Outskirts of Moscow. A girl comes to an unfamiliar apartment to look after a dog. After a while, she realizes that the owner of the apartment has disappeared. She finds herself into a series of people that have been taking care of the dog for years in that same apartment, creating a weird community around this strange absence of the owner.

Vor 75 Jahren wurde der wohl extravaganteste Rocksänger der Musikgeschichte geboren, der schon zu Lebzeiten zur Legende wurde: Freddie Mercury. Die Dokumentation widmet sich sowohl dem Künstler Freddie Mercury als auch der Privatperson. Immer wieder machte er nicht nur mit musikalischen Erfolgen, sondern auch mit Party- und Drogenexzessen Schlagzeilen. Am 24.11.1991 verstarb er schließlich an AIDS. 2021 jährt sich sein Todestag zum 30. Mal.

The teams of the 'Not Found' and 'Honto Ni Atta. Noroi No Video' franchises join forces to create the definitive psychic documentary series. This is a selection of the 9 best videos.

At a downtown café, three business colleagues are discussing a future investment opportunity when a seagull hits the cafe’s window right in front of them. Anna, one of the colleagues, tries to ignore the event but is unable to shake off the incidents.

On the 20th anniversary of their edgy little 90's cable show Underground Entertainment, the authors, along with many SF, horror and B celebrities in cameos, remember how they pushed the envelope, shocked, entertained, but also introduced the audience to many movies, comics and conventions.

Fall in love again with André Rieu and his Johann Strauss Orchestra as they bring you a colourful concert with over two-hours of beautiful melodies under the star-studded summer skies. Once again André Rieu transformed the Vrijthof square in his hometown Maastricht into a grand, romantic open-air concert hall with room for about ten thousand people for his traditional summer evening concerts. André returns to Maastricht bringing with him two wonderful guest choirs – the Harlem Gospel Choir and the Soweto Gospel Choir – and a very special guest: Oscar-winning actor Sir Anthony Hopkins! The Hollywood-based star is a great admirer of André Rieu and wrote a piece called “And The Waltz Goes On” specially with Rieu in mind. André Rieu performed it in Maastricht for the first time for such a large crowd.

In the effervescent Spain of the 80s, Xavi Font, an artistic misfit, together with his friend Lurdes Iribar and her lover Manolo Arjona, founds Locomía. Although he achieves success, he also experiences the dark reality of the industry at the hands of powerful producer José Luís Gil.

Shihomi Etsuko plays a race car driver who also lends out her services to the Japanese Secret Service. Although there really isn't much of a "chase" to be seen, Shihomi does pursue a cartel of drug runners and assorted Japanese yakuza types. While the story is pure 70's exploitation and gritty crime drama, the best reason to see it is for the Martial Arts Action of Etsuko Shihomi. The action is over-the-top and at times hilarious (i.e. Shihomi battling the lead criminal atop a moving gondola or Shihomi battling a whip-wielding Catholic Nun).

Pluto is guarding a flock of sheep in the West; a coyote is sneaking up on that flock. The coyote fakes a bad leg; Pluto chases it away, only to have it run back ahead of him and go after the sheep. Pluto gets back and finds the coyote chasing the lone black sheep of the flock, after trapping the rest. The chase ends with the coyote buried under a toppling spire of rock, which forms a coyote of rock on the top.

David George hat einen guten Job, mit dem er sich, seiner Gattin und ihren drei Kindern ein angenehmes Leben finanzieren kann. Als er entlassen wird, ist das für alle Beteiligten erst einmal kein Grund, etwas zu ändern. Die Quittung folgt ein Jahr später, als die Familie ihr Haus verliert und schließlich obdachlos wird. Da erscheint die Rettung in Gestalt eines älteren Herrn, der den Georges Arbeit und Unterkunft auf seiner Weihnachtsbaumfarm anbietet.

Als bekannter Läufer und beliebter College-Professor genießt David einen sehr guten Ruf als Sportheld. Trotz Warnung durch seinen Arzt nimmt er sich vor, an einem 4668 km langen Lauf quer durch die USA teilzunehmen. Ehefrau Nancy ist alles andere als begeistert und bittet ihn, bei ihr und den Kindern zu bleiben, um nicht erneut monatelang von der Familie getrennt zu sein. David entschließt sich jedoch dazu, den Lauf anzutreten. Auf seinem Weg wird er mit der Härte des Sportes und der emotionalen Belastung durch die Entfernung zur Familie konfrontiert. Ein plötzlicher körperlicher Zusammenbruch bringt alle seine bisherigen Überzeugungen durcheinander. Soll er den Marathonlauf beenden oder seine Ehe retten? Doch dann wird der Lauf seines Lebens ganz unerwartet noch einmal neu geordnet… Basierend auf einer wahren Geschichte inspiriert dieser Film dazu, im Leben auf das zu achten, was wirklich zählt: die Familie.

Six high school seniors and their beloved local hero search for a graceful exit from a struggling small town.

In this parody follow-up to the 1983 classic film, the Greasers mourn the loss of their fallen comrade Johnny Cade, and while doing so, they receive a threatening message from the rival group, known as "the Socs", who are threatening to kill their beloved member Ponyboy Curtis if they do not attend a second rumble.

Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage with Mark Gungor's hilarious marriage tips and insights are now available on DVD! Improve your marriage and reduce marital problems with Mark Gungor's exclusive advice. Mark Gungor, one of the most sought-out speakers on love and marriage, explores the underlying dynamics of male/female relationships, combing striking clarity and practical solutions to common relationship woes. Mark's humor makes his teaching enjoyable, effective and memorable, helping husbands and wives remember these insights and immediately put them to work. Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage DVD captures all the fun and facts of Mark Gungor's view on life, love, and marriage. Couples will laugh, learn, and be able to make a real, positive changes to their marriage. Purchase your exclusive widescreen DVD copy and start improving your marriage today!