Dickey Betts - Ramblin' Man Live at the St. George Theatre CD and Blu-Ray concert featuring songs spanning his legendary career.

T省机械总公司一分厂原是个年亏损四十万元的企业,1983 年,程戈与总公司签订了承包一分厂的合同,期限两年。他上任后,大刀阔斧进行改革,使工厂在五个月内就盈利二百万元,但到84年春,厂长程戈却向法院提起诉状,告总公司党委以权代法。法院受理此案后,经济审判庭庭长郭刚动承担了审理任务。而总公司党委得知程戈已上告法院,十分震惊纷纷出面要程戈撤回起诉,但遭到程戈的拒绝。这个案件表现简单,但牵扯到很多方面, 特别是被程戈开除的五名职工中,有一名是省委第一书记的小舅子。法院院长特别在开庭前告诫已被市委内定为下任法院院长的郭刚慎重行事,但郭刚则决心以法律为准绳审理此案。后法庭经多次调查,公开审理此案件,并判程戈胜诉。但到1985年秋,程戈在合同一到期后就被免去厂长职务,郭刚则被调到郊区法院“锻炼”。


A German scientist murders his fiancée during World War II when he learns that she has been selling the results of his secret research to the enemy.

In 1983, in France experiencing intolerance and racial violence , three young teens and the priest Minguettes launching a largely peaceful march for equality and against racism, over 1,000 km between Marseille and Paris . Despite the difficulties and resistance encountered, their movement will bring about a real boost of hope in the way of Gandhi and Martin Luther King. They unite with their arrival more than 100 000 people from all walks of life and give France its new face.

A story of an unfortunate groom whose dream of getting married remains distant for long which makes him become a detective with specialization in weddings.

The fate of Jayakrishnan's (Jayaram) life depends on a TV game show. During the show the host pries into Jayakrishnan's past.

  马来西亚华人移民阿水(李添兴)独自带着儿子马里欧(黄子江)与马里亚(林明椳)在吉隆坡辛苦讨生活。虽是一家塑料人体模特租售公司的老板,但他手下打工仔只有一名,每日都要为赚钱忙到很晚,无暇照料两个儿子。而因为身旁没有妻子,他每日神情亦是略显冷漠。马里欧与马里亚因常做“出格事”不讨老师喜欢,加上只会讲华语,他们在学校里也没什么玩伴。   但课毕归家路途,兄弟俩时而嬉戏打闹时而在某个地点呆上若干时间,自有专属他们的快乐,也正是在路上,他们和女孩Ayu(Amira Nasuha)成了朋友,并通过Ayu妈妈感受到母爱的温暖,可惜因为闹不清妈妈是去世还是在世但离开了他们,兄弟俩不知该在母亲节时往口袋里放一束什么颜色的花(在马来西亚等国家,若母亲在世,子女会在母亲节时往口袋里放朵红花,反之白花)。   某次归家路上,兄弟俩拾得一条流浪狗,并将之视作珍宝,但珍宝给他们带来了意外麻烦,爸爸被请进了学校,但其后一件突发事亦令阿水开始检讨自己对儿子及生活的态度。

After a violent incident, Martha Müller is disillusioned with the teaching profession and decides that she does not want to get involved so much as a teacher. At her new school in Vienna, however, she is immediately confronted with a problem Ilayda. The 17-year-old Turkish student lives in Vienna with her very well integrated family. But she decided to wear a headscarf after her father's death. However, this distinguishes her more and more from her class.

When Fred suspects that his new music teacher is a vampire, he and his friend Bertha set out to save the town from this garlic-hating fiend.

Ricky Bell, an all-pro running back with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, who died of a rare muscle disease in the prime of his career. The plot centers on Bell's relationship with a father-less handicapped boy, and his efforts to be a big brother to him. The boy ends up being an inspiration for Bell when his disease makes the athlete more afflicted than the boy.

This is the day Bobby will finally change, but what he must go through tests his sanity, anxiety, stress, work life, and relationships.

Arturo and Paco arrives at a castle where Paco is going to marry Sulfurina, who turns out to be a witch.

Do you ever get that eerie feeling that someone is standing behind you. They say that if you can feel it, then it is definitely present. The next time you feel the creeps, please do not look back. You might see it.

Blowfly Park is a psychological thriller which follows Christian Kretschmann, a day-nursery teacher, who may have committed a violent murder. This is the film debut of choreographer Jens Östberg.

A day in the life of a seemingly confident young man, as he prepares for a date that takes a turn.

Naneek is an award-winning short documentary (2015) that captures the journey of Tim "Naneek" Keenan as he meets with former enemies, revisits the battleground of Dak To, and confronts a past he’s been unable to overcome. He feared his return to Vietnam for over 40 years. Until Now.