Teenagers Birdboy and Dinki have decided to escape from an island devastated by ecological catastrophe: Birdboy by shutting himself off from the world, Dinki by setting out on a dangerous voyage in the hope that Birdboy will accompany her.

Alina iš Vokietijos grįžta į Rumuniją tikėdamasi susigrąžinti Voičitą – vienintelį žmogų, kurį kada nors mylėjo. Bet Voičita įstojo į vienuolyną ir rado Dievo meilę. Alina niekaip nesupranta tokio sprendimo, ją apima pavydas. Bet ar įmanoma su Dievu konkuruoti dėl kito žmogaus meilės? Čia ir prasideda tikroji istorija...

After the death of his grandmother Emma, Robin Hunzinger and his mother Claudie find a carefully preserved collection of letters which Emma received from a girl called Marcelle. In the 1920s, Emma and Marcelle met at school in Dijon. Secretly, love blossomed between the two teenage girls, but after two years they parted ways. Marcelle developed tuberculosis and was admitted to a sanatorium. Complementing the sparse photographs of the women, Hunzinger combines archive footage, avant-garde films, and music to create a sensuous, poetic atmosphere.

Set shortly after the end of World War II, a philosophical boxing drama of two fighters from opposite worlds (USA and Japan) who are pulled together for a questionable fight arranged by their unscrupulous managers and the Yakuza.

'Guardian of the Palace' tells the story of a time when a plague spreads in Heishun (Blackwater) Town during the warring warlords, and Tianya, Wunian and Jiujiu set out on a treasure hunt to find the Golden Moon Gem that cures the plague. The warlord Feng Pei Chuan was trailing them and tried to take the gems for himself, but Tianya and the others managed to subdue Feng Pei Chuan, reclaim the gems and save the people.

Daugelis jaunųjų „Kino pavasario“ žiūrovų, dabar jau gerokai ūgtelėję, prisimins prieš kelerius metus į jaudinančius nuotykius Šveicarijos kalnuose kvietusį guvų berniuką Sebastianą ir jo baltąją šunytę Gražuolę. Naujojo filmo nuotykiai prasideda ten, kur baigėsi senieji. Gražuolė dabar – jau trijų pukuotų šuniukų mama, o Sebasianas – narsus dvylikametis. Jo tėtis su nauja žmona ruošiasi kraustytis į Kanadą, tačiau Sebastianas nenori palikti senelio ir namų. Be to, netikėtai atsirado problemų – iš niekur apsireiškė ankstesnis Gražuolės šeimininkas Jozefas, grasinantis susigrąžinti ją ir jos šuniukus. Sebastianas leisis į kvapą gniaužiančius nuotykius, padarys daugiau, nei manė galįs, kad apsaugotų savo geriausią draugę ir jos vaikus.

After falling through a time-slip, Yusei Fudo (who has just had his powerful card stolen by a mysterious stranger) meets with Jaden Yuki and Yugi Muto, who agree to help Yusei defeat the evil Paradox, who is planning to destroy Pegasus before he can invent Duel Monsters.

The inhabitants of an institution in a remote country rebel against their keepers. Their acts of rebellion are by turns humorous, boring and alarming. An allegory on the problematic nature of fully liberating the human spirit, as both commendable and disturbing elements of our nature come forward. The film shows how justifiable revolt may be empowering, but may also turn to chaos and depravity. The allegory is developed in part by the fact that the film is cast entirely with dwarfs

Samantha has lived her whole life in different foster homes. Now living in a small town, she never feels like she quite fits in, even with her own current foster family who might adopt her, or the boy who follows her around doing her classwork. So, it’s perhaps natural that she doesn’t know what to do with a curious tagalong little sister named Olivia. One day, Sam callously ditches Olivia, who wanders off into the woods on her own and disappears.

Based on the original play, Gun and a Hotel Bible is a provocative film about a man on the verge of a violent act, and his encounter with a personified hotel bible.

A telekinetic psychopath lures a group of young people to his ramshackle roadside attraction, unleashing an army of psychically controlled mannequins and other monstrosities upon them.

Jacekas labiausiai mėgsta sunkųjį metalą, savo merginą ir šunį. Mažas gimtasis miestelis – parapijiečiai ir net šeima – laiko jį juokingu keistuoliu. Vaikinas dirba statybininku prie didžiausio Lenkijos projekto – kartu su kitais stato Jėzaus skulptūrą, kuri bus aukštesnė net už stovinčią Rio de Žaneire. Tačiau darbo metu nutikus baisiam nelaimingam atsitikimui, atsiskleidžia artimųjų ir visų tikinčiųjų tikrieji veidai.

Anna moves to a remote island as the new bride of a famous mystery writer. Once there, she uncovers secrets about her new husband's dead former wife and fears she may be the next victim.

Skotas Rouperis yra geriausias derybininkas su nusikaltėliais, ypač su tais, kurie grobia įkaitus. Visi pripažįsta, kad jis - vienas kiečiausių policininkų visoje apygardoje. Tačiau viskas apsiverčia aukštyn kojomis tuo metu, kai brangenybių vagis Maiklas Korda nužudo jo kolegą, kuris buvo geriausias Skoto draugas...

When her wild younger sister Ashley, who suffers from bipolar disorder and drug addiction, goes missing, Libba Phillips pours all her time and energy into finding Ashley and bringing her home. As the years go by, Libba refuses to give up hope, and, at the expense of her marriage and career, Libba finds her calling in life: creating a much-needed resource center for other families whose missing loved ones have fallen through the cracks.

A man becomes the superintendent of a large New York City apartment building where people mysteriously go missing.

A New York City oil company troubleshooter is brought to a remote B.C. lake to look for some lost machinery. Cancelling a trip to Disney World with his son, he decides to bring the boy along. They both end up experiencing more excitement than Mickey could ever conjure in Orlando, when they meet up with bad guys and a legendary creature

Abraham and his female friend Álex have a close relationship; they share both secrets and fears. When Abraham starts going out with Anchi, he begins to distance himself from Álex, who gradually dives into a living hell where she encounters strange apparitions, nightmarish visions and extreme situations.

A gang of young dirt bikers on a ride across an isolated region of Brazil find themselves being hunted by a machete wielding band of motorcyclists intent on killing them all.