Hyde Park Concert Film, July 2009. Blur: Live At Hyde Park is the definitive live Blur concert film. Directed by Giorgio Testi, the film was shot on the 2nd of July 2009 in front of a crowd of 55,000 fans in London's Hyde Park. The gigs were the climax of their hugely successful 2009 comeback tour and saw the band play a 25-song, career spanning set to a rapturous reception from fans. Shot using 18 cameras and featuring stunning HD cinematography, the film lovingly documents Blur's incredible Hyde Park performances. Intro / She's So High / Girls & Boys / Tracy Jacks / There's No Other Way / Jubilee / Badhead / Beetlebum / Out Of Time / Trimm Trabb / Coffee and TV / Tender / Country House / Oily Water / Chemical World / Sunday Sunday / Parklife / End Of Century / To The End / This Is A Low / Popscene / Advert / Song 2 / Death Of A Party / For Tomorrow / The Universal

Four men decided to enter in the oldest Fight Club of the History, The Florentine Football tournament. A father and son, a black guy, an old champion and outsider clerk will enter in an arena of the time to win their fears, to go over their limits, to be heroes for a day.

American Movie is the story of filmmaker Mark Borchardt, his mission, and his dream. Spanning over two years of intense struggle with his film, his family, financial decline, and spiritual crisis, American Movie is a portrayal of ambition, obsession, excess, and one man's quest for the American Dream.

Bilbo Reppulin seikkailut Gandalfin, 12 kääpiön ja heidän johtajansa Thorin Tammikilven kanssa jatkuvat seurueen selvittyä odottamattoman matkansa jännittävästä alusta. Retkikunta jatkaa taivaltaan itää kohti ja tapaa matkan varrella mm. nahanvaihtaja Beornin ja lauman jättiläismäisiä hämähäkkejä. Paettuaan vaarallisten metsähaltioiden kynsistä retkikunta matkaa ensin Järvikaupunkiin ja lopulta Yksinäiselle vuorelle, jossa se joutuu kohtamaan vaaroista kaikkein kauheimman. Lohikäärme Smaug - hirvittävistä olioista hirvittävin - koettelee perinpohjin paitsi matkalaisten rohkeutta myös heidän ystävyytensä rajoja ja saa heidät kyseenalaistamaan koko matkansa järkevyyden.

In 2007, my sister was asked out on her first date. We were in middle school. It all happened on Google Chat. These are the transcripts.

Trilogian loppuosa liikkuu usealla aikatasolla ja Chan Wing Yan'in ja Lau Kin Mingin osuudet rikosvyyhdissä saavat syvempää taustoitusta.

Huippuvaarallinen vanki viruu planeetalta toiselle matkaavia siirtolaisia kuljettavan aluksen sellissä. Alus tekee rajun pakkolaskun pikkuplaneetalle, jota valaisee kolme aurinkoa. Tästä huolimatta yö tulee planeetalle ennen pitkää, ja sen erikoislaatuiset asukkaat nousevat koloistaan. Vanki käyttää samalla tilaisuutta hyväkseen karkaamiseen.

Dane Cook: ISolated INcident is a Comedy Central special which premiered on May 17, 2009 with the CD/DVD release following on May 19. In the special, Cook performs for a crowd of 400 people at the Laugh Factory. The entire special was shot in one take with no edits. He recently started performing the new material live for the Isolated Incident - Globo Thermo Tour 2009, which began on April 25, 2009. Dane Cook released the DVD special that was aired on Comedy Central on November 17, 2009

A boy, as seen through three ages and episodes of his life: as a small boy having a boy cousin as his house guest, as a high-school boy in abject love, and as a young stud trying to bed down a nurse.

Zerihun sleeps with Mahlet, the daughter of the owner of the warehouse Gashe was renting for his carpentry business. Mahlet ends up getting pregnant and her father (Mekonen Leake's character) furious at what Zerihun had done, locks up the warehouse, and refuses to let anyone inside.

The main motive of the film - a tragic love of Lesya Ukrainka to Marxist revolutionary Sergei Merzhinskiy. The film is about the poetess' trip to her beloved, in the literal and metaphorical sense at the same time.

A comedy about breaking up enough times to finally move on. This funny and moving short asks how far will someone go to mend a broken heart as it follows a young woman and her unusual way of dealing with a brutal break-up.

Four friends head off to Bombay and get involved in the mother and father of all gang wars.

Koe X-Men trilogian viimeisen, eeppisen taistelun hämmästyttävä voima. Liity tuttujen mutanttisankareiden ja -pahisten seuraan, ja tutustu aivan uusiin sotureihin - kuten Angel, Beast, Juggernaut ja Colossus - jännittävässä seikkailuspektaakkelissa!Kun kiistanalainen "lääke" mutaatioihin kehitetään, mutantit voivat valita säilyttävätkö supervoimansa vai luopuvatko niistä muuttuen "normaaleiksi". Rauhaa rakastava mutanttijohtaja Charles Zavier (Patrick Stewart) ja hänen militaristinen vastustajansa Magneto (Ian McKellen) valitsevat puolensa, jolloin seurauksena on kaikki sodat päättävä sota.Nonstop toimintaa, sykähdyttävät erikoistehosteet ja mahtavat lisämateriaalit tekevät viimeistä kohtaamisesta luonnonvoiman, joka "räjäyttää tajuntasi!"

A man goes to see his former schoolmate working at a boiler house and persuades him to burn in the furnace the corpse of his communal flat neighbor whom he has just murdered after a quarrel. An orphaned girl gets a job in the archives of the maternity home to find out the identity of her mother who abandoned her years earlier. She finds her, befriends her and takes the first opportunity to throw her into the sea. An old intellectual tries to explain to the neighbor’s five-year-old daughter “all the abomination of her lumpen existence”. The girl feeling hurt for her mother decides to poison the old man with arsenic.

When two nerdy college coeds, Erika Jordan and Krissy Lynn, wish upon a falling star they are whisked into outer space where an alien experiment transforms them into hot sexy space babes who return to Earth as strippers.

Documentary about the making of American Pie (1999), American Pie 2 (2001) and American Wedding (2003).

Eletään tähtiaikaa 8454.130 ja lomailevalla Kapteeni Kirkillä on edessään kaksi haastetta: kiivetä ylös El Capitania ja opettaa Spockille retkeilijöiden lauluja. Mutta loma loppuu lyhyeen kun Vulcan kidnappaa Tähtialus Enterprisen vieden mukanaan universumin sisäpiirin salaisuuden. Star Trekin tähdet palaavat ohjaksiin ja he ovat saman tien matkalla kohti kaikkien aikojen rohkeinta seikkailua. Kiinnitä turvavyösi ja lähde mukaan matkalle, joka on ”yhtä aikaa henkisen tutkiskelun retki ja mahtava avaruusseikkailu”.

Kasia still lives in the village of Brzozki and fights off her unwanted suitor Staszek. Unexpectedly, her son Marcin returns to Poland and immediately runs into trouble. The boy has an idea for an unusual business. At this time, a crisis breaks out in Warsaw in the Wolanski family, Wolanska publishes a controversial book, her husband and daughter Agnieszka - rebel and run away from home. They first decide to visit Piotr, who today leads a comfortable life with his wife Marlena. Then they set off into the unknown, and this trip will become legendary again.

Max films his friends having lecherous fun at his own birthday party; unaware of how it will change his life. Just out of high school, by haphazard, he becomes a big porno producer. His father, a principled police major, chases porno makers, not suspecting that one of them lives in his own apartment. Hoodlums and girls from good families, corrupted policemen, petty dealers find themselves in a luring and scary world of porno.