A young actress arrives late to a casting, making up a great excuse without knowing a small detail.

Auto Da Fé is a diptych that looks at migration through the lens of religious persecution. Presented as a poetic period drama, the film presents a series of eight historical migrations over the last 400 years, starting with the little known 1654 fleeing of Sephardic Jews from Catholic Brazil to Barbados. As the film develops, we are presented with tale after tale of populations being displaced along religious lines, right up to the present day migrations from Hombori, Mali and Mosul, Iraq. Religion, persecution and migration are, it seems, old and continuing bedfellows. The work was filmed on location in Barbados, but the landscape is deliberately anonymous, reflecting the universal nature of these stories.

18 year-old Hye-hwa and Han-soo were lovers but as soon as Hye-hwa got pregnant Han-soo disappeared completely. Five years later, Han-soo suddenly appears in front of Hye-hwa and the two of them find out their baby is still alive. Hye-hwa doesn't believe Han-soo. However, after finding out her child had been adopted, she can’t help but weaken.

Evoking the style and pace of the Noir genre, the film is essentially a murder mystery with Stanley (Gareth Reeves) the prime suspect. Stanley's success as a novelist has been largely due to his style where he writes from the first person perspective of the central characters, who are always the killers in real-life cases. Troubled with writer's block, his agent suggests a tramping trip "to clear his mind". However, when he wakes up on the first morning of his tramp, he finds his fellow tramper dead.

After a tense few months following a miscarriage and an unemployment spell, things are finally looking up for Sean and Lisa Miller when Sean lands his dream job at an advertising firm. But when Sean’s assistant, Jen, his self-proclaimed “Work Wife,” begins vying for his affection, it soon becomes clear that she will stop at nothing to rip their marriage apart and claim him as her own.

A customs agent, Dr. Amnésio, examines some reels of film, a documentary Orson Welles made about Brazil, and tries to confiscate the material. Then, a party in which repression agents celebrate their victory against freedom and creativity.

After a man down on his luck comes looking for a rabbit's foot, Bugs Bunny embarks on a campaign of terror that eventually provokes him to jump off the Brooklyn Bridge.

The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..

At 12 years old, gifted Jaehee uses an unorthodox healing method that propels her into conflict with her overbearing father.

A young boxer falls in with a crooked fight promoter.

Младата вълшебница Марек, открадва мощен артефакт на боговете, който трябва да бъде скрит далече от силите на злото. Но когато заедно с малкия си отряд попада в капан, поставен от екип наемници и три демона, губи ценния предмет. Сега тя трябва отново да повярва в себе си и да спре злия магьосник с неговите легиони от немъртви, както и да върне изгубения артефакт и да го скрие от тъмните сили завинаги.

A young man and his friends experiment with human-initiated contact techniques in an attempt to develop a peaceful relationship with extra-terrestrials.

In a dystopian future, Joana tries to take care of her son, who contracted MYNOSY, the Mysterious Noise Syndrome.

Documentary film on the memories of four children from Eisenhüttenstadt who were all born at the same time the Berlin wall was built.

Berta (Tota Alba) has entered, once again, in prison accused of fraud. From the first moment she steps in the jail, she becomes the toy of all the veteran inmates. The number of conflicts in which she is immersed causes her to be transferred several times from penitentiary. In all of them will live some experience that will change her life; she will know love, hate, despair, etc.

Pluto teams up with his pal Mickey for classic doggone fun in this new collection of eight shorts. Mickey travels to South America and has a ball with "Pluto And The Armadillo," a clever turtle and Pluto match wits in "Pluto's Housewarming," and some playful puppies keep Pluto on his paws in the adorable "Pluto, Junior" and the hilarious "Pueblo Pluto." You'll be rolling over with laughter when you join Mickey, Pluto and their pals for fun and adventure. Packed With Friends & Fun: Pluto's Housewarming (1947) / Pluto and the Armadillo (1943) / Cat Nap Pluto (1948) / Pluto's Party (1952) / Pluto, Junior (1942) / Pluto's Fledgling (1948) / Plutopia (1951) / Pueblo Pluto (1949)

"Jornada" is a visual time line of one spot somewhere in the American southwest. Natural and human-made cycles of birth and death are played out amidst a desert landscape.