In a dog-eat-dog world, Raimundo Nonato has found an alternative way to move ahead: he cooks. No matter what social strata this deceptively innocent young man inhabits, he hones his skills and sharpens his knives—and then he falls in love. Jorge's nimble comic fable provides a smartly constructed gastronomic allegory for ambition and survival.

Camile Stollerová a jej dieťa sú vo svojej komunite dobre známe: Esme ako vážne chorá dcéra pripútaná na invalidný vozík a Camile ako dokonalá opatrovateľka a matka. Vyzerá to ako rodinná idylka, až kým Camile nenájdu dobodanú na smrť v jej dome. Esme zmizla a všetci predpokladajú, že ju uniesol vrah. Keď sa však Esme nájde, vypláva na povrch strašné tajomstvo: nebola unesená, ale utiekla so svojím priateľom Scottom po tom, čo s ním spolupracovala na vražde svojej matky. Okrem toho je Esme dokonale zdravá, duševne aj fyzicky. Vysvitne, že sa stala obeťou Munchausenovho syndrómu, ktorým trpela jej matka, manipulátorka a tyranka, ktorá ju prinútila uveriť, že je chorá.

Fernando, a journalist, and his friend César join terrorist group MR8 in order to fight Brazilian dictatorial regime during the late sixties. César, however, is wounded and captured during a bank hold up. Fernando then decides to kidnap the American ambassador in Brazil and ask for the release of fifteen political prisoners in exchange for his life.

A fat woman attempts to lose weight in order to use her mother's wedding dress with the help of her evil sisters and needy fiancé.

A biography of spiritual medium and author Francisco Candido Xavier.

2013. During Operation Bidone, the Federal Police seized a truck loaded with palm heart, which contained 697 kg of cocaine. The investigation falls on the team assembled by Ivan Romano, based in Curitiba and composed by Beatriz, Júlio and Ítalo. The traffic connections lead them to the dower Alberto Youssef and later to the former Petrobras director Paulo Roberto Costa, who reveals an immense structure involving builders and the government, in order to divert public money. As the investigation progresses, the group led by Ivan is increasingly approaching some of the country's most influential politicians.

Zatiaľ čo starý Oliva rozpráva skupine detí o svojom živote námorníka a o tom, ako stretol Dianu a jej mačku so slnečnými okuliarmi, do mesta prichádza zvláštny cirkus.

Jennifer Lawrence a Javier Bardem hrajú v thrilleri matka! manželský pár. Ich idylické spolužitie v krásnom dome v lone prírody naruší príchod nezvaných hostí, ktorých počet neustále narastá.

In a dystopian future, the Brazilian government decrees a measure that forces black citizens to migrate to Africa in an attempt to return to their origins. Seeing themselves in the center of terror, two cousins take refuge in an apartment, where they debate social and racial issues, and share the same yearning for the change of country.

Things go from bad to worse when four co-workers decide to enjoy the extended holiday at a beach house with their families.

The movie depicts the political crisis that led to the suicide of president Getúlio Vargas, in the 19 days that preceded August 24, 1954. The crisis began with the attempted assassination of journalist and politician Carlos Lacerda in August 5, 1954, at rua Toneleros, Rio de Janeiro, in which Major Vaz was assassinated instead. Investigations pointed to Gregório Fortunato, chief of Vargas' personal guard, as the orderer of the frustrated assassination. This incident was one of the most importants in the history of Brazil.

Memo lives on a remote Chilean sheep farm, hiding a beautiful singing voice from the outside world. A recluse with a glittery flair, he can't stop dwelling on the past, but what will happen once someone finally listens?

A man and woman meet by chance at a romantic inn over dinner and, although both are married to others, they find themselves in the same bed the next morning questioning how this could have happened. They agree to meet on the same weekend each year—in the same hotel room—and the years pass each has some personal crisis that the other helps them through, often without both of them understanding what is going on.

In a place taken by poverty, Aparecida lives full of dreams and hope. While her husband leads a bitter life caused by a tragedy from the past, she decides to take an attitude that can change everything: to leave for the big city.

Everyday family life as perfectly normal madness. “As Melhores Coisas do Mundo“ follows a few days in the life of the 15-year-old Mano, who is fighting on two fronts: his parents have just got divorced and he is going through puberty. Mano tries to make his way through life, with its first sexual experiences, his depressed brother and his self-centered parents. It’s a humorous homage to the pitfalls of daily life and the diversity of life.

The film tells the story of Arnaldo, that to get rid of his miserable life, seeks of a clinic that promises to copy people. With a copy occupying his place, he would take a new life. But, when having his request denied, Arnaldo has no choice but to try and change the course of his history. When he falls in love with Josie, the clerk of a pet cemetery, Arnaldo believes that he found a chance to finally be happy. But maybe he's wrong. A Lone Man is an urban fable that addresses the complexity of relationships, with a good dose of irony, and humor.

Gloria je rozvedená päťdesiatnička s už dospelými deťmi a nudným kancelárskym životom. Po večeroch sa však rada odviaže v klube na tanečnom parkete, kde raz stretáva Arnolda. Gloria sa doňho nečakane zamiluje a po rokoch opäť zažíva radosti i strasti nového ľúbostného vzťahu, ktorý ju ovplyvní viac, než je ochotná si priznať.

A drama based on Jimi Hendrix's life as he left New York City for London, where his career took off.

A black police detective must solve a strange case of a kidnapped boy and deal with a big racial protest.

A couple's holiday romance is thrown into chaos as they are afflicted by a malicious force.