A young photographer's home is haunted by it's former residents.

After the closure of a lace factory in Calais, Andrée, Lulu and Solange are out on the street.

Kevin and James deal with the aftermath of their brush with death on Halloween night. As Hazel Falls P.D. arrive on the scene, they quickly realize the nightmare isn't over just yet.

Frank Wagner goes deeper undercover to infiltrate Europe's most dangerous Mafia, the Russian-est, consisting of ex - KGB officers.

A simple, carved figure bought at an auction in New York leads David Attenborough on a global journey from Russia to Australia, from England back to the Pacific. On the way he delves into a history of the stunning stones on Easter Island.

Subjugated by power, the workers of a mining town organize clandestinely.

阿king(刘德华 饰)当年因出千被捕,事实上他是被人陷害的。出狱时他为他接风的是崇拜他已久的化骨龙(张家辉 饰),化骨龙是个终日无所事事的人,希望能跟着king有所作为。出狱后的king到处寻找已怀孕的妻子(张慧仪 饰),与当日的得力助手(张锦程 饰),后来King与化骨龙妹妹晴(朱茵 饰)产生了好感。King得到Rocky(吴志雄 饰)的帮助上了赌船,碰见了多年前便想交手的马交文(高捷 饰),king想与之一决高低,却遭到马交文的手下省镜(李子雄 饰)陷害,揭开了king的底细更想进一步迫害king,king又能否躲过劫数呢?

A pianist plays in a huge theatre on a cylindrical piano, which is rotated by his dwarf assistant. The theatre is part of a huge, spherical city. Upon waking, he turns out to be a street musician, who has a restraining order, but wants to teach his daughter how to play the piano.

As John T. Wrecker continues his task of protecting a group of refugees from a virus, the threat of something new and even more dangerous grows ever closer in the form of monstrous mutants.

Fifth and final entry in this softcore spoof series follows Bare Wench 1-3 and the greatest hits release Bare Wench: Uncensored (2003), which was nothing but clips from the first three. This finally made its belated DVD debut in 2015 under the new title The Bare Wench Project 5: The Final Insult.

Tweety sits in his house, forlorn over the fact he can't fly outside like other birds because of his hungry feline predator, Sylvester.

西努(瓦伦·达万 Varun Dhawan 饰)样貌英俊帅气,在校园中人气很高,然而,西努的成绩却糟糕透顶,但凡遇到考试,他必然是红灯高挂。为了完成学业,西努远赴班加罗尔大学继续深造,在那里,西努邂逅了名为苏妮娜(伊利亚娜·狄克鲁兹 Ileana D’Cruz 饰)的美丽女孩。 单纯的西努很快就坠入了情网,对苏妮娜展开了热烈的追求,然而,正当他认为自己终会抱得美人归之时,却意外得到了苏妮娜遭人绑架的噩耗。绑架苏妮娜的,是名为艾莎(娜姬丝·法赫里 Nargis Fakhri 饰)的女孩,艾莎是黑帮老大的女儿,身家背景十分高深莫测,而艾莎显然十分中意西努,三人被卷入了复杂的感情漩涡之中。

Gus (Brian Holden) and Kristen (Denise Donovan) throw a surprise party for old friend Joe (Joseph Walker), who has spent the last five years in outer space.

Crash landing on Earth after an extended deep space mission, five astronauts find their hope for a rescue quickly turning into a fight for survival.

Country singers on their way to Nashville have car trouble, forcing them to stop at an old haunted mansion. Soon they realize that the house is not only haunted, but is also the headquarters of a ring of international spies after a top secret formula for rocket fuel.

Mad Max meets Dawn of the Dead with a Spaghetti Western flavor.

Let your kids spend a little time with Madame Blueberry and the rest of the Veggies and they'll learn that "being greedy makes you grumpy -- but a thankful heart is a happy heart!

A journalist is investigating a group of poachers who are illegally selling the huge amounts of fish

A musician takes time out to do some archeology and seeks out the hiding place along the Sussex coast of a lost fabled crown that supposedly helps protect Great Britain against invasion.