I PARASITT møter vi en familie på fire som bor i en nedslitt kjellerleilighet i byen. Utsikten er en glipe på gateplan mot et smug der bedrukne karer har for vane å late vannet. Med varierende hell tyvlåner de internett fra etasjen over, og for å få mat på bordet pakker de pizzaesker for en restaurantkjede i nærheten. På tross av samholdet og kjærligheten til hverandre, er det ikke stort til liv. Etter et besøk fra en venn av familiens sønn, åpenbarer det seg med ett en gyllen mulighet, en vei ut av elendigheten. Familien griper sjansen med begge hender. Etter regissørens eget ønske, skal ikke mer av handlingen røpes her. Dette er en opplevelse som nytes best uten å vite for mye på forhånd.

Frustrert over politiets manglende evne til å finne ledetråder i jakten på datterens morder, tar Mildred Hayes saken i egne hender og stiller byens høyt aktede politisjef til veggs.

Los Angeles er som kjent byen hvor drømmer blir til virkelighet. Ambisjoner råker ut for bittersøt romantikk i det moderne Los Angeles, hvor to kunstnere står overfor et hjerteskjærende dilemma.

At the beginning of the 1940s, in a France occupied by Nazi forces, lived the Jewish Joffo family. Happy and tight-knit, she sees her future darken when all members of the family are forced to wear the yellow star. Fearing the worst, the parents organized their family to flee to the free zone in the south of the country. Maurice, twelve years old, and Joseph, ten years old, will therefore leave alone in order to maximize their chances of finding their older brothers already settled in Nice. The brothers left to their own devices demonstrate an incredible amount of cleverness, courage, and ingenuity to escape the enemy invasion and to try to reunite their family once again.

A group of people traveling on a stagecoach find their journey complicated by the threat of Geronimo, and learn something about each other in the process.

Den unge fotografen Chris Washington inviteres hjem til kjærestens familie for en langweekend på landet. Han er bekymret for at de ikke vil like ham fordi han er afroamerikansk, men kjæresten, Rose, beroliger ham med at han har ingenting å frykte. Vel framme får han snart bange anelser. Innbyggerne i nærområdet er i overkant interesserte i få vite alt om ham, og alle tjenerne på godset oppfører seg som passive, smilende zombier. Er det bare noe Chris innbiller seg, eller foregår det noe skremmende under den rolige, småborgerlige fasaden.

When a dance troupe is lured to an empty school, a bowl of drug-laced sangria causes their jubilant rehearsal to descend into a dark and explosive nightmare as they try to survive the night—and find who's responsible—before it's too late.

Matthieu, a 33 year old Parisian who finds out that the father he never knew has died and decides to go to his funeral in order to meet his two siblings in Quebec. But once in Montréal, he realizes that nobody is aware of his existence or even interested in it. He is alone, in hostile territory…Filled with secrets, this story about one man’s coming to term with the foreign family he never knew he had is complex with interconnected themes such as masculinity, family, paternity and filial devotion coiling in the layers underneath.

Madrid, summer 2011. Economic crisis. 15-M movement and 1.5 million pilgrims waiting for the Pope’s arrival live side by side in a Madrid that’s hotter and more chaotic than ever. In this context, detectives Velarde and Alfaro must find what seems to be a serial killer. Their against-the-clock hunt will make them realise something they’d never imagined: neither of them are so very different from the killer.

A young woman from the American Midwest, Loïe Fuller became the toast of the Folies Bergère at the turn of the 20th century and an icon of the Belle Epoque. Inventor of the breathtaking Serpentine Dance, she was a pioneer of modern dance and lighting techniques. It was her complicated relationship to her protégé - Isadora Duncan – that precipitated the downfall of this early 20th century icon.

Bouncing between Europe and the United States as often as she would between lovers, Peggy Guggenheim’s life was as swirling as the design of her uncle’s museum, and reads more like fiction than any reality imaginable. Peggy Guggenheim – Art Addict offers a rare look into Guggenheim’s world: blending the abstract, the colorful, the surreal and the salacious, to portray a life that was as complex and unpredictable as the artwork Peggy revered and the artists she pushed forward.

Ava, 13, is spending the summer on the Atlantic coast when she learns that she will lose her sight sooner than expected. Her mother decides to act as if everything were normal so as to spend their best summer ever. Ava confronts the problem in her own way. She steals a big black dog that belongs to a young man on the run...

Mathilde is nine years old. Her parents have separated. She lives with her mother, a fragile person who hovers at the edge of madness. It is a story of a unique love between a daughter and her mother.

To test its top-secret Human Hibernation Project, the Pentagon picks the most average Americans it can find - an Army private and a prostitute - and sends them to the year 2505 after a series of freak events. But when they arrive, they find a civilization so dumbed-down that they're the smartest people around.

Scrats evige jakt på den gjenstridige eikenøtta slynger ham rett ut i verdensrommet, der han tilfeldigvis utløser en serie kosmiske katastrofer som forvandler og truer Istid-verdenen. For å redde seg selv må Sid, Manny, Diego og resten av flokken forlate hjemmet sitt og legge ut på en eventyrlig og morsom reise, der de kommer til eksotiske nye steder og møter en rekke fargerike, nye figurer.

Claire is a midwife and has devoted her life to others. At a moment when she is preoccupied by the imminent closure of the maternity clinic where she works, her life is further turned upside down when Béatrice, her father's former mistress, turns up on the scene. Béatrice is a capricious and selfish woman, Claire's exact opposite.

When a director sets out to make a film about popular French singer Barbara, both he and the actress who is to play her are overwhelmed by the project.

Tom Cruise spiller i denne spektakulære versjonen av legenden som har fascinert kulturer over hele verden siden sivilisasjonens begynnelse: Mumien. Selv om hun ligger trygt begravd dypt nede i ørkenen, har en urgammel prinsesse (Sofia Boutella) som urettmessig ble fratatt sin skjebne, våknet opp i nåtiden. Ondskapen hennes har vokst gjennom tusenvis av år, og med den følger det skremsler som ligger utenfor menneskets forståelse. The Mummy, som utspiller seg så vel i Midtøstens ørkenområder som i dagens London, balanserer mellom undring, skremsler og fantasi.

A middle-class house in the middle of nowhere. A council estate in Sète. A mother and daughter. Two childhood friends. A vanishing. Blackmail. A clash between two worlds.

A woman on the brink of a marriage proposal is told by a friend that she should date other men before spending the rest of her life with her boyfriend.