It is just another evening commute until the rain starts to fall, and the city comes alive to the sound of dripping rain pipes, whistling awnings and gurgling gutters.

During the One Year War of U.C. 0079, the Earth Federation and Principality of Zeon engage in a fierce battle at the "Thunderbolt Sector", a shoal zone in the former Colony Side 4 "Moore". After successfully infiltrating Zeon's sniper field, ace Federation pilot and jazz enthusiast Io Fleming is given control of the latest Gundam prototype.

The story of a dysfunctional couple, whose problems will inevitably deteriorate their marriage and their son's life.

Тријумфална прича о аутсајдеру мушке веслачке екипе Универзитета у Вашингтону, која је запањила свет освојивши злато на Олимпијским играма у Берлину 1936. године.

The villains from the popular animated Disney films are gathered at the House of Mouse with plans to take over. Soon, the villains take over the house and kick out Mickey, Donald and Goofy. It's all up to Mickey and his friends to overthrow evil and return the House of Mouse to normal--or as close to normal as it gets.

The episode will focus on the young Zeon ace Char Aznable earning his "Red Comet" nom de guerre, as well as the beginnings of the Federation's "Project V" weapons project that will eventually birth the RX-78-2 Gundam.

Barbie as Odette, the young daughter of a baker, follows a unicorn into the Enchanted Forest and is transformed into a swan by an evil wizard intent on defeating the Fairy Queen.

Popular animated hero Asterix and his faithful sidekick Obelix travel to ancient Egypt to help Cleopatra build a new summer home. Cleopatra and Julius Caesar have made a bet, with Caesar wagering the project cannot be completed in a few weeks time. With the help of a magic potion, Asterix comes to the rescue of the Queen of the Nile as Caesar and an angry architect plot against them.

The story of "The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon" centers on a Pokémon scientist who has developed a new Mirage System to resurrect extinct Pokémon. Satoshi, Haruka, Masato, and Takeshi show up at the Mirage Mansion for a demonstration of this new machine, only to witness the kidnapping of the scientist! Then a mysterious stranger appears and claims that the machine can actually create Pokémon without weaknesses. It’s up to Satoshi and company to preserve the natural balance of the Pokémon world.

Claudia is married with dull Giovanni. Meek Giacomo is happily divorced until he meets her. Aldo is a colorful cabbie with whom she had an affair. Who will Claudia choose?

Прича започиње када се Оливер, маче сироче, спријатељи с Доџером, мешанцем из њујоршког чопора паса џепароша. Оливера убрзо присвоји Џени, усамљена богата девојчица, све док се опаки Сајкс и Доберман не умешају како би их раздвојили. Оливер, Доџер и њихови лукави пријатељи морају наћи начина како се супротставити хулиганима и спасити девојчицу…

A brilliant but tightly wound, gameshow-obsessed young woman, Anne, and her estranged, train-wreck of a sister Jenny, must work together to help cover their mother’s gambling debts. When Anne’s beloved dog is kidnapped, they set out on a wild, cross-country trek to get the cash the only way they know how: by turning Anne into a bona-fide gameshow champion.

A movies special effects man is hired by a government agency to help stage the assassination of a well known gangster. When the agency double cross him, he uses his special effects to trap the gangster and the corrupt agents.

After a defecting Russian general reveals a plot to assassinate foreign spies, James Bond is assigned a secret mission to dispatch the new head of the KGB to prevent an escalation of tensions between the Soviet Union and the West.

LAPD K-9 officer Jake Rosser has just witnessed the shocking murder of his dedicated partner by a mysterious assailant. As he investigates the shooter’s identity, he uncovers a vast conspiracy that has a choke-hold on the city in this thrilling journey through the tangled streets of Los Angeles and the corrupt bureaucracy of the LAPD.

Теба, 3067. пр. Христа, Староегипатски Краљ Шкорпиона одлучио је да са својом војском покори познати свет, али је после седам година ратовања изгубио све битке. Суочен са смрћу усред пустиње заветовао се богу Анубису да ће му предати душу помогне ли му да победи непријатеље. Након што му је Анубис то и омогућио, душа Краља Шкорпиона заувек је припала богу умрлих. Египат, 1933. Пустолов Рик О'Конел оженио је у међувремену своју љубав Евелин те са њом и синчићем Алексом истражује староегипатске гробнице. Након што су у сукобу са пљачкашима гробова умало изгубили живот, О'Конелови се враћају у Лондон, али ни тамо неће имати мира. Поновно ће их напасти крадљивци староегипатских драгоцености, али прави ће се проблеми јавити када у музеју оживи врховни свештеник Имхотеп са којим се Рик обрачунао пре девет година, а чији ће послушници отети Алекса...

A single man has worked most of his life in a supermarket. One night, he unexpectedly meets with his father, and the two are faced with the question of the reasons for their separation.

The year is 2314 AD, two years have passed since the defeat of the Innovades and the exposure of the A-Laws' crimes against humanity. The A-Laws have been abolished and their infrastructure integrated into the Earth Sphere Federation Army. However, the world's exposure to GN Particles has resulted in many people awakening as True Innovators. Celestial Being has returned to the shadows to rebuild and quietly observe the infantile peace. However, an abandoned probe from an expedition to Jupiter 130 years ago approaches Earth bringing a new crisis with it, one that threatens all of mankind. While Celestial Being begins their final mission to save humanity from an unimaginable threat, Gundam Meister Setsuna F. Seiei is about to discover the true purpose of his evolution as an Innovator. Aeolia Schenberg's plan has moved into its final stage...

Боб Манро (Робин Вилијамс), који је презасићен својим послом, његова жена Џејми (Черил Хајнс), њихова петнаестогодишња кћер Кеси (Џоана „Џоџо“ Левеск) и дванаестогодишњи син Карл (Џош Хачерсон) жуде за породичним окупљањем. Након обећања да ће их одвести на породично летовање на Хаваје, Боб изненада мења план и решава да уместо једне недеље у тропском рају, обиђу Колорадо у изнајмљеном камперу. У Бобовом плану заједничког одмора (на шта се одлучује у страху да ће изгубити посао) све креће наопако. Сваки Бобов покушај да своје најближе убеди да је одмор просто „такав“, све више доводи породицу у раскол. Невоља сједињује и највеће свађалице, те свака препрека неочекивано помаже Манроовима да поново постану права породица.

Now that Frollo is gone, Quasimodo rings the bell with the help of his new friend and Esmeralda's and Phoebus' little son, Zephyr. But when Quasi stops by a traveling circus owned by evil magician Sarousch, he falls for Madellaine, Sarouch's assistant.