V predvečer Dňa Zeme rodičia porozprávajú svojmu rozumnému sedemročnému synčekovi o tajoch našej planéty, ako aj o záhadnej výstave, ktorá sa koná vo výstižne pomenovanom Múzeu všetkého.

A young horse wishes to be one of the king's horses, and while trying to achieve it, finds out that one of the king's horses mysteriously disappear every night.

On the night of 16 July 1942, ten year old Sarah and her parents are being arrested and transported to the Velodrome d'Hiver in Paris where thousands of other jews are being sent to get deported. Sarah however managed to lock her little brother in a closet just before the police entered their apartment. Sixty years later, Julia Jarmond, an American journalist in Paris, gets the assignment to write an article about this raid, a black page in the history of France. She starts digging archives and through Sarah's file discovers a well kept secret about her own in-laws.

After being separated from his friend Sophie, Felix embarks on a journey filled with mystical creatures in this high quality animated feature for your kids and family.

A shy duelist stumbles upon the legendary Red Eyes Black Dragon, with that card in his possession, he must learn to bring out his confidence to duel.

Natanaël, seven, still doesn't know how to read. His eccentric old aunt bequeaths her house to his parents and her book collection to the young boy. Nat discovers that the books serve as a shelter for all the heroes found in children's literature. They are the original characters and are counting on him for protection. For if they leave the library, they will disappear along with their stories forever! When his parents start selling off the books, Nathanaël, who is shrunk by the evil witch Carabosse, braves everything to save his tiny friends

Dávno pradávno predtým, čo sa víla Cililing stretla s Wendy a stratenými chlapcami, sa zoznámila s Lizzy, dievčatkom, ktoré neochvejne verilo v silu vílieho prášku a kúzelnú ríšu víl. Keď Cililing jedného dňa navštívi rozkvitnuté anglické lúky, pretnú sa po prvý raz dva veľmi odlišné svety a vznikne nevšedné puto medzi Cililing a zvedavou Lizzy, ktorá potrebuje kamarátov. Ostatné víly sa vypravia na odvážnu záchrannú akciu, ale Cililing sa pustí do veľmi riskantného dobrodružstva a ohrozí nielen svoju bezpečnosť, ale aj budúcnosť všetkých víl...

In 1930, Louis Martinet, a peaceful sexagenarian, no longer has a long life to live according to the words of his doctor, Leon Galipeau, who sees to take advantage of the very interesting situation of the "future deceased". This one indeed has a small house in Saint-Tropez. Galipeau sniffs the windfall. Following his advice, Martinet agrees to give it in life to the brother of the doctor, Emile, and then rushes back to a health of iron. Worse, he even survives the war. Galipeau, exhausted, decide to use the great means to get rid of the importunce who persists in thwarting their project ...

Desaťročný Arthur žije s babkou v malom domčeku na vidieku. Rovnako ako všetky deti, aj on je fascinovaný rozprávkami, ktoré mu babička rozpráva. Zdá sa mu o afrických kmeňoch a neuveriteľných príbehoch, ktoré sú popísané a namaľované v čarovnej knihe jeho dedka, ktorý pred niekoľkými rokmi záhadne zmizol. Idylické časy skončia v okamihu, keď im hrozí zabavenie domu. Situácia vyzerá beznádejne. Jedinou šancou je dedkov poklad, ktorý je údajne ukrytý kdesi na záhrade, v Ríši Minimojov, roztomilých malých škriatkov, o ktorých Arturovi rozprával dedko. Malý Artur sa rozhodne odvrátiť hroziace nebezpečenstvo a vydá sa hľadať pomoc práve do Ríše Mimimojov.

Sammy, malá morská korytnačka sa odrazu vyliahne v hniezde na pláži v Kalifornii. Ledva vylezie z hniezda a už zažíva dobrodružstvá. Spoznáva mladú Shally, lásku svojho života, ktorú vzápätí stráca. Rozhodne sa cestovať naprieč oceánmi a kým sa vráti späť na pláž, kde sa narodil čelí mnohým nebezpečenstvám, nástrahám a stále s jediným cieľom - nájsť Shelly. Na ceste ho sprevádza kamarát Ray a spolu sú nestrannými pozorovateľmi kolobehu života a zásahov ľudskej ruky do životného prostredia.

Naše obľúbené dinosaury z Veľkého údolia sú zase tu, aby vám vyrozprávali najčerstvejšie dobrodružstvo o snehu, ktorý u nich prvýkrát napadol a každého milo prekvapil. Potom ale naši kamaráti zistia, že aj malé snehové vločky môžu ohroziť ich prežitie. Čaká vás dojemný príbeh o priateľstve a rodine, čarovná animácia a krásne pesničky v podarenom filme, ktorý okrem snehových lavín prinesie aj prívaly zábavy.

Josephine and Iris, sisters with opposite personalities, have their relationship radically transformed while working on a book.

Arthur je natešený, pretože dnes večer sa naposledy môže vrátiť do ríše Minimojov a stretnúť sa tam s princeznou Seléniou. Minimojovia na jeho počesť chystajú obrovskú hostinu a princezná si pripravila pre túto príležitosť šaty z ružových okvetných lístkov. Arthur však nečakane nájde zrnko ryže, kde je napísané SOS. Nie je pochýb o tom, že princezná Selénia je v nebezpečenstve! Arthur neváha ani minútu a beží ju zachrániť. Až na mieste zistí, že Minimojovia ho o pomoc nežiadali. Kto teda vymyslel túto nečakanú pascu?

Provocative French writer Michel Houellebecq meets Gérard Depardieu at a sea water therapy centre in Cabourg. Together, they try to survive the health regime to which they are subjected by the establishment. But events quickly derail their routine… Just Great is a joyful comedy elevated by two extraordinary performances.

The day she turns 40, Marguerite Flora, a successful rep for a nuclear power company, begins receiving letters she'd sent to herself at age seven. The letters tell her what to do if her life hasn't turned out the way she thought it should, when she was living in poverty with her mother and brother in a small village in southern France. She decides to go back to her birthplace to get the lawyer to stop the letters, but also to visit her childhood sweetheart and her long-forgotten brother, in order to find peace within herself.

Early Spanish western. Ramon Torrado’s westerns remain among the most obscure ones. Of his four westerns, all shot around 1964.

Thomas is an arrogant and merciless businessman who live in a universe of luxury.Mathilde is a very sensible and insecure woman who recuperates a lot things in the dustbins.This day Thomas was driving his mountain bike through a park, Mathilde was with her friends Nathalie and Patricia and she was trying to drive a car.Suddenly Thomas shocked the car driven by Mathilde,flies in the air and falls down: he remains unconscious some minutes and when Patricia asks him his name he answers that he has lost his memory.They carry him to an hospital where the doctor makes an medical examination.Patricia doesn't want to have problems and goes away.The doctor says that Thomas needs to rest and Mathilde accepts to invite him for a night in her apartment.When Thomas was jumping above the car, he lost his cell phone and his colleague is calling him.

Jake Suttner býva v malom mestečku na Aljaške, ktoré, ako tvrdí, bolo napadnuté veľkou netvorou, pripomínajúcou draka. Tento drak bol známy v mytológii ako Wyvern, ktorý sa prebudil kvôli globálnemu otepľovaniu z rozpúšťajúcich ľadovcov Aljašky. Teraz sa budú musieť všetci obyvatelia mestečka postaviť tejto krvilačnej beštii.

Bad weather diverts Tom and Laura Jane from their Bahamas dream wedding. So, with friends, parents, and Laura's protective big brother, they land at a mystery hotel in Jamaica—which turns out to be a swinger's resort! Can the innocent couple avoid the nonstop booze, weed, naked bodies, and lusty dolphins long enough to make it to the altar?

Jo, an overbooked and explosive casting director, is looking for the man of her life while all the odds tend to be against her. Will Bernard, a wannabe actor turned funeral home employee, be the lucky one ?