Karin Oriyama, 16 years old. She is in high school and... she's about to get married!

A girl who went missing after an accident returns 10 years later and reunites with her grandmother.

Nagrodzona siedmioma statuetkami Emmy historia autystycznej kobiety, która mimo przeciwności losu osiągnęła w życiu sukces i spełniła swoje marzenia. Temple Grandin (Claire Danes) urodziła się z autyzmem i zaczęła mówić dopiero w wieku czterech lat. Dziewczynka miała trudności w szkole i nie radziła sobie w kontaktach z innymi ludźmi. Zawsze jednak mogła liczyć na wsparcie ze strony matki (Julia Ormond), która robiła wszystko, by córka prowadziła normalne życie. Temple dużo czasu spędzała na farmie wujostwa, gdzie nauczyła się miłości i współczucia dla zwierząt. Jako dorosła kobieta zaangażowała się w propagowanie wiedzy o autyzmie i właściwym traktowaniu zwierząt rzeźnych. Zaprojektowała wiele specjalnych urządzeń do humanitarnego ich uboju. Jej działania zostały docenione m.in. przez międzynarodową organizację PETA. Dziś jest cenionym naukowcem - profesorem na Stanowym Uniwersytecie w Kolorado.

Arata Kaizaki is 27-years-old and unemployed. He quit his prior job after working for the company for 3 months. Arata Kaizaki decides to take part in a research program. He takes medication that makes him look younger and he is to attend high school for a year. There, he falls in love with female high school student Chizuru Hishiro.

A magician meets a weird girl and offers her to work together in his magic show. It's only until a year later that he starts to know her personally and develops a feeling towards her despite her own problems.

Takuma knows that his life is shorter than the others and he feels that his demise is getting near. He chose to stay away from the girl that he loves so that she can easily move on. What he didn't know is that he is under-estimating her.

Hisashi and Mai are a happy couple in their 20s who are engaged to be married. But three months before their wedding, Mai becomes seriously ill. Her heart stops momentarily, and she falls into a deep coma. Hisashi visits Mai at the hospital every day before work. With no idea if or when she will ever awake, Mai’s parents encourage Hisashi to find someone else, but he refuses to give up and continues to pray for her recovery. As if his prayers are answered, Mai begins to regain consciousness several years later, and even utters a few words. But tragically, she has suffered brain damage and has no memory of Hisashi.

On July 27th, university student Aoi Hinata has an accident. When she wakes up, Aoi Hinata finds herself in a classroom from one week before the accident.

While searching for his fiancee Ritsuko, Sakutarou rediscovers through flashbacks the void deep within him caused by the events from his high school days.

Opowieść o brutalnym i aspołecznym policjancie Azumie, który by osiągnąć zamierzony cel nie waha się nagiąć granic ustalonych przez prawo. Gdy śledztwo w sprawie nielegalnego handlu narkotykami przybiera nieoczekiwany obrót, bezwzględny Azuma bierze sprawy w swoje ręce...

When her son gets critically injured in a car accident, a mother discovers that there's more to his relationship with his friend than she had thought.

High school student Yuki Hase wants to become close with classmate Kaori Fujimiya who is alway by herself. Kaori Fujimiya refuses to become close with Yuki Hase, because she forgets her friends every new Monday. Even though Kaori tells Yuki why she doesn't want to become friends, Yuki still wants to become close to her.

Cheung (Andy Lau) jest starszym inspektorem pracującym w policji w Hongkongu. Mężczyzna jest członkiem prestiżowej jednostki EOD. Wcześniej pracował pod przykryciem rozpracowując groźny gang. Działania Cheunga doprowadziły do rozbicia przestępczej grupy i aresztowania brata jej bezlitosnego bossa, który poprzysiągł zemstę na funkcjonariuszach prawa. Siedem lat później miasto zaczynają nawiedzać śmiercionośne wybuchy. Ktoś podkłada ładunki w strategicznym dla Hongkongu podziemnym tunelu i grozi zabiciem zakładników. Policjant wie, że za chaos odpowiedzialny jest były szef mafii. Co z tego wyniknie?

Film powstał na podstawie tradycyjnej sztuki Kanjincho japońskiego teatru Kabuki. Jednak nie jest to ścisła interpretacja Kabuki a raczej jego parodia i ideałów związanych z honorem i oddaniem Panu. Pewien japoński władca Yoshitsune zostaje prawie zamordowany przez swojego brata Yoritomo. Yoshitsune w przebraniu bagażowego wraz z jego ochroniarzami i pozostałymi najwierniejszymi sługami, przebranymi za buddyjskich mnichów próbują przedostać się za granicę. Jednak, kiedy już docierają do granicy muszą udowodnić, że naprawdę są tymi ludźmi, za których się podają...

Erika Shinohara is a first year of high school student. While talking to friends, she makes up a story about her "boyfriend." In reality, Erika Shinohara doesn't have a boyfriend. Erika's friends soon begin to doubt her story and Erika is also running out of lies. Erika then sees a pretty boy on the street and takes his picture discreetly. She later shows his picture to her friends as her boyfriend. The boy in the picture is Kyouya Sata and happens to attend the same school as Erika. She tells Kyouya about her situation and asks him to be her pretend boyfriend. Even though Kyouya has a pretty appearance, he has a dark side.

Taro is a 12-year-old into baseball and radio, especially "Music Express," a song-request show. Sound quaint? But it is 1977 and a small town in Hokkaido, a more innocent, pure-hearted time and place, we are told. Taro, however, has a blood disease that lands him in the hospital where his aunt is a nurse. Rounds of tests, transfusions and injections sap his spirit, despite the kindness and dedication of his young doctor and the Doctor's hospital-director father. The latter, a music buff who broadcasts classics over the hospital's PA system, asks Taro to relieve him as DJ — and soon the boy is ensconced in the hospital director's well-stocked library-cum-studio, spinning popular J-Pop tunes. He also becomes acquainted with Tamaki, a girl he first calls "the mummy" because of her bandages and full body cast — she was injured in a traffic accident. He later changes his tune when she is revealed as a cute 13-year-old — for him, an older woman...

Izumi is a sophomore university student when she hears from her former high school teacher and mentor Takashi. They were both involved in the school drama club. She liked him. He liked her. Takashi asks Izumi to return to the school and assist with a performance. Will the feelings be rekindled?

When Kanako, a model daughter and a brilliant student, disappears, her mother asks her ex-husband, a violent former policeman, to find her. As his investigation progresses, his idealized image of Kanako cracks: the girl hides a dark life that her father can not even imagine.

Natsume Mochizuki works as a teen model in Tokyo, but she learns that she has to move to her father's hometown of Ukigumo. She is in a desperate situation because she can't do the things she wants to do in Ukigumo. One day, she meets Koichiro Hasegawa. He is the successor of the Hasegawa family. His family is wealthy and is respected in the area. Natsume Mochizuki and Koichiro Hasegawa become attracted to each other, but something changes their fate.