Frenkas Sinatra kažkada apie Niujorką dainavo – „jei pavyks čia, pavyks bet kur“. Tikėdamiesi, kad jiems pavyks, kasmet į šį niekuomet nemiegantį miestą atvyksta tūkstančiai žmonių. Tai – istorija apie du iš jų. Barlou – talentinga balerina, nutarusi siekti savo svajonės Amerikos menų šventovėje Niujorke. Deja, pirmasis susidūrimas su šios šventovės realybe nėra labai malonus: didžiulę patirtį turinti baleto mokytoja Oksana atvirai pasako, kad Barlou iki tobulybės dar labai toli. Nurijusi nuoskaudą, mergina nutaria nepasiduoti ir dalyvauja atrankoje į naują Brodvėjaus šokio spektaklį. Jo režisierius Zanderis atkreipia dėmesį į Barlou ir ji atrenkama repeticijoms.
Artėjant Antrajam pasauliniam karui britų diplomatas keliauja į Miuncheną, kur taip pat pakeliui ir buvęs jo klasės draugas iš Oksfordo, kuris, priešingai, dirba Vokietijos vyriausybei.
Twelve-year-old Wendy is not at all happy that she has to spend her summer vacation with her parents at her grandma Herta's run-down riding stables. Wendy has been afraid of horses ever since a riding accident. But then she meets the pretty mare Dixie, who has run away from the butcher. Slowly, a deep friendship develops between the horse and the girl, and while Wendy does everything she can to save Dixie, she also manages to overcome her fear.
Pagal literatūros klasiko Džeko Londono (Jack London) to paties pavadinimo romaną. Pusiau vilkas, pusiau šuo Baltoji Iltis laukiniuose Amerikos kalnų sniegynuose išgelbėjo gyvybę jaunam nuotykių ieškotojui Džekui Konrojui. O netrukus atsirado proga tuo pačiu atsilyginti Baltajai Ilčiai. Prasidėjo sudėtingas dviejų likimo draugų - žmogaus ir puslaukinio keturkojo - kelias į draugystę. Ši istorija nutiko rūsčiuoju Aukso karštinės laikotarpiu nepaprasto grožio kalnuose.
Two repeat offenders sentenced to community work in a learning center for the visually impaired decide to build and coach a blind football team.
Naujai susituokusi pora Markusas ir Emilė pakviečia savo netrukdomus geriausius draugus Roną ir Kylą kartu su jais atostogauti, kai Markusas išvyksta į visas išlaidas apmokamą kelionę į Karibų jūros kurortą. Kai įkalintas Kylos tėvas Reese'as išleidžiamas į laisvę ir nepranešęs pasirodo kurorte, viskas tampa nebekontroliuojama, sugriauna geriausius Markuso planus ir puikią atostogų draugų kelionę paverčia visišku chaosu.
German students compete to enter one of the country's elite schools.
Pierre Hoffman joins a prestigious school as a substitute teacher and soon notices, among some of his students, an unjustified hostility and a spark of violence in their eyes. Is it because the unspeakable tragedy they have just experienced? Is it because they seem to be extraordinarily gifted children? Is it because they have lost all hope for the future? From curiosity to obsession, Pierre will try to unlock their secret.
The billionaire is tired of the whims of his own children and decides to teach them a lesson. He announces to them that he has become bankrupt. Now spoiled teenagers will have to do what they have never done: go to work, learn to love and value life.
Samy moves from the underdeveloped crime-ridden French suburb to the riches of Neuilly.
Young Gloria is abused by the Vitorina, hospice caretaker hosting it. She forces her to perform the heaviest tasks. Gloria is only happy in music class. When she grows decides to escape, and now she lives on the street with another girl, both singing in the trucks and try to survive.
God has had just about enough of the human's attitude so he will destroy the planet very soon. It is up to a struggling inventor and a bank teller, both with very amateur criminal minds, to save the world.
Andi has had an inferiority complex since childhood and not only has to deal with it, but also with girls, feelings and genitalia in different sizes.
When history’s greatest aquatic predator returns, the armada of modern warships sent to destroy it has no chance at all.
A former rodeo star, now a motel manager, meets a young man who is responsible for the violence that suddenly has seized his small town.
When best friends, Kaitlin and Maddy, go missing during Spring Break, their mothers do everything they can to find them, while realizing that their different parenting styles may have led to their disappearances.
Noah, is not your typical entertain-the-kids-no-matter-how-boring-it-is kind of sitter. He's reluctant to take a sitting gig; he'd rather, well, be doing anything else, especially if it involves slacking. When Noah is watching the neighbor's kid he gets a booty call from his girlfriend in the city. To hook up with her, Noah takes to the streets, but his urban adventure spins out of control as he finds himself on the run from a maniacal drug lord.
A young woman pretends to be pregnant in order to avoid being fired from her job. When that gets her a bunch of special treatment by everyone involved in her life, she tries to keep up the lie for nine months.
A boarding game comes alive and drags a family into its world
Gaston is a new guy at the Peticoin start-up. With his delusional inventions, he will change the lives of his colleagues. Cat, seagull, cow, and gaffophone will be at the center of the mishaps of this genius laidback handyman who wants only to do good, but has the gift of annoying Prunelle, his boss. Can those Gaston's gaffes galore prevent the buy-out of the Peticoin by Mr. de Mesmaeker?