Septyni samurajai atvyksta apginti vargano kaimelio, kurį užpuolė plėšikai. Senas samurajus, kuriam dabar sunkūs laikai, gavo ūkininko prašymą apsaugoti miestą nuo banditų. Jis pasiėmė dar 6 samurajus sau į pagalbą, ir jie išmokino miesto žmones kaip apsiginti, o jie maitindavo samurajus 3 kartus į dieną.
Režisieriaus Christopher Nolan epinis trileris pasakoja apie amerikiečių fiziką J. Robertą Openheimerį, vadovavusį atominės bombos kūrimo programoje „Manheteno projektas“. R. Openheimeriui priklauso idėja suburti visus fizikus, dirbančius atominės bombos srityje, į vieningą mokslinį centrą Los Alamose, JAV.
A raw and honest behind-the-scenes look at the iconic superstar's struggle with a life-altering illness. Serving as a love letter to her fans, this inspirational documentary highlights the music that has guided her life while also showcasing the resilience of the human spirit.
From his poor childhood to his rise to fame, from his triumphs to his failures, from Paris to New York, discover the exceptional journey of an artist. Intimate, intense, fragile and indestructible, devoted to his art until the very end, here is one of the most immortal singers of all time: MONSIEUR AZNAVOUR.
Follows a teenager who claims that there is an entity in his closet.
Tang Lung arrives in Rome to help his cousins in the restaurant business. They are being pressured to sell their property to the syndicate, who will stop at nothing to get what they want. When Tang arrives he poses a new threat to the syndicate, and they are unable to defeat him. The syndicate boss hires the best Japanese and European martial artists to fight Tang, but he easily finishes them off.
The arrogant, third most-wanted criminal in Taiwan, decides to get rid of the top two competitors and crowns himself the most-wanted criminal before dying.
Shoyo Hinata joins Karasuno High's volleyball club to be like his idol, a former Karasuno player known as the 'Little Giant'. But Hinata soon learns that he must team up with his middle school nemesis, Tobio Kageyama. Their clashing styles form a surprising weapon, but can their newfound teamwork defeat their rival Nekoma High in the highly anticipated 'Dumpster Battle', the long awaited ultimate showdown between two opposing underdog teams?
Londo Mollari, the Centauri Emperor, recounts the initial contact between the Humans and Minbari, which resulted in a major incident and subsequent war, for an eager pair of youngsters wanting a story about love and conflict.
One dark night during the early phases of WWII, the Italian Royal Navy submarine Cappellini sinks an armed merchant ship sailing with lights out. At that moment, its commander Salvatore Todaro makes a decision that was destined to go down in history: to save the 26 shipwrecked Belgians who otherwise would have drowned in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and disembark them at the nearest safe harbor. To make room for them on board his submarine, he is forced to navigate on the surface of the water for three days, visible to the enemy forces and endangering his life and that of his men.
A young alcoholic ambient musician locks himself in his apartment on a dangerous seven day bender as he attempts to finish his upcoming album.
This is a story about a city guy Nikolai, who will have to go instead of his friend on a rural business trip. A series of funny events, meetings and the beauty of the Yakut village encourage Nikolai to make an important decision in his life…
On the Hokkaido frontier, a war veteran and Ainu girl race against misfits and military renegades to find treasure mapped out on tattooed outlaws.
Lydia, a midwife very invested in her work, is in the middle of a breakup. At the same time, her best friend, Salomé, announces to her that she is pregnant and asks her to follow her pregnancy. The day Lydia meets Milos, a one-night stand, while she is holding her friend's baby in her arms, she sinks into a lie, at the risk of losing everything.
In 1887, at a time when duels are in vogue in Paris, Clément Lacaze and Marie-Rose Astié meet. He's a charismatic master of arms; she's a feminist, far ahead of her time. Clément gets caught in a spiral of violence and decides to initiate Marie-Rose in the art of dueling. The two must work together to save face. How far will they go to defend their honor?
Palaidojęs žmoną, Endrius Bleikas panyra į apatiją: nieko nebenori, niekuo nebesidomi ir su niekuo nebendrauja. Iš sąstingio jį ištraukia mintis vykti į Prancūziją – į dvarą, kuriame susipažino su savo mylimąja. Susikrovęs lagaminą, Endrius leidžiasi kelionėn, kuri, be jokios abejonės, klostysis visiškai kitaip, nei jis įsivaizduoja. Atvykęs į dvarą, kuriame prasidėjo jo meilės istorija, Endrius įsivaizduoja, kad gyvens čia kaip svečias. Tačiau jau kitą rytą paaiškėja, kad dvaro ekonomė palaikė jį darbo ieškančiu liokajumi. Dabar, norėdamas likti jam išnuomotame kambaryje ir dvare apskritai, Endrius yra priverstas apsivilkti livrėją ir bent jau „bandomajam laikotarpiui“ įsijausti į liokajaus vaidmenį.
Alisa slapstosi Nevados dykumoje. Po varginančių kovų su UMBRELLA korporacijos paleistu virusu, karas vis dar nebaigtas. T-virusas dar siautėja ištuštėjusiose dykynėse, kadaise apstatytose miestais. Pasaulis pavirto griuvėsiais, mirusieji prisikėlė, o gyvieji virto zombiais. Alisa kartu su bendražygiais kerta Las Vegasą, kadaise klestėjusią pramogų oazę, o dabar griuvėsiais virtusį miestą. Alisos komandos laukia alkana zombių gauja, o pačios Alisos laukia dar piktesnis priešas – dr. Aizekas iš korporacija UMBRELLA. Jis korporacijos laboratorijose augina armiją Alisos kraujo ištroškusių mutantų.
CŽV užverbuotas jaunuolis Kenetas Gidsonas ryžtasi dalyvauti slaptoje operacijoje „Outcome“. Atidavęs visą save, sėkmingai įveikęs pasiruošimo etapą vaikinas gauna naują vardą ir tampa vertingiausiu CŽV slaptuoju agentu Aronu Krosu (akt. Jeremy Renner). Tačiau po įvykio, kuomet Džeisonas Bornas atskleidžia slaptus CŽV kėslus operacijoje „Blackbriar“, Centrinė Žvalgybos tarnyba nusprendžia tučtuojau sunaikinti savo veiklos pėdsakus ir viską, kas susiję su operacija „Outcome“.
Joy, a secretary at a large multinational company, has an online shopping problem, likes to read adventure novels and watch travel and adventure shows. She daydreams about living a life of adventure.
Gabrielle has just joined a prestigious news program. With no formal training, she must prove herself and find her place among an experienced team of special correspondents. In the heat of the action, she will learn the language and the code of these reporters, who are always passionate, often funny, and sometimes scarred by life and their profession. And then there’s Vincent, the program’s editor-in-chief, who she can’t help challenging...