Poor weavers Hans (Horst Drinda) und Kumpan (Werner Lierck) try to enter a town surrounded by a tall, impenetrable wall, where everyone is apparently very happy. When they finally make it inside, the tyrannical Emperor Max demands they make him new clothes that would "bring all creatures to their knees." Hans and Kumpan claim only intelligent people can see the robe, and in order to prove himself clever, the emperor haughtily displays himself before his subjects wearing his new invisible regalia.
An introverted young girl falls in love with a popular senior. However, as she begins to come out of her shell, she faces several new problems.
Don Birnam, un alcoolic de multă vreme, este treaz de zece zile și pare să treacă peste tot... dar pofta lui tocmai a devenit mai aprigă. Evitând un weekend la țară planificat de fratele și iubita lui, el începe o perioadă de patru zile care ar putea fi ultimele - într-un fel sau altul.
As Dominique Marceau is being tried for the murder of Gilbert Tellier, accounts by different witnesses paint a picture of the kind of relationship the two used to share.
Shiba, un ronin rătăcitor, întâlnește o bandă de țărani care au răpit-o pe fiica magistratului lor dictatorial, în speranța de a-i constrânge la o reducere a taxelor. Shiba începe lupta lor, alături de doi renegați din garda magistratului, Sakura și Kikyo. Cei trei haiduci se trezesc într-o luptă până la moarte.
Dramatised origin story of one of Germany's most beloved contemporary comedians.
Alice, the only relatively normal member of the eccentric Sycamore family, falls in love with Tony Kirby, but his wealthy banker father and snobbish mother strongly disapprove of the match. When the Kirbys are invited to dinner to become better acquainted with their future in-laws, things don't turn out the way Alice had hoped.
Naivul ofițer de poliție francez Nester Patou este transferat pentru a păstra ordinea într-un cartier periferic al Parisului. Conștiinciosul om al legii se străduie să facă ordine, organizează razii, închide toate doamnele (prostituatele) și la sfârșitul unei zile obositoare se oprește într-un bar, unde o cunoaște pe Irma, o prostituată de care se îndrăgostește. De acum viața lui se transformă și se complică dramatic de amuzant. Una din cele mai cunoscute comedii semnate de Billy Wilder, în care regizorul cu un umor sclipitor, oferă o nouă imagine cinică a unei lumi plină de defecte, dar cuceritoare. Asocierea celor doi interpreți principali sporește hazul și autenticitatea scenelor.
Thief Gaston Monescu and pickpocket Lily are partners in crime and love. Working for perfume company executive Mariette Colet, the two crooks decide to combine their criminal talents to rob their employer. Under the alias of Monsieur Laval, Gaston uses his position as Mariette's personal secretary to become closer to her. However, he takes things too far when he actually falls in love with Mariette, and has to choose between her and Lily.
In 1979 Clive Sinclair, British inventor of the pocket calculator, frustrated by the lack of home investment in his project,the electric car, also opposes former assistant Chris Curry's belief that he can successfully market a micro-chip for a home computer. A parting of the ways sees Curry, in partnership with the Austrian Hermann Hauser and using whizz kid Cambridge students, set up his own, rival firm to Sinclair Radionics, Acorn. Acorn beat Sinclair to a lucrative contract supplying the BBC with machines for a computer series. From here on it is a battle for supremacy to gain the upper hand in the domestic market.
The adventures of a blind, gambling masseur and master swordsman. Zatoichi targets a yakuza-controlled village, because war with a neighbouring town's smaller gang is brewing.
O organizație secretă oferă oamenilor bogați o a doua șansă la viață. Clientul alege pe cineva care își dorește să fie, iar organizația îl modifică chirurgical pentru a arăta ca persoana vizată, pune în scenă moartea clientului, scapă de persoana vizată și clientul ia o nouă viață.
Paris, Regatul Franței, 18 august 1572. Pentru a evita izbucnirea unui război religios, prințesa catolică Marguerite de Valois, sora slabului rege Carol al IX-lea, se căsătorește cu regele hughenot Henric al III-lea al Navarrei.
It is 1943, and the German army—ravaged and demoralised—is hastily retreating from the Russian front. In the midst of the madness, conflict brews between the aristocratic yet ultimately pusillanimous Captain Stransky and the courageous Corporal Steiner. Stransky is the only man who believes that the Third Reich is still vastly superior to the Russian army. However, within his pompous persona lies a quivering coward who longs for the Iron Cross so that he can return to Berlin a hero. Steiner, on the other hand is cynical, defiantly non-conformist and more concerned with the safety of his own men rather than the horde of military decorations offered to him by his superiors.
Widowed Welsh mother Anna Loenowens becomes a governess and English tutor to the wives and many children of the stubborn King Mongkut of Siam. Anna and the King have a clash of personalities as she works to teach the royal family about the English language, customs and etiquette, and rushes to prepare a party for a group of European diplomats who must change their opinions about the King.
Lovestruck conservatory student Ariane pretends to be just as much a cosmopolitan lover as the worldly mature Frank Flannagan hoping that l’amour will take hold.
Roger Willoughby is a renowned fishing expert, who, unbeknownst to his friends, co-workers, or boss, has never cast a line in his life. One day, he crosses paths with Abigail Paige, a sweetly annoying girl who has just badgered his boss into signing Roger up for an annual fishing tournament.
After marrying an American lieutenant with whom he was assigned to work in post-war Germany, a French captain attempts to find a way to accompany her back to the States under the terms of the War Bride Act.
The unassuming, nebbishy inventor Sidney Stratton creates a miraculous fabric that will never be dirty or worn out. Clearly he can make a fortune selling clothes made of the material, but may cause a crisis in the process. After all, once someone buys one of his suits they won't ever have to fix them or buy another one, and the clothing industry will collapse overnight. Nevertheless, Sidney is determined to put his invention on the market, forcing the clothing factory bigwigs to resort to more desperate measures...
A young woman arrives in San Francisco's Chinatown from Hong Kong with the intention of marrying a rakish nightclub owner, unaware he is involved with one of his singers.