A film where anything can happen - the hero and the heroine changes their faces, age, look, names, and so on. The only same thing: The love between man and woman... in an archetypical love story cut from 500 classics from all around the world.

Potem ko CIA ukine elitno organizacijo, morajo agent Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) in njegova ekipa v bitki s časom preprečiti vzpon nove globalne grožnje, Sindikata – nevarnega omrežja izdajalskih odpadniških agentov.

When a hilariously dull policeman moves in with his best buddy in Munich, he has to deal with scandals, a corpse — and potential marriage.

While dealing with a burnt-down house, smelly diapers and brutal lack of sleep, a Lower Bavarian police officer faces his worst adversary: cholesterol.

A dicey murder investigation. A fuming best friend. A chaotic living situation. Village police officer Franz Eberhofer has a lot on his plate right now.

An award-winning cynical journalist, Lloyd Vogel, begrudgingly accepts an assignment to write an Esquire profile piece on the beloved television icon Fred Rogers. After his encounter with Rogers, Vogel's perspective on life is transformed.

As he tries to win back his ex-girlfriend, a lethargic Lower Bavarian police officer gets sidetracked by a panicky boss and an escaped psychopath.

A couple's relationship is tested when uninvited guests arrive at their home, disrupting their tranquil existence.

Deset let po Dobrodošli v deželi zombijev so naši junaki (ubijalci zombijev) ponovno združili moči v novem filmu, ki se v humorističnem kaosu odvija od Bele hiše vse do notranjosti ZDA, kjer se bodo spopadali z novimi vrstami stvorov, ki so se razvili od prvega filma, pa tudi z nekaterimi preživelimi ljudmi. Predvsem pa se bodo morali spopasti z glavoboli, ki jih bo povzročalo pikro vzdušje znotraj novonastale družine.

A love connection clicks for Lila when she moves back to Berlin and meets Christopher -- never realizing that she's fallen for a rock star who's signed a contract to remain single for life.

After the forcible transfer to his Bavarian home village, an ex-criminal cop investigates the death of a school principal who he thinks had lots to hide.

Using massive piloted robots to combat the alien threat, earth's survivors take the fight to the invading alien force lurking in the depths of the Pacific Ocean. Nearly defenseless in the face of the relentless enemy, the forces of mankind have no choice but to turn to two unlikely heroes who now stand as earth's final hope against the mounting apocalypse.

In the ravaged near-future, a savage motorcycle gang rules the road. Terrorizing innocent civilians while tearing up the streets, the ruthless gang laughs in the face of a police force hell-bent on stopping them.

A comedy/drama set in a village and centered on a battle of the sexes, where women threaten to withhold sexual favours as long as the men refuse to install a water pipe.

Potem ko je pred sedmimi leti izgubil ženo, se ekscentrični doktor John Dolittle, slavni zdravnik in veterinar kraljice Viktorije Britanske, umakne pred svetom za visoke zidove graščine Dolittle, družbo pa mu delajo le eksotične živali. Ko pa mlada kraljica hudo zboli, se mora Dolittle, čeprav nerad, odpraviti na epsko pustolovščino na mitičen otok, da bi našel zdravilo, pri tem pa si povrne duhovitost in pogum, ko naleti na stare nasprotnike in odkrije čudežna bitja.

Iconic snowboarder Travis Rice and friends embark on a multi-year mission to follow the North Pacific Gyre's flow. As Rice and the crew experience the highs and lows of a journey unlike any previously attempted, cutting-edge cinematography captures some of the world's most remote environments bringing breathtaking scenery and thrilling action to viewers worldwide.

Taking his kids to school with the car, Berlin real estate developer Karl gets a call from a blackmailer: If he doesn’t pay up, the car will blow up. A deadly race against time begins.

A parasitic alien soul is injected into the body of Melanie Stryder. Instead of carrying out her race's mission of taking over the Earth, "Wanda" (as she comes to be called) forms a bond with her host and sets out to aid other free humans.

German students compete to enter one of the country's elite schools.

A young tech worker takes a job at a powerful Internet corporation, quickly rises up the company's ranks, and soon finds herself in a perilous situation concerning privacy, surveillance and freedom. She comes to learn that her decisions and actions will determine the future of humanity.