Sylvester Stallone's 90-minute video diary, covering the making of "The Expendables".

When Tsukasa was a middle school student, she had a crush on transfer student Hayato and even confessed her feelings to him. She was turned down by Hayato. Now, Tsukasa and Hayato are classmates in high school. Hayato treats Tsukasa as just a friend, but Tsukasa still has feelings for him. Meanwhile, Hayato becomes attracted to Tsukasa.

In the harsh times of the small time crime in Istanbul, a conscientious police officer Cumali is recognized by the police chief Ziver Bey who sees Cumali as a threat and matches him with Sekerpare, a famous harlot.

A gym teacher and his female student look for her missing friend. But as they investigate, they find that her disappearance is a part of a larger conspiracy.

Film vychází ze skutečných událostí a točí se kolem hrdinského úsilí týmu hasičů, kteří se snaží vypořádat s požárem, jenž vypukl v ropné rafinerii v Dalianu.

Vypráví příběh Sára, muže, který hledá zelenější pastviny, ale vlivem událostí a jeho poměru s královskou ženou se setkává s předčasnou smrtí a s Akalou, mystickým ptákem, o němž se věří, že dává a bere život.

Fausto and Esther childhood was tormented. Fausto, trying to escape from his father. Esther, mistreated by her brother-in-law. They both begin to be involved in a supernatural situation. Over which they have no control.

After a near fatal car accident, a popular high school student loses her memory and gets a second chance at a more meaningful life.

Na konci 19. století na ostrově Chiloé u jižní části chilského pobřeží je domorodá třináctiletá dívka Rosa nucena přihlížet brutálnímu násilí německého kolonizátora vůči jejímu otci.

An emotional coming-of-age drama centered around Andou Jun, a gay student who is not out. He accepts a confession from his fujoshi classmate Miura Sae and they start dating. However, Jun is also seeing Makoto, but fails to tell Sae about his male lover.

Sharing her journey from child to teen activist, Georgie Stone looks back at her life and historic fight for transgender rights in this documentary.

A fateful day reunites an estranged family in Mexico City, where a chain of events shifts their romantic relationships and uncovers a monumental secret.

In a port city, the lives of a few isolated people, used to violence, are strongly influenced by the love they feel for each other. Choices, envy, love and tenderness are the driving forces that help these characters to be themselves and give meaning to their lives. A tribute to poetry, theatre and art.

The body of Nathalie, who disappeared 25 years ago, is found on the Deridder family estate. The event reveals a long-hidden crime, and when secrets are brought forth, the present is overshadowed by the past.

Problémový manželský pár a jeho nedospělá dcera se ve snaze obnovit a napravit svůj vztah vydají na idylický útěk do odlehlého sídla na venkově v Louisianě. Když však přijede nečekaná návštěva, začne se jejich fasáda rodinné jednoty rozpadat a na povrch vyplouvají děsivá tajemství.

Moderní příběh o velké cestě dospívající dívky volně inspirovaný klasickým románem „Čaroděj ze země Oz“.

Zloděj provede svou životní loupež, když okrade psychotického drogového bosse Templa. Plán se daří bez problémů až do chvíle, kdy Zloděj objeví v únikovém autě černého pasažéra - Templeovu těhotnou ženu Miu.

Daisy's task as a new maid to a wealthy family is to watch over a young kid, but unknowingly she's being watched by the kid's father. When temptation kicks in Daisy and the wealthy family's lives start to shatter in pieces.

Tom Beckwith has just quit his job as a police officer in order to study psychology. But his professor, Lauren Porter, is more interested in his criminology abilities than in his progress in psychology. Because of traumatic circumstances during her childhood she is suffering from schizophrenia, and it looks like her other ego has just killed somebody. So Tom Beckwith tries to help her by observing her, combining his professional abilities as an ex-cop and his recently gained knowledge of psychology.