A young woman with a miserable life receives a magical book that gives her the power to make every man she encounters fall for her.

Romantic Comedy about two girls who find love in the most unexpected places in modern-day Mexico City.

Awkward, isolated and disapproving of most of the people around her, a precocious 19-year-old genius is challenged to put her convictions to the test by venturing out on to the NYC dating scene.

Bruceuilis, a policeman from the countryside, is assigned to rescue Celestina, a goat considered heritage of his small city, and travels to São Paulo. There, he meets police clerk Trindade, who decides to venture out into the field, even though it is not his specialty.

An estranged family gathers together in New York for an event celebrating the artistic work of their father.

Deväťročný Louis Drax zažil za svoj krátky život už osemkrát stretnutie so smrťou. Každý rok ho stretla hrozná, takmer fatálna nehoda. Prežil otravu, zásah elektrickým prúdom, ťažké zlomeniny, skoro zmrzol a utopil sa. Počas oslavy deviatych narodenín, so svojou matkou Natalie a otcom Petrom, utrpí chlapec svoju najťažšiu nehodu. Spadne z okraja vysokého útesu do ľadovej vody. Zomrie pri prevoze do nemocnice. Po dvoch hodinách v márnici však Louis začne znovu dýchať. Z nejakého nevysvetliteľného dôvodu opäť nezomrel. Jeho prípadu sa ujíma slávny detský neurológ, doktor Allan Pascal, ktorý chce odhaliť pravdu o jeho bizarnom živote, schopnostiach prežitia a podivných okolnostiach jeho smrteľnej nehody.

Niekde v hlbinách južného Pacifiku je niečo neznáme, neuveriteľné a veľmi tajomné. Svet však nie je pripravený na novú moc. Psychológ Dr. Norman Goodman, biochemička Beth Halperinová, matematik Harry Adams a veliteľ Barnes sa vydávajú na nebezpečnú podmorskú misiu, aby preskúmali záhadnú guľu. Aké tajomstvo v sebe ukrýva?

Giacomo is a 40-year-old man who works for a big company in Milan. To avoid working on weekends, he lies about having a girlfriend whose character he creates based upon a girl he sees every morning.

It's Pete's birthday and the old gang from college are throwing him a party out in the country. During what’s meant to be a joyful weekend reunion, Pete finds himself increasingly unnerved by his friends inside jokes and snarky comments. Is he being paranoid or is he the butt of some elaborate joke?

A young affluent couple expecting their first child hits it off with the new couple that moves in downstairs, until a dinner party between them ends in a shocking accident.

Ruby Bakerovej zahynuli rodičia pri autonehode. Ona a jej mladší brat sa presťahujú do extravagantného skleneného sídla Glassovcov v Malibu. Atmosféra je napätá, Ruby si len ťažko zvyká na nové prostredie, malý naivný Rhett je naopak oslnený drahými darčekmi, ktorými ho Glassovci zahŕňajú. Skoro sa ale začne ukazovať, že Glassovci nie sú takými milujúcimi adoptívnymi rodičmi, ako sa mohlo na prvý pohľad zdať. Ruby sa prostredníctvom právnika dozvie, že po smrti rodičov získala vďaka poistke niekoľko miliónov dolárov. Bola smrť rodičov skutočne len nešťastná autonehoda?

A father, who calls himself "open" and tolerant and fights against any form of discrimination, reveals himself as not so liberal when his son announces the engagement to his partner. Overwhelmed by the news, he regresses into the most fierce opponent of same-sex marriage, and tries to undermine his son's happiness with a series of embarrassing situations.

Zenon Kar is 15 and lives on a space station which the military has taken over and is dismantling. She receives a mysterious signal and must convince everyone that it's from aliens who have come to help them.

A young man seeking a father he has never met, through no fault of his own, ends up barricaded in a liquor store with five other people on Christmas Eve in the fictitious town of El Camino, NV.

Ben Cronin has it all: the admiration of his many friends, a terrific girlfriend, and he's on the fast-track to an athletic scholarship. Ben's rock-solid, promising future and romance are turned upside-down with the arrival of Madison Bell. Madison, the new girl in town, quickly sets her sights on the impressionable Ben. While their first few meetings are innocent enough, the obsessive and seductive Madison wants more ... much more.

Two co-dependent sisters, a recovering sex addict and a lonely lesbian who work as hotel maids in Fresno, go to ludicrous lengths to cover up an accidental crime.

40-year-old foreman Vital is chosen by Alix (25) as a guinea pig in the anonymous study she is carrying out in her father's factory. The boss's daughter soon finds herself falling under the spell of this reserved, enigmatic worker as he begins to open up to her, revealing his dreams of another life.

30 years ago, when members of a religious cult known as Heaven's Veil take their own lives. The truth behind what really happened remains buried deep in the memory of the sole survivor, a five-year-old girl. Now as an adult she returns to the compound with a documentary crew. They soon discover something that is far more terrifying than anything they could have imagined.

Ako dieťa vyrastal David Leary v Minnesote, v meste Hastings. Bol to malý a bojazlivý chlapec, pre ktorého bol každý deň utrpením. Jeho smrteľnú úzkosť spoľahlivo a dôsledne vyvolával školský bitkár a výtržník Roscoe Bigger, prezývaný Fang. Na nič iné sa Fang toľko netešil ako na Davida a na to, ako mu z každého dňa urobí zo života peklo fyzickým aj psychickým mučením. Jedného dňa Fang ukradol počas návštevy múzea mesačný kameň a Dávid ho prezradil a vyslal ho tak na expresnú cestu do polepšovne. Krátko na to sa potom Dávid s rodičmi odsťahovali do Kalifornie. O dvadsať rokov neskôr sa David ako úspešný spisovateľ do rodného mesta vrátil, aby tu na pozvanie školy, do ktorej chodil ako chlapec, učil angličtinu. Prekvapený David sa tu stretne so svojou detskou láskou Victoriou, ktorá na škole tiež učí. Lenže Dávidovo šťastie netrvá dlho. Teda len do okamihu, keď sa stretne s učiteľom školských dielní, ktorým nie je nikto iný ako Roscoe.

After a young girl is accidently infected with an alien substance known as "Deep Red", the astonishing results attract the attention of the illustrious scientist Dr. Newmeyer. Disillusioned security expert Joe Keyes must team up with his estranged wife to protect the girl and her mother from the obsessed scientist who will stop at nothing to get what he wants.