A hitman is tasked to take out ex-mobsters when he suddenly hears a voice that questions his morality.

Four women are waiting for the blue circle and a possible change of their lives.

You are now keyed into the only channel that matters. Broadcasting from NYC and beyond, Bronze TV is back.

On his journey towards becoming a film director, Cole discovers an insight that flips his perspective on his way of living.

GCW presents Fight Club straight from the Showboat Hotel in Atlantic City, NJ! The event features the GCW World Championship match where Mox defends against Gage in a match that we have been waiting for during the last decade. Who will be the new GCW World Champion?

 影片讲述了埃及的一些社会活动家,未能改造旧社会而不惜冒着生命危险与国家领导、当权者斗争的故事。影片跟踪拍摄他们长达两年时间,记录下了埃及人的民主自由运动历程。这部纪录片的女导演Jehane Noujaim是一位埃及裔美国人,她曾拍摄过2004年备受好评的纪录片《控制室》(Control Room)。此片荣获2013年多伦多电影节“纪录片观众选择奖”。

有一个振动场将所有事物连接在一起。它在历史上被称为阿卡莎、逻各斯、原始OM、球体音乐、希格斯场、暗能量,还有其他一千多种名称。振动场是所有真正的精神体验和科学调查的根源,它是圣人、佛陀、瑜伽士、神秘主义者、牧师、萨满和先知,通过观察自己的内心而观察到的同一个能量场。 许多历史上不朽的思想家,如毕达哥拉斯、开普勒、达芬奇、特斯拉和爱因斯坦,都曾来到这个伟大的奥秘之门前。它是所有宗教、所有科学之间的共同联系,也是我们的内心世界和外部世界之间的联系。

死而复生的嗜血僵尸如瘟疫般迅速占领全城,整个城市在一夜之间成为僵尸之城。为了躲避僵尸的攻击,两个特种部队警察和一个交通记者以及他的女友,逃到了一个荒废的大型购物中心里。这四个人斯蒂芬(大卫·艾梅治 David Emge 饰)、彼得(肯·弗里 Ken Foree 饰)、罗杰(斯科特·H·雷宁格 Scott H. Reiniger 饰)以及法兰妮(盖伦·罗丝 Gaylen Ross 饰)使尽浑身解数武装自己,尽一切可能抵抗凶残僵尸的袭击。然而他们的抵抗却不敌越来越多的僵尸,好景不长,僵尸蜂拥而至。雪上加霜的是,一大群车手也发现了这个避难所。四人不但要躲避疯狂的僵尸,还要同凶残的劫匪对抗。

The ever-budding relationship between Holmes and Watson, as well as the bonding duo who portray them.

The movie is a fictionalized account of a disgruntled cop who has been wrongly implicated in a torture video that went viral. It begins on his last night of duty, as he is about to leave for abroad for better job prospects.

A nurse provides home care to a disabled Vietnam Vet. Unknown to her, she's part of a con game cooked up by her boyfriend.

Kurt Longson tries to avenge his daughters death. To succeed he has to battle with his conscience and morality to realize true love.



"Ballad of Smokey the Bear" tells the story of how Smokey got his name. Smokey and his forest friends encounter a creature they've never seen before that is starting fires. Smokey finds his calling in dealing with this strange new animal.

How do Europeans deal with their recent dark history (the wars, dictatorships and occupations)? What traces are etched?

A man seeks revenge on the white supremacists acquitted in the murder of his son