Resnična biografska zgodba o temnopoltem Solomonu, ki sredi 19. stoletja v New Yorku svobodno dela in srečno živi z družino. Zlobna dvoličneža mu ponudita delo, vendar ga ugrabita in na jugu ZDA prodata v suženjstvo. Med mukotrpnim delom na bombažnih poljih zamenja več lastnikov, dokler ne pristane pri sadističnem Edwinu, ki uživa v zlorabljanju sužnjev. Solomon kljub vsem krivicam ne obupa in išče način, kako bi se vrnil k svoji družini. Film je prejel Zlati Globus za najboljšo dramo.

Scenaristka in režiserka Greta Gerwig ("Lady Bird") prinaša še eno filmsko priredbo slavne zgodbe "Čas deklištva" po istoimenskem romanu ameriške avtorice Luise May Alcott; drugi jaz pisateljice Jo March predstavlja tako, da se v časovnih prebliskih spominja njenega namišljenega življenja. V različici Gerwigove se kaže brezčasna pripoved o štirih sestrah March, ki spoznavajo ljubezen, življenje in tragedijo, medtem ko same z materjo odraščajo v času po ameriški državljanski vojni. Sestre upodobijo zvezdnice Saoirse Ronan, Emma Watson, Florence Pugh, Eliza Scanlen, njihovega soseda iz premožne družine in prijatelja Laurieja igra mladi Timothee Chalamet, mamo Marmee upodobi slavna Laura Dern, ljubljeno teto March pa trikratna dobitnica oskarja Meryl Streep.

A story set in the 90s and in the outskirts of Rome to Ostia. A world where money, luxury cars, night clubs, cocaine and synthetic drugs are easy to run. A world in which Vittorio and Cesare, in their early twenties, act in search of their success.

A self-assured businessman murders his employer, the husband of his mistress, which unintentionally provokes an ill-fated chain of events.

In New York, armed men hijack a subway car and demand a ransom for the passengers. Even if it's paid, how could they get away?

A mountain man who wishes to live the life of a hermit becomes the unwilling object of a long vendetta by Indians when he proves to be the match of their warriors in one-to-one combat on the early frontier.

A fictionalized account of the first major successful sexual harassment case in the United States -- Jenson vs. Eveleth Mines, where a woman who endured a range of abuse while working as a miner filed and won the landmark 1984 lawsuit.

Four short films by four different directors dealing with the principles of modern life.

One evening, Hammer gives a ride to Christina, an attractive hitchhiker on a lonely country road, who has escaped from the nearby lunatic asylum. Thugs waylay them and force his car to crash. When Hammer returns to semi-consciousness, he hears Christina being tortured until she dies. Hammer, both for vengeance and in hopes that "something big" is behind it all, decides to pursue the case.

In Justine’s family everyone is a vet and a vegetarian. At 16, she’s a gifted teen ready to take on her first year in vet school, where her older sister also studies. There, she gets no time to settle: hazing starts right away. Justine is forced to eat raw meat for the first time in her life. Unexpected consequences emerge as her true self begins to form.

John Russell, disdained by his "respectable" fellow stagecoach passengers because he was raised by Indians, becomes their only hope for survival when they are set upon by outlaws.

A New York sculptor who opens a wax museum to showcase the likenesses of famous historical figures runs into trouble with his business partner, who demands that the exhibits become more extreme in order to increase profits.

A group of POWs in a German prison camp during World War II play the German National Soccer Team in this powerful film depicting the role of prisoners during wartime.

Holden and Banky are comic book artists. Everything is going good for them until they meet Alyssa, also a comic book artist. Holden falls for her, but his hopes are crushed when he finds out she's a lesbian.

A burned-out British police detective finally snaps while interrogating a suspected child molester.

A boy haunted by nightmares about the night his entire family was murdered is brought up by a neighboring family in the 1880s. He falls for his lovely adoptive sister but his nasty adoptive brother and mysterious uncle want him dead.

Working as an assistant on a long cattle drive, the young Ben Mockridge contends between his dream of being a cowboy and the harsh truth of the Old West.

In an old fort dedicated to the service of change of chivalry, show up three hired murderers and warn Lohman, the manager, who is about to get a stagecoach traveling in the former judge who unjustly condemned to five years in prison , and of course the husband murderer now promised the judge, Ruth, indicating further that brings a suitcase with many dollars. However, Lohman rejects the suggestion of the bandits. But when the judge and his girlfriend, the fort was attacked by Indians.

Go Tell the Spartans is a 1978 American war film based on Daniel Ford's 1967 novel "Incident at Muc Wa." It tells the story about U.S. Army military advisers during the early part of the Vietnam War. Led my Major Asa Barker, these advisers and their South Vietnamese counterparts defend the village of Muc Wa against multiple attacks by Viet-Cong guerrillas.

A notorious bank robber kills his wife and flees the police, only to be captured by a mysterious group of figures in an abandoned town. His beautiful daughter, Lila Lee, receives a letter stating that her father is near death and that he needs to see her. Sneaking away at night from her minister guardian, Lila embarks on a terrifying journey...