Charles of Baltania, tracks down his American college sweetheart, only to discover Allison has never been married, yet raised a 17-year-old daughter, Lily, who mathematically might be Charles' biological princess.
Things don't go as expected when a disenchanted pastor wishes for a different life.