Dva mlada britanska vojnika tijekom Prvog svjetskog rata imaju nemoguću misiju: ​​dostaviti poruku, duboko u neprijateljskom teritoriju, koja će zaustaviti njihove ljude i Blakeova brata, koji idu ravno u smrtonosnu zamku.

In 2200, private detective Aline Ruby and her android partner Carlos Rivera are hired by a wealthy businessman to track down a notorious hacker. On Mars, they descend deep into the underbelly of the planet's capital city where they uncover a darker story of brain farms, corruption, and a missing girl who holds a secret about the robots that threatens to change the face of the universe.

Dok se svijet raspada, mladu Furiosu otimaju i ona pada u ruke horde predvođene Gospodarom Dementusom. Prolazeći kroz pustoš, nailaze na naselje Citadela kojom vlada Besmrtni Joe. Dok se dva tirana bore za dominaciju, Furiosa mora preživjeti mnoge izazove i sukobe u pustoši i pronaći svoj put kući.

Kad nespretno razbije drevni sarkofag, Tad probudi osvetoljubivog duha i s prijateljima mora prijeći cijeli svijet kako bi poništio kletvu.

Film živopisno prepričava kako je slavni hotel Taj Mahal Palace u Mumbaiju u Indiji zaposjela skupina terorista 2008. godine. Među posvećenim hotelskim osobljem nalaze se poznati chef Hemant Oberoi i konobar koji odluče riskirati svoje živote kako bi zaštitili goste. Dok svijet promatra, očajan par prisiljen je na nezamislive žrtve kako bi zaštitio svoje novorođenče.

Covered in ice and snow, Elior Forest is the home to dangerous magical beasts and 50 elves frozen in ice. One day, the great spirit Puck helps a young girl break out of her ice prison. Her name is Emilia, a half-elf born with silver hair, long ears, and amethyst eyes—features that resemble the evil Witch who destroyed half the world long ago. Shunned by society because of her appearance, Emilia dwells in the forest with Puck as her sole companion and family. Burdened with a sin of destruction she does not remember committing, she spends her days trying to find a way to help her frozen kin. But when the great spirit Melakuera, the Arbitrator of the world, finds Emilia, her right to stay alive is brought into question. Will the bonds of ice she formed with Puck prove to be the warm thread that defies fate?

The extraordinary tale of Harriet Tubman's escape from slavery and transformation into one of America's greatest heroes. Her courage, ingenuity and tenacity freed hundreds of slaves and changed the course of history.

Nešto je zlokobno i neprirodno u odnosu majke Diane (Sarah Paulson) i kćeri Chloe (Kiera Allen). Prezaštitnički nastrojena Diane je od rođenja odgajala kćer u potpunoj izolaciji od svijeta. Kad Chloe odraste i postane mlada žena, počinje otkrivati da stvari u njihovoj kući nisu onakvima kakvima se čine. Postaje jasno da je veza Diane s kćeri neprirodna jer je cijelo vrijeme pokušava spriječiti da živi vlastitim životom - u biti je drži kao zarobljenicu u vlastitom domu. Chloe polako otkriva sve više tajni o svojoj „brižnoj“ majci, a opasna igra živaca tek počinje…

Novinarke New York Timesa, Megan Twohey i Jodi Kantor objavile su priču koja je pokrenula pokret #Metoo te razbila desetljeća šutnje o temi seksualnih napada u Hollywoodu i zauvijek promijenila američku kulturu.

Udaja za šarmantna princa pretvori se u žestoku borbu za preživljavanje kad djevojku ponude kao žrtvu zmaju koji riga vatru.

Tijekom pedesetih godina prošlog stoljeća u sklopu izoliranog korporacijskog grada u srcu kalifornijske pustinje, žive Alice i njezin suprug Jack. On, kao i svi ostali muškarci u gradu, radi za Franka, koji je rukovoditelj tajnog projekta Victory. Dok muškarci dane provode u sjedištu projekta Victory, radeći na “razvoju progresivnih materijala”, njihove supruge – uključujući i Frankovu elegantnu partnericu, Shelley – svoje vrijeme provode uživajući u ljepoti, luksuzu i razvratu te iste zajednice. Život je savršen, a kompanija zadovoljava potrebe svakog stanara. Sve što traže zauzvrat je diskrecija i neupitna predanost cilju pobjede.

Nakon što je prvi put u životu pozvan na “zabavu ljubljenja”, 12-godišnji Max počinje paničariti jer se ne zna ljubiti. Željan znanja i učenja Max sa svojim najboljim prijateljima Thorom i Lucasom krade tatin dron u namjeri da špijunira par iz susjedstva kad se ljube.

Olga and Maks are 15 years away. She is a successful woman with an established position, the mother of an adult daughter, he is a handsome young man who enjoys his life in a handful and lives only in the moment. It might seem that these two different worlds will never meet, and yet fate put them in the way.

When a kind of rabies that transforms people into aggressive creatures spreads across the planet, Manel isolates himself at home with his cat, relying on his wits to survive; but soon they must go out in search of food, by land and by sea, dodging many dangers.

Kada se novinarka potajno zaposli kao dadilja, kako bi iznutra saznala neki trač o princu, ona se zapetlja u kraljevsku spletku i na kraju pronađe ljubav - ali hoće li uspjeti sakriti svoju laž?

The young family who moved to a new apartment on the outskirts of the city. The nanny hired by them for the newborn daughter quickly gained confidence. However, the older boy, Egor, talks about the frightening behavior of a woman, but his parents do not believe him. The surveillance cameras installed by the father for comfort only confirm everything is in order. Then one day, Egor, returning home, finds no trace of either the nanny or the little sister, and the parents are in a strange trance and do not even remember that they had a daughter. Then Egor, together with his friends, goes in search, during which it turns out that the nanny is an ancient Slavic demon, popularly known as Baba Yaga.

U ovoj blagdanskoj komediji-avanturi, Eddie Murphy glumi heroja koji pobjeđuje na godišnjem natjecanju u božićnom ukrašavanju svog susjedstva i slučajno sklapa dogovor s nestašnim vilenjakom koji će 12 dana Božića učiniti stvarnošću.

The first film to expose unsolved wildlife deformity outbreaks and where they may lead. Based on a true unsolved ecological mystery, thousands of hideously deformed frogs have turned up in the waters of Minnesota. As seen through the eyes of a one hit wonder single mother and her 11 year old son, a small town struggles with the unknown when the deadly mutations move beyond the ponds.

Kaznena braniteljica preuzme slučaj umjetnika optuženog za ubojstvo, što je dovede do toga da mora birati među obitelji, dužnosti i vlastitih opasnih žudnji.

Experience the breathtaking panic and agonizing fear when a beautiful, desperate young woman escapes from her abusive husband only to become the victim of a ruthless carjacking. This film is a suspenseful wild-ride through the savage back roads of California.