On his journey towards becoming a film director, Cole discovers an insight that flips his perspective on his way of living.

A seemingly unremarkable man spends a day taking a bizarre test at a mysterious facility. Through his day he interacts with the odd, detached employees of the facility, guiding him from section to section, obscuring the intentions or duration of the test.

A guy locked in a room with no way out. He does not remember anything about himself, his fate is uncertain, but, the most important thing is the reason why this is happening.

With the Swedish police on his tail the Ghost Rider takes to the streets for another insane mission. Reaching speeds of at 200mph, the authorities have little hope of catching him. Over three hours of pure adrenaline!

Zeitgeist: Addendum premiered at the 5th Annual Artivist Film Festival. Director Peter Joseph stated: "The failure of our world to resolve the issues of war, poverty, and corruption, rests within a gross ignorance about what guides human behavior to begin with. It address the true source of the instability in our society, while offering the only fundamental, long-term solution."

Carmen is a gypsy teenager, destined to live a life that is repeated every generation: getting married and raising as many children as possible. But one day she meets Lola, an uncommon gypsy who dreams about going to university, does graffiti and is very different. Carmen quickly develops a complicity with Lola and discovers a world that, inevitably, leads them to be rejected by their families.

The Rizzos, a family who doesn't share their habits, aspirations, and careers with one another, find their delicate web of lies disturbed by the arrival of a young ex-con brought home by Vince, the patriarch of the family, who is a corrections officer in real life, and a hopeful actor in private.

Sinia tries to help the kids next door, but when their mother becomes a true danger, she does nothing. Stricken by guilt, she decides to check on the kids, and what she discovers pushes her over the edge into a chilling reality.

After being discredited as a coward, a 19th century seaman lives for only one purpose: to redeem himself. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in partnership with Sony Pictures Entertainment in 2000.

In 1957, Dorothy and Edmund Yates were committed to an institution for the criminally insane, she for acts of murder and cannibalism and he for covering up her crimes. Fifteen years later, they are pronounced fit for society and released. However, in Dorothy's case the doctors may have jumped the gun a bit. Edmund and eldest daughter, Jackie, try to discover just how far Mother's bloodlust has taken her. Meanwhile, youngest daughter Debbie begins to explore the crazy roots of her family tree as fully as possible.

400 godina treninga pretvorit će Ameriku u borilački poligon za najspremnije, kada se s lanca otpusti osveta ninje! Nakon što mu u Japanu suparničke ninje pobiju cijelu obitelj, Cho Osaki (Shô Kosugi), sa sinom Kaneom (Kane Kosugi) stiže u Ameriku kako bi u njoj počeo nov život. Otvara trgovinu lutkama koja počinje veoma dobro poslovati, ali ubrzo saznaje kako njegov partner koristi lutke za krijumčarenje heroina. Želeći tome stati na kraj, Cho mu se suprotstavi, no tako nastaje velik sukob, u kojem bi mogli nastradati i nevini. Cho neće dopustiti da mu se takvo što ponovno dogodi.

Brent Weinbach is weird. In this show, Brent attempts to adjust his quirky personality so that he can fit in with the world around him, which would be valuable to his career as a comedian and entertainer. Through an absurd and abstract discourse, Brent explores the ways in which he can appeal to a broader, mainstream audience, so that ultimately, he can become successful in show business.

Izolirani sanatorij duboko u divljini Zapadne Virginije napušten je nakon što incestuozna seljačka obitelj kanibala pobjegne i osveti se svojim tamničarima. Desetljećima poslije skupina studenata potraži zaklon u sada napuštenoj bolnici nakon što im mećava pokvari planove za zimski vikend u prirodi. Ali kada studenti susretnu najopasnije bivše pacijente odjela, jedini im je izbor da uzvrate udarac… Ili umru pri tom pokušaju!

Based on the true story of Louis "Red" Deutsch. A New Jersey bar-owner is plagued with prank phone calls that prompt him to flip into psychotic, profanity-laden rages.

A married doctor lands in trouble when his flirtatious ways lead a woman to fall for him.

When Max (Eric Stoltz), urged on by "Risk Management," a self-help book for the hapless, decides to approach his fellow ferry-commuter Rory (Susanna Thompson), he hopes simply saying hello might change his life for the better. But Rory only accepts contact by contract. Max finds he can play along. As the two negotiate a whirlwind relationship on paper, Rory slowly lets down her guard; but when her unresolved personal life intervenes in the form of Donald (Kevin Tighe), Max must manage a little more risk than he bargained on.

After surviving the incidents in Barrow, Alaska, Stella Olemaun relocates to Los Angeles, where she intentionally attracts the attention of the local vampire population in order to avenge the death of her husband, Eben.

A dramatic thriller about a couple who own an advertising agency. The husband apparently commits suicide, but the police and the insurance company decide to investigate his death.