After discovery of skeletal remains at an excavation site, a woman known to be deceased for over 2 centuries mysteriously re-surfaces to claim her lover.

A story about a stubborn and fearless tree, which despite harsh conditions, moves forward and reaches the place it wants, becoming the root of a new forest.

A satire on inflation-hit middle-class Indian family from a small city in North India. The story revolves around our protagonist who is struggling to survive in this spiraling inflation and how he comes up with a solution to battle it, only to find himself in an even bigger mess due to their innocence and naivety.

Moscowin Kavery (English: Moscow's Kaveri ) is a 2010 Tamil romantic drama film written and directed by cinematographer Ravi Varman, making his directorial debut, besides handling the cinematography. The film, which has lyrics written by Vairamuthu and music scored by Thaman, stars Rahul Ravindran and Samantha in the lead roles with Harshvardhan, Santhanam and Seeman essaying supporting roles. Releasing on 27 August 2010, after nearly three years of production, the film was ultimately panned by critics.

Young John Anderson is captivated by jazz musician, Billy Cross when he performs on the remote airstrip of his Western Australian outback hometown after his plane is diverted. Years later, now a family man and making a meagre living tracking dingoes and playing trumpet in a local band, John still dreams of joining Billy on trumpet and makes a pilgrimage to Paris.

This made-for-TV bio-pic is about Marilyn Bell, a Canadian teenager who, in 1954, was the first person to swim across Lake Ontario. She won the Toronto Canadian National Exhibition prize after Florence Chadwick, a then-famous American swimmer who was widely expected to win, dropped out in the middle of the race. Half of this heart-warming movie is devoted to the 21 hour swim in which the 16-year old Bell is exhorted by her pushy coach Gus Ryder not to give up.

Surrealist short feature about common tricks of uncle Pepin and the young Bohumil Hrabal.

Dei bravi borghesi danno involontariamente vita a un droga-party, durante il quale la padrona di casa viene stuprata senza riconoscere l'aggressore. Sia lei che il marito entrano in crisi e cercano di capire chi possa essere stato. La verità viene a galla lentamente, ed è inaspettata.

A religious procession during the Holy Week in Seville, Spain.

Frank Hopper is a former lawyer, long-term loser and constant dreamer - and frankly, probably just not all that bright. When he receives a credit card in the mail, he believes he's hit the jackpot. It's not long before he's working his way toward financing his dream - an all-woman hockey team. He's also put himself in debt to the tune of more than $300,000. Naturally, he winds up in court when his plan backfires

La storia di Gendun Choephel (1903-51), un monaco tibetano ribelle che si trasferisce in India come un vagabondo e torna in Tibet come uno straniero. Gendun Choephel viene arrestato dal governo tibetano per le sue idee politiche, accusato di ribellione e messo in prigione. Muore da uomo distrutto nel 1951. Il film segue le tracce lasciate dal monaco ribelle in Tibet e in India. Attraverso conversazioni con vecchi testimoni contemporanei e giovani tibetani, il film sviluppa un'emozionante contro-immagine del Tibet mistificato.

A land spirit who fall in love with a mountain spirit on a hot day.

The film explores the idea of the moral dilemma a defence lawyer faces in his profession when all his values and truths are questioned, his life’s facts are brought into question and his entire psyche comes crashing down.

Un giovane studente, Nathan, non riesce a superare un trauma spaventoso che ha stravolto la sua infanzia: da piccolo ha assistito al brutale omicidio di sua madre per mano del serial killer noto come The Sandman, un uomo dal volto mascherato che uccide le proprie vittime con un cucchiaio da melone e strappa loro gli occhi come trofeo. Nathan uccide il killer in quell’occasione e l’incubo sembra finito. Ma non è così, anni dopo una giovane donna che vive poco distante da lui viene uccisa da un uomo mascherato…e l’incubo ricomincia!