During the 1990s, hardworking Mi-soo and optimistic Hyun-woo meet at a bakery and fall in love while exchanging stories on a radio station, but while their paths keep crossing, the timing never seems to work out.

In 1879, Kenshin and his allies face their strongest enemy yet: his former brother-in-law Enishi Yukishiro and his minions, who've vowed their revenge.

An ex-special agent is involved in a convoluted drug ring drama. He has to save a drug smuggler's innocent daughter from being the victim of her parents' fight.

Še nikoli ni bilo pet prijateljev tako razvpitih, kot so Barabe - drzni žepar g. Volk, vsega vajen vlomilec sefov g. Kača, mojster preobrazbe g. Morski pes, »mišičnjak« hitre jeze g. Piranja in heker z ostrim jezikom, gdč. Tarantela, imenovani »Mreža«. Ko pa tolpo po več letih neštetih ropov in dejstvu, da so najbolj iskani zlikovci na svetu, končno ujamejo, gospod Volk sklene dogovor, da jih vse reši iz zapora, kar pomeni: Barabe bodo postale pridne.

Based on the long running play by Jang Jin, the story is set in Korea during the Korean War in 1950. Soldiers from both the North and South, as well as an American pilot, find themselves in a secluded and naively idealistic village, its residents unaware of the outside world, including the war.

Three moments in Takaki's life: his relationship with Akari and their forced separation; his friendship with Kanae, who is secretly in love with him; the demands and disappointments of adulthood, an unhappy life in a cold city.

A story about a karaoke-addicted old woman struggling with her self-worth and a sense of betrayal at her long-lost husband's funeral where she encounters his younger and more sophisticated girlfriend while she finds out her kids might have been secretly in touch with her late husband all these years.

For high schooler Kei—and for at least forty-six others—immortality comes as the nastiest surprise ever. Sadly for Kei, such a feat doesn't make him a superhero. In the eyes of both the general public and governments, he's a rare specimen who needs to be hunted down and handed over to scientists to be experimented on for life—a demi-human who must die a thousand deaths for the benefit of humanity.

Tatiana is a journalist with a routine life in all its aspects and a recently failed love relationship. Motivated by her best friend, she decides to make a stop and travel around Costa Rica to find herself and inner peace.

Dr. Gero's Androids #13, #14, and #15 are awakened by the laboratory computers and immediately head to the mall where Goku is shopping. After Goku, Trunks, and Vegeta defeat #14 and #15, #13 absorbs their inner computers and becomes a super being greater than the original three separately were. Now it is up to Goku to stop him.

Manji, a highly skilled samurai, becomes cursed with immortality after a legendary battle. Haunted by the brutal murder of his sister, Manji knows that only fighting evil will regain his soul. He promises to help a young girl named Rin avenge her parents, who were killed by a group of master swordsmen led by ruthless warrior Anotsu. The mission will change Manji in ways he could never imagine.

High school student Mitsuko navigates a series of bizarre alternate realities, each ending in bloody carnage.

Med potekom ropanja banke, Rex človek, ki ima navado govoriti sam s seboj, onesposobi roparje ter po nekaj strelih uspe zavarovati področje. A na žalost, se uspešna misija vseeno konča tragično, zaradi česar se mu sodi.

A college student moonlighting as a chauffeur picks up two mysterious women for a night of party-hopping across LA. But when he uncovers their bloodthirsty intentions—and their dangerous, shadowy underworld—he must fight to stay alive.

A sickly girl Ju-ran transfers to a new sanitorium boarding school to regain health. But she discovers that students are disappearing and notices abnormal changes happening to her body. She suspects the school for what's happening and tries to discover what secret is hidden.

Šest najstnikov potuje z avtom, ko nenadoma morajo iti s poti, ko najdejo cesto, ki jo je nesreča blokirala. Toda mladi se izgubijo v gozdnih gozdovih Zahodne Virginije, kjer jih bo zasledoval človeški rod kanibalov, grozno onesposobljen s svojim nenaravnim hranjenjem skozi generacije ...

A cocksure, road-raging family man finds himself pursued and terrorized by the vengeful van driver he chooses to tailgate.

Eun-jin who is a living legend among the gangsters dominates the male-centered underworld wielding only a pair of her trademark blades. One day, Eun-jin finds her sister from whom she was separated at an orphanage during childhood, and her sister tells Eun-jin that her last dying wish is to see that Eun-jin gets married.

Arlen is sent to a fenced-off wasteland where undesirables are exiled to when she is kidnapped by a group of cannibals. She escapes and ends up on a journey to reunite a missing girl with her father.

Isabelle, nedavno ločena pariška slikarka, se v iskanju prave ljubezni zaplete v serijo brezupnih razmerij. Ali resnična ljubezen sploh obstaja ali pa je to le utopija? Ji bo odgovor morda pomagal najti skrivnostni vedeževalec v podobi Gérarda Depardieuja? Čuten, duhovit in pretanjen film francoske režiserke Claire Denis, navdahnjen s knjigo Rolanda Barthesa, nas popelje skozi prizore iz življenja ženske, ki neutrudno išče ljubezen … končno pravo ljubezen.