Anne Shirley, now a schoolteacher, has begun writing stories and collecting rejection slips. She acts as Diana's maid of honor, develops a relationship with Gilbert Blythe, and finds herself at Kingsport Ladies' College. But while Anne enjoys the battles and the friends she makes, she finds herself returning to Avonlea.

Kōmei devises a plan where Zoro and Sanji take part in an eating contest, and the two eat a strange "good-for-nothing-only" mushroom that turns them into good-for-nothing men. The two are then locked in a jail cell. When the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates chase after their imprisoned crew, they land on the island of Nebulandia, which features a mysterious fog made from sea water, and it has the same effects as seastone. The Straw Hat Pirates' arrival on Nebulandia is also a part of Kōmei's plan.

Pokračovanie filmovej série Dračie hniezdo (2014) sa opäť odohráva v magickom svete Altera. Po porážke Čierneho draka sa hrdinovia rozídu, ale vzájomné prepojenia medzi nimi zostávajú...

Kráľovná Ramonda, Shuri, M'Baku, Okoya a Dora Milaje bojujú o ochranu svojho národa pred zasahujúcimi svetovými mocnosťami po tom, čo sa rozšírili správy o smrti kráľa T'Chally. Zatiaľ čo sa obyvatelia Wakandy snažia prijať svoju ďalšiu kapitolu, hrdinovia sa musia spojiť a s pomocou Nakii a Everetta Rossa vytvoriť nový svet pre kráľovstvo Wakanda.

A millionaire realizes he really wants to live after he has hired an assassin to kill him.

Serena Bruno is an architect who studied and got several masters in different countries of the world but she decides to go back to Italy so she can live and work there. She will soon find out that her native country is not as open minded and she will struggle to find a job that she truly loves and is passionate about. Along the way she will meet Francesco a gay man who will help and support her throughout her journey.

A woman seeking revenge for her murdered father hires a famous gunman, but he's very different from what she expects.

A car accident and shifting affections test the bond between a married couple.

A stay-at-home mom and avid reader of crime stories discovers the deepest secrets of a small town's residents while investigating a woman's murder.

Eklektická štvorica ctižiadostivých tínedžerských čarodejníc dostane viac, než očakávali, keď sa zahrávajú so svojimi novo objavenými schopnosťami.

Five years after a zombie outbreak, the men and women of R-Division hunt down and destroy the undead. When they see signs of a second outbreak, they fear humanity may not survive.

Two fishing scout pilots make a horrifying discovery when they encounter a second Godzilla alongside a new monster named Anguirus. Without the weapon that killed the original, authorities attempt to lure Godzilla away from the mainland. But Anguirus soon arrives and the two monsters make their way towards Osaka as Japan braces for tragedy.

Život je pes. Anne Marie Chadwicková by vám o tom mohla rozprávať! Sotva skončila strednú školu, odsťahovala sa na Havaj - lenže nie všetko je také ideálne, ako by sa mohlo na prvý pohľad zdať. Už má totiž plné zuby upratovania izieb po tých najbohatších hosťoch. Najväčšou vášňou Anne Marie a jej dvoch priateliek Eden a Leny je surfing. Anne Marie by sa jedného dňa chcela presadiť aj v profesionálnej sfére. Rozhodne sa preto zúčastniť jednej z najnebezpečnejších a najagresívnejších súťaží v surfovaní s názvom Pipe Master. Tento cieľ mala kedysi takmer na dosah, lenže zlyhala - a neúspech ju straší ešte i dnes. S pomocou svojich priateliek súperí so svojimi rivalmi a s odvahou a vášňou napĺňa svoje sny. Potom ale stretne Matta Tollmana - a jej vyrovnanosť je razom preč...

Happily married with a daughter, Marc is a successful real estate agent in Aix-en-Provence. One day, he has an appointment with a woman to view a traditional country house. A few hours later, Marc finally puts a name to her face. It's Cathy, the girl he was in love with growing up in Oran, Algeria, in the last days of the French colonial regime. Marc hurries to her hotel. They spend the night together. Then she's gone again. And Marc's mother tells him Cathy never left Algeria. She was killed with her father in a bombing just before independence...

When the owner of the Minnesota Twins passes away, he bequeaths the team to his preteen grandson. The newly minted head honcho quickly appoints himself manager, causing unrest in an organization that struggles to take orders from a 12-year-old.

Orphaned brothers Kutchek and Gore are adopted by a tribe led by Canary the owner of a powerful jewel. The evil Kadar wants both Canary and the jewel. Attacking the tribe he kidnaps Canary but the stone eludes him. The brothers are taken to be trained as gladiators and years later have grown to be VERY big. They escape and set off on a quest to find the jewel and rescue Canary.

Fans flock to a festival celebrating the most iconic horror movies, only to discover that the charismatic showman behind the event has a diabolical agenda.

Newyorské metro skrýva desivé tajomstvo.... Obrovské šváby opäť prichádzajú! Newyorčania majú ešte stále v pamäti nepredstaviteľnú pohromu švábov, ktorá ich ohrozovala ešte nedávno. Doktorka Susan Tylerová vytvorila nový podivný "judášsky kmeň", ktorý sa s nimi má vysporiadať. Genetické experimenty a narušená prírodná rovnováha však nemôžu priniesť nič dobré. Plán sa ľuďom vypomstil, hmyz sa naďalej vyvíja do ľudských podôb a nachádza medzi nimi ďalšie obete!

After running out of money while backpacking in a tiny, male-dominated town in the Australian outback, two friends resort to a working holiday at the Royal Hotel. When the locals' behavior starts crossing the line, the girls find themselves trapped in an unnerving situation that grows rapidly out of their control.

After the Club Med and skiing, what happened to the Bronzés 27 years later? Early response: the same, and worse.