"Once Upon a Midnight Scary" is a 1979 television program that aired as part of a CBS television anthology series. The program, hosted by noted actor Vincent Price, features scenes from three stories, including "The Ghost Belonged to Me" by Richard Peck, "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" by Washington Irving, and "The House with a Clock in Its Walls" by John Bellairs.

Outskirts of Moscow. A girl comes to an unfamiliar apartment to look after a dog. After a while, she realizes that the owner of the apartment has disappeared. She finds herself into a series of people that have been taking care of the dog for years in that same apartment, creating a weird community around this strange absence of the owner.

Ústrednými postavami je tentokrát rodina Škopkovcov a ich problémy s pripravovanou svadbou dcéry Blaženy s Vencom Konopníkom. Všetko sa totiž skomplikuje v okamihu, keď jej ohrdnutá, závistlivá sokyňa Miluna robí všetko preto, aby svadbu prekazila. Využije napríklad situáciu okolo Béďovej nemanželskej dcéry s niekdajšou inštruktorkou autoškoly Gabinou a potvrdí jeho klamstvo o tom, že dieťa je Vencove. Všeobecný zmätok, vyvolaný nezmieriteľným bojom medzi rodinou Škopkovcov a Konopníkovcov ešte zosilnie, keď príde správa, že televízia chystá reportáž z miestneho JZD. To sa už celkom naplno rozkrúca príbeh plný gagov, slovnej i situačnej komiky...

A love story between a worker and an architecture student from a well to do family that has to overcome prejudice.

Joan, a sullen old peasant tired of being robbed, decides to join the peasant patrol that watches over the fields. His son Pepe, who has just returned from the city, accompanies him. During the nightly patrol Joan and Pepe come across a thief.

Christel Wyttová odchádza z rodného mesta Alexander Valley do San Francisca a cestou rozpráva o tom, čo predchádzalo tomuto zásadnému životnému kroku. Na svadbe svojej staršej sestry Becky sa stredoškoláčka Christel zoznámi so Spencerom Hillom, bývalým veliteľom svojho švagra Toma vo Vietname, ktorý neskôr získal právnický titul. Na prvý pohľad medzi nimi preskočí iskra sympatií. Christel na Spencera deň čo deň romanticky myslí a Spencer na ňu tiež, ale nezdá sa mu reálne spájať svoju budúcnosť s takým mladým dievčaťom. O rok neskôr sa na pár okamihov stretnú na krstinách Beckinho syna a potom ich život opäť rozdelí. Spencer sa ponáhľa do New Yorku, aby pomohol s prípravami na primárky senátora Kennedyho, a Christel sa zdá byť predurčená zostať na rodinnom ranči, hoci sníva o kariére speváčky. Po smrti Teda Wythea, ktorý držal ochrannú ruku nad svojou mladšou dcérou, Tom znásilní Christel...

Tao, a tomboyish university student who supports her studies by writing for her uncle's racy pulp pornographic magazine Sayew, despite the fact that she has never had sex herself. The magazine is struggling financially, so Tao's uncle, Dr. Porn, tells her she needs to spice up her stories or else be sacked.

Vijay Khanna is a law graduate-cum-tabloid editor he falls in love with Princess Sunita, while general election are underway. Vijay becomes a murder accused of a political leader. Gradually the couple tries to expose a criminal-politician nexus. (From wikipedia)

As the silhouette of a lonely girl runs through the woods, something in the shadows is lurking her.

Dev Kumar Verma comes from a middle-class family and must find employment to support his dad and mom. Dev, however, has set his mind upon becoming a music sensation like Elvis Presley. He loses his job because of this, and refuses to work until and unless he gets a job to his liking, much to the dismay of his parents and his brother, Shiv Kumar. Dev does get employment at Charlie's Disco, where he meets with Maya and falls in love with her. When Charlie's Disco's competitor, Rana, finds out about Dev, he wants to hire Dev, but Dev decides to continue to work with Charlie's Disco, as a result Dev and Charlie get a beating by Rana's men, and Dev is unable to sing. After recuperating, Dev is devastated to find out that Maya and Shiv Kumar are in love with each other. What impact will this have on Dev and his brother on one hand, and what of his career in music?

The boys buy mama a new hat for Mother's Day, but on the way home fall in the mud and ruin it. They swap the bad hat with one that a nearby horse is wearing and head home.

"Renee" tells the story of Renee Richards' battle to enter the 1977 U.S. Open as the first transgender tennis player. Simultaneously, it follows her today as she struggles to cope with a life of contradictions and personal conflict. Through interviews with tennis legends, family, friends and experts from the transgender field, a story of perseverance, breakthrough and hardship unfolds.

According to the story of the same name by Aleksandr Avdeenko. The end of the 50s. Transcarpathia. Two saboteurs cross the border near Tissa. One dies during detention, and the second, under the guise of a front-line soldier Ivan Belograi, appears at the state farm and begins to look after Theresa, whom he met by correspondence. Frontier guard Andrei Smolyarchuk, in love with Theresa, is the first to suspect a spy and is trying to find out what his purpose is...

Bobby Hattaway (Lou Diamond Phillips), an honored soldier, returns home after the American Civil War to find his father's (Stacy Keach) formerly prosperous ranch now dangerously in debt to the town's ruthless leader, and Bobby's childhood friend, Stu Croker (Vincent Spano). Bobby will now face off against his former friend to take control from Stu.

It's party time in Greendale! Everyone in Greendale is helping to arrange a surprise party for a special someone's birthday... Postman Pat! The preparations are underway with kids, adults and even Ted's machines helping out. But all the while Pat thinks friends and family have forgotten his special day. Will everything go to plan and be ready in time for the big surprise? Five more episodes of animated fun with Postman Pat are: 'Postman Pat's Great Big Party', 'Postman Pat the Magician', 'Postman Pat and the Surprise Present', 'Postman Pat and the Flying Post' and 'Postman Pat and the Pot Luck Picnic'.

On 14 June 2007 Beppe Grillo launched the idea of Vaffanculo Day (Fuck-off Day), or simply V-Day, a day of public mobilization for the collection of signatures required to submit a law of popular initiative that seeks to introduce preferences in the current electoral law and to prevent the nomination as Parliamentary candidates of recipients of criminal convictions or of those who have already completed two terms in office. The meeting was held in Bologna. The choice of the name of the event, V-Day, had a threefold reference: the first to the landing operation (D-Day) of the Allies in Normandy during World War II, to symbolize how Italian citizens would "invade" bad policy; the second to the motion picture "V for Vendetta" (whose symbol is also referred to in the logo of the movement) which the movement refers to often with its principles of political renewal; the third to the interjection "Fuck you" given to bad policy.

Sarah Kamya is a school counselor in New York City. She began the project Little Diverse Libraries on June 3rd and has already raised over $13,000, supported black owned bookstores, and has distributed 775 books to Little Free Libraries across all 50 states. Sarah is helping educate communities while most importantly amplifying and empowering black voices.