China is currently marked by a phase of rapidly growing urbanization. The film in this context deals with two particular cities. Yum en a derelict ghost town and Or dos a mythic city of the future,both are deserted. They exist because of completely different reasons. The film shows through impressive images how these two cities and the relation of inhabitants to these cities are developing in China in times of urban growth.

Režiser temačnih miselnih izzivov Memento, Insomnia in Vitez teme se poglobi v najbolj srhljive dele človeškega uma, kamor s pomočjo futuristične tehnologije kuka pretkani Dom. Preko sanj vdira v misli drugih ljudi in krade dragocene podatke, zato postane najbolj iskan zločinec na planetu. Da bi zaživel normalno življenje, se odloči za zadnjo akcijo, kjer spominov ne namerava ukrasti, temveč želi namestiti nove in tako izvesti popoln zločin. Toda v nepredvidljivem svetu človeških misli ni pravil in omejitev, zato nepričakovani sovražnik nalogo spremeni v smrtonosno past, polno prevar in preobratov.

When disillusioned Swedish knight Antonius Block returns home from the Crusades to find his country in the grips of the Black Death, he challenges Death to a chess match for his life. Tormented by the belief that God does not exist, Block sets off on a journey, meeting up with traveling players Jof and his wife, Mia, and becoming determined to evade Death long enough to commit one redemptive act while he still lives.

Lovec na zaklade, znani Brock Lovett in njegova ekipa leta 1996 med iskanjem ogrlice imenovane “Srce oceana” (angleško The Heart of the Ocean) najdejo sef na potopljeni ladji RMS Titanic. A v sefu ne najdejo diamanta, temveč čudovito risbo gole ženske, ki nosi Srce oceana na dan, ko se je Titanik potopil. Risba vzbudi zanimanje starejše Rose DeWitt Bukater. Po tem ko vidi risbo, na dan prikliče spomine sedemnajstletne sebe, ki se je vkrcala na Titanik. Ko vidi posnetke potopljene ladje, začne pripovedovati zgodbo. Glavna zgodba filma je postavljena v leto 1912, ko Titanik odpljuje na svojo prvo in zadnjo vožnjo.

Simple Italian postman learns to love poetry while delivering mail to a famous poet; he uses this to woo local beauty Beatrice.

A cameraman wanders around with a camera slung over his shoulder, documenting urban life with dazzling inventiveness.

Two gangsters seek revenge on the state jail worker who during their stay at a youth prison sexually abused them. A sensational court hearing takes place to charge him for the crimes.

Film skrivnosti in suspenza, ki pripoveduje zgodbo Grace (Nicole Kidman), ki sama v izolirani viktorijanski hiši svoje otroke vzgaja v skladu s strogimi verskimi pravili. Otroci trpijo zaradi nenavadne bolezni: svetlobe dneva ne morejo neposredno sprejeti. Tri nove služabnice, ki se pridružijo družinskemu življenju, se morajo naučiti enega življenjskega pravila: hiša bo vedno v temi; nobena vrata se ne bodo nikoli odprla, razen če je bila prejšnja zaprta. Strogi ukaz, ki ga je do takrat naložila Grace, bo izpodbijan. Milost, otroci in tisti okoli njih bodo naredili nepričakovan in dokončen korak.

Nadarjenemu programerju Calebu zmaga na računalniškem tekmovanju prinese srečanje z briljantnim izumiteljem Nathanom v njegovem skrivnostnem laboratoriju sredi divjine. Caleb navdušen spozna, da je Nathan uspel ustvariti prvega robota z umetno inteligenco Avo. Nadobudni mladenič mora preveriti njene sposobnosti, ob analizah in pogovorih pa se nanjo nenadejano naveže, kar zamegli njegovo objektivnost. Toda Nathan nadaljuje s svojimi skrivnimi načrti in Caleb kmalu ne ve več, komu lahko zaupa?

Medtem ko se svet propada, je mlada Furiosa ugrabljena iz Zelenega Mesta Mnogih Mater in pade v roke velike motoristične horde, ki jo vodi vojskovodja Dementus. Na potovanju po poščavi naletijo na citadelo, ki ji predseduje Nesmrtni Joe. Medtem ko se dva tirana borita za prevlado, mora Furiosa preživeti številne preizkušnje in zbrati sredstva, da najde pot domov.

Historical evocation of Ludwig, king of Bavaria, from his crowning in 1864 until his death in 1886, as a romantic hero. Fan of Richard Wagner, betrayed by him, in love with his cousin Elisabeth of Austria, abandoned by her, tormented by his homosexuality, he will little by little slip towards madness.

A retired professor of American origin lives a solitary life in a luxurious palazzo in Rome. He is confronted by a vulgar Italian marchesa and her lover, her daughter and her daughter's boyfriend, and forced to rent to them an apartment on the upper floor of his palazzo. From this point on his quiet routine is turned into chaos by his tenants' machinations, and everybody's life takes an unexpected but inevitable turn.

Meursault is a man who feels utterly isolated from everyone and everything around him. This alienation results in sudden, inexplicable bursts of violence, culminating in murder.

An account of Italian film director Luchino Visconti's travels in search for a young actor to portray the role of Tadzio in his 1971 adaptation of Thomas Mann's novella Death in Venice (1912).

Melbourne, 1886. Two gentlemen climb into a hansom cab late one murky night. One man climbs out, the other travels on to St Kilda. On arrival, the driver finds the second man dead; murdered. The ‘high-society’ killing sends shockwaves through the young city, still flush from its gold-rush boom.

Štorast policist Frank Drebin je že v pokoju in se posveča družinskemu življenju z ženo Jane. Toda kolegi ga prepričajo, da se še zadnjič vrne v službo. Terorist Rocco grozi, da bo na podelitvi oskarjev sprožil bombo, ki bo odnesla v zrak največje filmske zvezde. Poleg tega ima ubogi Frank opravka še z Roccovo prsato ljubico Tanyo.

After Silvia Broome, an interpreter at United Nations headquarters, overhears plans of an assassination, an American Secret Service agent is sent to investigate.

Henry Brogan is an elite 51-year-old assassin who's ready to call it quits after completing his 72nd job. His plans get turned upside down when he becomes the target of a mysterious operative who can seemingly predict his every move. To his horror, Brogan soon learns that the man who's trying to kill him is a younger, faster, cloned version of himself.

Steven Kenet, suffering from a recurring brain injury, appears to have strangled his wife. Having confessed, he's committed to an understaffed county asylum full of pathetic inmates. There, Dr. Ann Lorrison is initially skeptical about Kenet's story and reluctance to undergo treatment. But against her better judgement, she begins to doubt his guilt.

Delphine is the author of an autobiographical novel that has become a bestseller. Exhausted by the promotional tour, just when she feels out of place, paralyzed by the idea of having to start writing again, she meets Elle, a young, attractive, intelligent, intuitive woman who seems to understand her better than anyone.