Sounds as witnesses. They blurr into memories, half-dreams, it is undecided if they are real or not. A fluctuation between imagination and reality.

To his chagrin, young Marcel Pagnol and his family move back to their home in Marseilles, France, far from their pastoral holiday cottage in the hills. Determined, Marcel makes the long voyage back to the cottage on foot and lands himself in trouble. One day Marcel's father discovers a shortcut to the cottage, but it requires trespassing. Despite their trepidations, Marcel and his family begin using the secret trail to reach their cottage.

Investigative journalist, Jeremy Scahill is pulled into an unexpected journey as he chases down the hidden truth behind America's expanding covert wars, and examines how the US government has responded to international terrorist threats in ways that seem to go against the established laws of the land.

While scuba diving, Jill's boyfriend Dustin finds a doubloon necklace and the diary of Morganna, a pirate who sailed the coast 200 years ago. With the diary is a treasure map that takes them and their friends Susan and Joe to a mountain cabin. Before setting out in search of the treasure, the four hold a séance using instructions they find in the diary. It brings Morganna and her mate, Captain Tygus, back to life. It's a race for the treasure. Morganna and Tygus will stop at nothing. What about the necklace?

Renata, Joey e Flyn sono tre sorelle, la cui vita resta sconvolta dalla decisione del padre di abbandonare la famiglia. Eva, la madre, tenta dapprima di suicidarsi con il gas, poi, quando il marito, ottenuto il divorzio, si risposa, la donna si annega nell’Oceano. Joey tenta invano di salvarla, ed è a sua volta salvata a stento dalle altre due.

Animation created in Flash and After Effects looking at mans relationship with the natural world.

A Taoist former cop is called to Hong Kong to assist in the investigation of of a series of strange murders. Aided by two local officers, he runs afoul of an evil sorceress.

Police officers from the Warsaw Homicide Department are trying to arrest a dangerous Armenian criminal.

The supermarket giant that rose high by taking prices low.

Un veterano di guerra riunisce dieci ex commilitoni per mettere a segno un grosso colpo ai danni di cinque case da gioco. Superate alcune riserve tutti finiscono per accettare.

Il tenente Williams della polizia di New York è sicuro di aver a che fare con un maniaco. Le vittime sono tutte donne e tutte sono state uccise con lo stesso rituale. L'unica traccia la fornisce Fay, una che è sfuggita indenne a un suo attacco: allo squartatore mancano due dita della mano destra. Le indagini sembrano avviarsi così alla conclusione, ma la traccia è falsa e il massacro continua.

Three friends are arrested after committing an accident with their car. After finishing their sentence, they become partners with the owner of a decoration workshop. But he deceives them and spends the money in gambling. They force him to sign a waiver of his workshop but he wants to get it back.

Messo da parte il passato, un ex fuorilegge lavora alla telegrafica Western Union mentre il fratello continua a fare il bandito. Quest'ultimo, con la sua banda, porta continui attacchi alla compagnia, in un conflitto alimentato dalla presenza di un drappello di indiani ribelli. Il fratello, all'inizio indeciso sul dove schierarsi, decide di affrontarlo in duello.

Oleg is forty. Larissa is over thirty. Twenty years he lived with his wife Tatiana, who knows from childhood (studied in the same class), he has a twelve-year-old daughter nick. Established way of life. Good job. The emptiness in my soul — from the dashed hopes. And to top it all — she, Larissa. Very welcome, but from the point of view of sound logic — it is made unnecessary. The affair lasts for a year. They love each other as passionately as it happens only in his youth. But his wife finds out about their affair. Learns and daughter. The girl really wants to help her mother. And to eliminate razluchnitsa of the lives of their families. But it comes out differently…

Simon, a well-known French filmmaker, starts shooting his next film. A story about workers fighting to protect their factory from being relocated. But nothing goes as planned... His producer Viviane wants to rewrite the ending and is threatening to cut the budget; his own crew goes on strike; his personal life is in shambles; and to make things worse, his lead actor Alain is an egocentric jerk. Joseph, an extra who wants to get into the film industry, agrees to direct the making of and shoot the behind-the-scenes. He takes his role very seriously and starts following around the crew, capturing all this mess... What follows is proof that the making of can sometimes be far better than the film itself!

Negli anni ’60, Balraj vuole a tutti i costi essere un “pezzo grosso” e quando vede la donna di cui è innamorato, la cantante jazz Rosie, in compagnia di uomini ricchi capisce che il suo sogno non può più aspettare. Balraj attira l’attenzione di Kaizad Khambatta, un ricco uomo d’affari che gli offre di gestire il suo club, il”Bombay Velvet”, di cui l’uomo si serve per le sue attività illegali. Balraj diventa “Johnny” e il successo sembra non dover avere mai fine.

Siamo nel 2127: il cenobita Pinhead si ritrova a bordo di un'astronave nello spazio profondo, su cui viaggia anche il dottor Paul LeMerchant, uno scienziato i cui antenati hanno costruito la misteriosa scatola che ha aperto le Porte dell'Inferno. Si tratta di una responsabilità che opprime la famiglia dello scienziato da generazioni e a cui lui sente di dover porre rimedio. LeMerchant ha quindi costruito una scatola che ha il potere contrario ed è in viaggio per portare a termine la sua missione.

Monroe Cole, terminato il suo mandato come presidente degli Stati Uniti, ritorna nella sua città dove decide di candidarsi come sindaco. Ma Handy Harrison, proprietario di un negozio di computer, affinchè le elezioni si svolgano onestamente decide di sfidarlo.

Robotic Officer Tactical Operation Research. A prototype robot intended for crime combat escapes from the development lab and goes on a killing rampage.