Poslovnež Oh Dae-su se neke noči leta 1988 znajde zaprt v majhni hotelski sobi brez oken in tam ostane petnajst let. Ne ve, kdo ali zakaj mu je naprtil kruto kazen. Kriv je brez krivde. Izdeluje sezname ljudi, ki jih je v življenju prizadel, da bi našel razlog. Njegovi neusmiljeni ugrabitelji ga preživljajo in hranijo s pomirjevali. Družbo mu dela le televizija. Po petnajstih letih samotne agonije je Oh Dae-su vržen v prostost. V žepu ima denar in mobilni telefon, na sebi drago obleko, v sebi pa sovraštvo in en sam cilj: maščevati se neznancu, ki mu je, dozdevno brez razloga, odvzel življenje.

A mentally unstable Vietnam War veteran works as a night-time taxi driver in New York City where the perceived decadence and sleaze feed his urge for violent action.

Brimming with action while incisively examining the nature of truth, "Rashomon" is perhaps the finest film ever to investigate the philosophy of justice. Through an ingenious use of camera and flashbacks, Kurosawa reveals the complexities of human nature as four people recount different versions of the story of a man's murder and the rape of his wife.

Zgodba spremlja ameriškega znanstvenika J. Roberta Oppenheimerja in njegovo vlogo pri razvoju atomske bombe. Znanstvenika Oppenheimerja je upodobil Cillian Murphy, njegovo ženo Katherine »Kitty« Oppenheimer, ki je biologinja in botaničarka, pa igralka Emily Blunt. Oskarjevec Matt Damon je upodobil generala Leslieja Grovesa ml., direktorja projekta Manhattan, igralec Robert Downey Jr. pa je ustanovni komisar ameriške komisije za jedrsko energijo Lewis Strauss.

V zgodbi o človeškem pohlepu in nasilju spoznamo običajnega možaka Mossa, ki med lovom po pustinjah ameriškega juga odkrije kopico trupel, ob njih pa poln kovček denarja, ki si ga prisvoji. Toda v kovčku je skrita sledilna naprava in kmalu mu prične za ovratnik dihati hladnokrvni morilec Chigurh, ki ljubi ubijanje in psihološko mučenje svojih žrtev. V dogajanje skuša poseči lokalni šerif Ed, toda obilica denarja privabi tudi druge izmečke človeštva, zato smrt grozi na vsakem koraku. Film je od štirih nominacij prejel zlata globusa za najboljši scenarij in najboljšega stranskega igralca.

Zgodba o fantastični preobrazbi mladenke, ki se osvobojena predsodkov svojega časa zavzema za žensko enakost in svobodo. Mlado Bello Baxter k življenju obudi genialni in ekscentrični znanstvenik dr. Godwin Baxter. Toda lačna znanja in izkušenj Bella pobegne na razburljivo medcelinsko pustolovščino z razuzdanim odvetnikom Duncanom Wedderburnom...

As bass guitarist for a garage-rock band, Scott Pilgrim has never had trouble getting a girlfriend; usually, the problem is getting rid of them. But when Ramona Flowers skates into his heart, he finds she has the most troublesome baggage of all: an army of ex-boyfriends who will stop at nothing to eliminate him from her list of suitors.

A martial artist agrees to spy on a reclusive crime lord using his invitation to a tournament there as cover.

A wealthy New York investment banking executive hides his alternate psychopathic ego from his co-workers and friends as he escalates deeper into his illogical, gratuitous fantasies.

Biografska zgodba o angleškem glasbeniku Eltonu Johnu bo zajela njegove začetke od nadarjenega začetnika na londonski Kraljevi glasbeni akademiji ter prikazovala karierno pot do svetovno znanega zvezdnika, ki je skupaj ustvarjal in sodeloval s priznanim tekstopiscem, pesnikom in pevcem Berniejem Taupinom. Skupaj sta sodelovala pri več kot tridesetih albumih, Taupin pa je zanj napisal večino pesmi. Gre za neolepšano rock 'n' roll glasbeno fantazijo.

An ex-thief is accused of enacting a new crime spree, so to clear his name he sets off to catch the new thief, who’s imitating his signature style.

Sakai is a city near Osaka by the bay famous for its swords in the old days and kitchen knives today. Norio is an antique dealer in the city. Sasuke is a potter in the city. Seventeenth century tea master Sen No Rikyu appears before them one day.

Obupani gledališki producent Max Bialystock in kreativni računovodja Leopold Bloom se domislita nenavadne finančne prevare. Če poiščeta veliko investitorjev za odrsko predstavo, ki ne bo pritegnila nobenih gledalcev, nihče ne bo slutil, da predstava prinaša dobiček. Zmago zavohata, ko najdeta scenarij za muzikal, ki nosi naslov »Hitlerjeva pomlad« in poveličuje nacizem. Pri produkciji zaposlita najslabše kadre in maneta roke nad največjo polomijo vseh časov. Njuni načrti gredo po zlu, ko se polomija izkaže za uspešnico!

A floating amorphous life-form descends from the atmosphere to consume carbon in the form of diamonds.

A young man goes missing after visiting his girlfriend's isolated country home. His sister and her boyfriend trace him to the creepy mansion, but their search becomes perilous when they uncover a gruesome family history.

Faced with his own mortality, an ingenious alchemist tried to perfect an invention that would provide him with the key to eternal life. It was called the Cronos device. When he died more than 400 years later, he took the secrets of this remarkable device to the grave with him. Now, an elderly antiques dealer has found the hellish machine hidden in a statue and learns about its incredible powers. The more he uses the device, the younger he becomes...but nothing comes without a price. Life after death is just the beginning as this nerve-shattering thriller unfolds and the fountain of youth turns bloody.

A crack test pilot lands to find the planet has been devastated by unknown forces. There are a few survivors, so he organizes them in a plan to ward off control by a group of killer robots.

A small island community is overrun with creeping, blobbish, tentacled monsters which liquefy and digest the bones from living creatures. The community struggles to fight back.

Mark Gatiss's adaptation of HG Wells's science fiction classic. July 1969, and as the world waits with bated breath for the Apollo astronauts to land on the Moon, a young boy meets 90-year-old Julius Bedford. He's a man with an extraordinary story of how, way back in 1909, he got to the Moon first, and, together with the eccentric Professor Cavor, discovered a terrifying secret deep beneath its seemingly-barren surface.

A lazy, incompetent middle school teacher who hates her job and her students is forced to return to her job to make enough money for a boob job after her rich fiancé dumps her.