BTS Permission to Dance on Stage - Seoul, un spectacol transmis în direct astfel încât trupa BTS și ARMY să danseze împreună! Fiți alături de noi pentru acest concert live de neratat, transmis de la Seul în cinematografele din întreaga lume! BTS Permission to Dance on Stage este cel mai recent turneu mondial al trupei pop a secolului 21 - BTS. Spectacolul absolut incendiar e marcat de momente intense, în care trupa interpretează cele mai de succes cântece lansate de-a lungul carierei. Cele patru concerte susținute anterior în Los Angeles au fost văzute de aproximativ 813.000 de oameni și au fost sold-out, devenind unele dintre cele mai de succes evenimente din 2021.

Reinhard von Müsel and Yang Wen-li return to their respective homes, one victorious and the other defeated. While Reinhard earns the new name Lohengramm, while Yang and his friends celebrate some welcome news.

A man lurks the night alleys, killing people at random, he feels nothing, no emotion, and no pain; when he meets a graceful widow he must confront what it means to be human.

France, 1963. Anne is a bright young student with a promising future ahead of her. But when she falls pregnant, she sees the opportunity to finish her studies and escape the constraints of her social background disappearing. With her final exams fast approaching and her belly growing, Anne resolves to act, even if she has to confront shame and pain, even if she must risk prison to do so.

Wanted for killing his boss, Manuel flees with his wife Rosa to the sertão, the barren landscape of Northern Brazil. Thrust into a primordial violent region, Manuel and Rosa come under the influence and control of a series of frightening figures.

Iranian director Jafar Panahi, who has been barred from leaving the country, arrives at a village on the Iran-Turkey border to supervise a film based on a real-life couple seeking passports to Europe being shot in Turkey, but both his stay and the production run into trouble.

În urma unei întâlniri întâmplătoare, încăpățânata Kathy este atrasă de Benny, membru al clubului de motocicliști Midwestern Vandals. Pe măsură ce clubul se transformă într-o periculoasă lume subterană a violenței, Benny trebuie să aleagă între Kathy și loialitatea sa față de club.

A woman watches time passing next to the suitcases of her ex-lover (who is supposed to come pick them up but never arrives) and a restless dog who doesn't understand that his master has abandoned him.

In Belgium today, a young boy and an adolescent girl who have travelled alone from Africa pit their invincible friendship against the difficult conditions of their exile.

A police officer who while responding to a violent hostage call, kills the African American suspect only to later learn of his innocence. Sensing this was a set-up, and facing repercussions, he must track down the person responsible while examining his own accountability and the ingrained racism which brought him to this point.

Billie Holiday spent much of her career being adored by fans. In the 1940s, the government targeted Holiday in a growing effort to racialize the war on drugs, ultimately aiming to stop her from singing her controversial ballad, "Strange Fruit."

Ettore has spent the last five years in jail for a robbery. Once out of prison, he has nowhere to go, his wife broke up with him and doesn’t want him to meet their little daughter who was born right before he was arrested. Alone and desperate, Ettore roams the streets of Rome and meets a strange old man, Nicola. He decides to take advantage of him and rob him. But after breaking into his house, Ettore realizes Nicola doesn’t have anything worth stealing and furthermore, the old man tells him a rather stranger thing: he affirms to be Santa Claus…

Paris, 1884. The lives of three orphaned children wandering the streets dominated by ruthless criminals change tragically when they carry out a daring robbery.

Florence wants to introduce David, the man she’s madly in love with, to her father Guillaume. But David isn’t attracted to Florence and wants to throw her into the arms of his friend Willy. The four characters meet in a restaurant in the middle of nowhere.

One summer, a French teenager who has been living with his mother in the city moves in with his estranged father’s family in the countryside, where he clashes with his stepmother.

After a pawn shop robbery goes askew, two criminals take refuge at a remote farmhouse to try to let the heat die down, but find something much more menacing.

When a grieving college professor confronts two hunters she catches trespassing on her property, she's drawn into an escalating battle of wills with catastrophic consequences.

Un fost preot, Don Costantino, este închis într-un far îndepărtat, departe de privirile curioșilor, pentru a nu se ști că și-a părăsit profesia. Ideea a venit de la mama lui, Mamma Stella, care acum adaugă un alt scandal: fiica ei Rosa María și-a lăsat soțul să fugă cu iubitul ei (o femeie). Personaje bizare încep să ajungă la vechiul far dezafectat, care aparține familiei lui Costantino și ar trebui să le garanteze izolarea, devenind treptat un refugiu pentru păcătoși.

Luke, an escaped convict, and Jaroo, a loner gold prospector, team up with a band of Apache Indians in 19th century Mexico to capture a large, heavily armed fortress for the millions -- or billions -- of dollars in gold that are rumored to be stored within. Written by Brian C. Madsen

The Void is a multi volume anthology series featuring some of the best award winning short films from the Horror, Suspense, Thriller, Sci-Fi and Fantasy genres, Including: Dystopia St., ...