Im November 2020 verstirbt Diego Maradona kurz nach seinem 60. Geburtstag in Buenos Aires offiziell an Herzversagen. Die umfassenden Recherchen des Investigativ-Teams um Reporter Felix Hutt rücken ein halbes Jahr nach seinem Tod einen schwerwiegenden Verdacht in den Mittelpunkt: Ist Maradona umgebracht worden? Die Dokumentation „War es Mord? Die geheime Todesakte Maradona!“ enthüllt die wahren Umstände für den Tod der Fußball-Legende.

A girl lives a traumatic experience due to drugs, her friend's words are the breath that makes her float again

"Micro Cosmos" is an non-narrative experimental documentary film that records 100 collages produced by Makino in 2021 in chronological order.

Am 21. August 1940, nach elf Jahren im Exil, wurde Leo Trotzki, einer der wichtigsten Akteure der russischen Revolution, in Mexiko-Stadt von dem spanischen Kommunisten Ramón Mercader ermordet. Die Doku zeigt parallel Trotzkis Leben im Exil und die Vorbereitungen seines Mörders, der 1937 vom sowjetischen Geheimdienst angeworben wurde, um Trotzki zu ermorden.

Paul Shartis's Ray Gun Virus (1966) is a transfixing, must-see-in-person “flicker” film that distills the cinematic experience to projected light and color patterns, allowing “the viewer to become aware of the electrical-chemical functioning of his own nervous system.”

Root of the Problem is an inspirational family drama. Sometimes it takes life's darkest moment to bring you to the brightest light.

A young man returns home for the weekend to discover the difficulty of juggling friends, parents, magic mushrooms and several thousand chickens.

Kazuo Murata is a detective who has lost his wife and eventually the meaning of his existence.

On a summer day, a man, his daughter and his companion arrive at their country house to spend the weekend. The daughter has just moved in with her father, whose attention she desires. The man is tired of his life, and does not know where to find the strength to carry on living. The woman, a violinist, is confused in her priorities - music, love or career. Despite the fact that the man and the woman love each other, their tense relationship is on the brink of collapse.

A film about a relationship that wasn't meant to be.

Max and his wife of three years are happy in most regards but one: they still don't have a child. When Max reads of a new method of "spontaneous generation" in the paper, it seems his fondest wish may have come true. However, the young couple may get more than they bargained for.

As Mansour and Harby meet in the same prison cell, unresolved conflicts gradually ensue between the two as each tries to stand his ground, quite literally.

Drei Schwedinnen sind auf einem Internat und vom Unterricht ein bisschen gelangweilt und aus diesem Grunde fahren sie nach Hamburg, um hier ein paar Abenteuer zu erleben. Lil versucht ihren Lehrer, der bei seiner Freundin weilt, herumzukriegen und die anderen vergnügen sich im Rotlichtbezirk der Stadt. Übernachten möchte man bei der Schwester, einer der Schwedinnen, die dort angeblich als Sekretärin arbeitet. Schon bald endet alles in turbulenten Verwicklungen...

Samba (Bakary Sangare) has returned unannounced to his home village, bringing with him a suitcase full of money. Despite his protests that this is money that he earned in the city, the villagers have their doubts. In fact, he held up a gas station and unintentionally killed its attendant, and is in hiding here. Meanwhile, he has married a woman (Mariam Kaba) with a child who left her husband and built a house for her. He is building a bar with his remaining money, but he encounters a situation which makes him believe that he will be exposed to the police, and runs away, leaving a pregnant, very ill wife behind, much to the disgust of the villagers and Samba's own family.

A couple of morticians entertain themselves by betting on how many cold customers will come in that day. But one of the corpses refuses to cooperate...

Nach dem Tod des römischen Kaisers Caligula, wird Claudius zum neuen Herrscher ernannt. An der Seite des altersschwachen Mannes steht Messalina, deren Schönheit nur durch ihre Grausamkeit und Verschlagenheit übertroffen wird. Hinter dem Rücken ihres Ehemanns spinnt sie ihre Intrigen und zieht die Macht im römischen Reich mehr und mehr an sich. Messalinas Geliebter, der aufrichtige Legionär Lucius Maximus, ist ihrer Schönheit willenlos verfallen. Er verrät den Kaiser und seine Freunde, denn zu spät erkennt er ihr wahres Gesicht.

Two brothers who want to get a share from the sale of their father's home spend the night looking for him. But the siblings must first face the trust issues between them before they get to him.