"WE ALL PLAY" addresses the reality of the LGBTQIA+ community in sport. In a trip around the world, we will meet outstanding world elite athletes, who will talk, many of them for the first time, about their personal and professional experiences in first person.

Hero's 5: 2006 Lightweight Grand Prix Opening Round was a mixed martial arts event held by the Hero's promotion on May 3, 2006 at the Yoyogi National Gymnasium in Tokyo, Japan. The opening round of the 2006 Lightweight Grand Prix was held at the event. Originally, Gilbert Melendez was scheduled to compete in the Grand Prix but was forced out with a leg injury and replaced by Rani Yahya. Also, Yoshihisa Yamamoto was set to face Wakashoyo at the event but was ordered by doctors not to compete due to a strained back. Kazuhiro Hamanaka took his place instead.

The first rule is that there are no rules. For the bare-knuckle combatants competing in Musangwe fights, anything goes - you can even put a curse on him. The sport, which dates back centuries, has become a South African institution. Any male from the age of nine to ninety can compete. We follow a group of fighters as they slug it out in the ring. Who will be this year's champion?

Μια ταινία για την ταραγμένη και αντισυμβατική ζωή του μεγάλου κινηματογραφιστή.

John tells the story of a young male, a psychiatric hospital patient who witnesses the death of another Black male patient at the hands of white staff. Blurring the boundaries between fact and fiction, this work draws from real life cases of mentally ill Black men who have died as a result of excessive force of the State.

Μία επίθεση από αγνώστους, σε υποβρύχιο που έγινε στην τάφρο των Μαριάννων, η Ένωση Δικαιοσύνης ανακάλυψε ότι ήταν επίθεση από κατοίκους της Αντλαντίδας που για άγνωστο λόγο έκλεψαν και τους πυραύλους του. Η Ένωση Δικαιοσύνης ανακάλυψε επίσης ότι η βασίλισσα της Ατλαντίδος κάλεσε τον γιό της Άρθουρ, που είναι κάτοικος της επιφάνειας της Γης να αναλάβει την εξουσία στην Ατλαντίδα και να γεφυρώσει τους δύο κόσμους εδραιώνοντας την ειρήνη μεταξύ τους. Ο άλλος γιός της όμως, που μένει στην Ατλαντίδα και είναι Ατλάντειος, έχει διαφορετικές απόψεις και δολοφονεί την μητέρα του σφετεριζόμενος τον θρόνο. Αφού ανέβηκε στον θρόνο, μάζεψε τα στρατεύματά του και κινήθηκε για πόλεμο εναντίον του κόσμου της επιφάνειας. Οι δυνάμεις των ηρώων της Γης όπως του Σούπερμαν, του Φλάς, του Σάιμποργκ και όλων όσων απαρτίζουν την Ένωση Δικαιοσύνης είναι ανίσχυρες μπροστά στην δύναμη της μαγικής τρίαινας του βασιλιά της Ατλαντίδος. Αλήθεια, θα μπορέσουν οι ήρωες να νικήσουν αυτήν την ανίκητη δύναμη;

A Fan Made Feature from the Director of 'Bring It On: A Tribute to Broadway' (Christopher D. Robinson) The epic journey of 'Bring It On' The Musical making it's Broadway debut in celebration of it's upcoming Broadway Anniversary month (August 1, 2015)

San Francisco homicide detective Maggie Price and former, world-class chef Henry Ross are on the case once again. The crime-solving odd couple investigates the murder of Henry’s friend, a well-known local chef found dead in his kitchen. As they begin to unravel an old family secret, Maggie has to stay one step ahead of a mysterious man in the shadows who appears to be stalking her, while her blossoming relationship with Henry is threatened by the arrival of an ex-love from Maggie’s past.

Ο νέος κυβερνήτης του Εντερπράιζ και το πλήρωμά του βρίσκονται αντιμέτωποι με έναν σατανικό επιστήμονα που καταστρέφει ολόκληρους γαλαξίες. Ο μόνος που μπορεί να τους βοηθήσει... θεωρείται νεκρός εδώ και εβδομήντα οκτώ χρόνια.

Η ιστορία ενός φιλήσυχου χόμπιτ που παρασύρεται, χωρίς να το θέλει, σε μια τρομερή περιπέτεια. Συνοδευόμενος από τον έναν μάγο και δεκατρείς νάνους, θα πρέπει να βρει έναν θησαυρό που έκλεψε ένας μυθικός δράκος. Διασκευή του ομώνυμου μυθιστορήματος του Τζον Τόλκιν.

Claudio and Helena are on the verge of breaking up, until the couple experiences another strange phenomenon that looks to help them understand one another more.

Known for his unmistakable cascading strings and recordings such as Charmaine, Mantovani enthralled the world with his sublime arrangements. This is the story of the man and his music.

One day the snow left the forest and went to the city. At the same time, his leadership was the Snow Law, which says that if you fall out for the first time, you can get up and walk again, if you fall out a second time, you can also get up and go further. And if you fall out for the third time, then you will remain lying until you turn into a puddle.

A young boy named Melvin and a purple television dinosaur named Ted have happy adventures that lead them into the clutches of Randy the Killer Clown and his Goon Squad.

The very first movie adaptation of J.R.R Tolkien's The Hobbit. Made in just 30 days so that the producer could keep the rights to Tolkien's books.

Everyone knows Pitore in Moorea. Pitore is a sculptor, farmer, fisherman, canoe builder, fare builder, masseur and tattooist. He also makes medicines based on medicinal plants.