Film pripoveduje resnično zgodbo o Henriju Charriereju, ki je bil zaradi umora, za katerega je vedno trdil, da ga ni zagrešil, obsojen na dosmrtno ječo. Poslali so ga v zapor v Francoski Gvajani, kjer je moral vsak dan trpeti zaradi nečloveških razmer. Zaradi podobe metulja, ki ga je kot simbol svobode imel vtetoviranega na prsih, je dobil vzdevek Metulj. Potem ko je večkrat poskušal zaman pobegniti, je bil kruto kaznovan, nato pa mu je nekega dne po dolgih letih le uspelo pobegniti na svobodo. Kasneje je o svoji izkušnji napisal knjigo, ki je postala svetovna uspešnica in po kateri so posneli tudi film.

Story about the remarkable friendship between a reclusive writer and illustrator and a chaotic homeless man, whom he gets to know during a campaign to release two charity workers from prison.

Neerja is a portrayal on the life of the courageous Neerja Bhanot, who sacrificed her life while protecting the lives of 359 passengers on the Pan Am flight 73 in 1986. The flight was hijacked by a terrorist organization.

An intimate look into the life of icon Quincy Jones. A unique force in music and popular culture for 70 years, Jones has transcended racial and cultural boundaries; his story is inextricably woven into the fabric of America. Jones came to prominence in the 1950s as a jazz arranger and conductor before working on pop music and film scores. He moved easily between musical genres, producing major pop hits of the early 1960s and serving as an arranger and conductor for several collaborations in the same time period.

USSR, June 1985. After contact with the Salyut 7 space station is lost, cosmonauts Vladimir Dzhanibekov and Viktor Savinykh dock with the empty, frozen craft, and bring her back to life. Based on actual events.

A tale of cheats and impostors, taking its inspiration from true facts and from one of the most intriguing characters of recent decades: the spy Francisco Paesa.

Film prikazuje neverjetno resnično zgodbo o britanskem raziskovalcu Percyju Fawcettu, ki na potovanju v Amazoniji na pragu 20. stoletja odkrije dokaze o prej neznani, napredni civilizaciji. Kljub temu, da je postal tarča posmeha znanstvenih kolegov, je Fawcett odločen in se, skupaj z ženo, sinom in svojim pomočnikom, v džunglo vrača znova in znova, vse do svojega skrivnostnega izginotja leta 1925.

Nekdanji posebni vojaški vojsko si prizadevajo, da bi se končali s kraji, da bi se ponovno združili zaradi velikega plena: ukradli 75 milijonov dolarjev od južnoameriškega lorda z mamili.

An elite group of American operatives, aided by a top-secret tactical command team, must transport an asset who holds life-threatening information to an extraction point 22 miles away through the hostile streets of an Asian city.

Začetek zgodbe sega v leto 1936, ko je Berg zaključeval dolgo kariero pri klubu Boston Red Sox. Med turnejo po Japonski se je iz radovednosti pretihotapil na streho hotela, v katerem je bival z ekipo, in na skrivaj posnel vojaško oporišče v Tokiu. Vodja OSS, ki mu je Berg predal filmski material, je bil nad posnetki navdušen, prav tako ga je prepričalo Bergovo znanje tujih jezikov, saj je bil nekdanji študent Princetona. Povprečen igralec bejzbola je tako postal vrhunski vohun. Med drugo svetovno vojno Berg sodeluje na različnih misijah, med drugim v nekdanji Jugoslaviji. Najpomembnejša naloga pa ga čaka proti koncu vojne, v zasedeni Italiji in v nevtralni Švici. Izslediti mora briljantnega fizika, Nobelovega nagrajenca Wernerja Heisenberga, ki naj bi bil vodja nacističnega programa izdelave jedrske bombe. Berg mora ugotoviti, kako daleč so nacisti prišli v svojih prizadevanjih in Heisenberga po potrebi likvidirati.

An eccentric mountain man on the run from the local sheriff recalls the mysterious events that brought him to his present fugitive state.

Riko is an honest and hardworking man who can count on a group of real friends and a loving wife. Things change after he loses his job and experiences a midlife crisis.

After their mother dies, three brothers must live together in order to get their inheritance — and soon start to uncover dark family secrets.

On a tour of Britain in 1926, Harry Houdini enters into a passionate affair with a psychic out to con the famous magician.

Three young women were sentenced to death in the infamous Manson murder case, but when the death penalty was lifted, their sentence became life imprisonment. One young graduate student was sent in to teach them – and through her we witness their transformations as they face the reality of their horrific crimes.

When a teenager suddenly disappears without a trace, the case is assigned to an alcoholic police officer who maintains a complicated relationship with his own troubled teenage son, suspected of drug trafficking.

A priest, after spending years in humanitary missions in Africa, reunites with his family, which is in worse conditions than when he left, and above all meets a young lady who will make him doubt both himself and his faith.

Willy, Giacomo, Lorenzo and Sandro are 4 young yuppies rampant in the "Milano da bere" of the 80s, who live in the myth of Lawyer Gianni Agnelli and Silvio Berlusconi; their only purpose in life is to appear rather than be. Giacomo is an advertiser, Lorenzo is a notary, Sandro is a dentist, and Willy is a car salesman.

Jacob združi moči s svojim sosedom Jamesom, nekdanjim policistom, da bi skupaj ujela storilca. Medtem ko poskušata predvideti roparjevo naslednjo potezo, pa je spretni zločinec Gabriel korak pred njima. Ko ga Gabriel ugrabi Jacobovo ženo in hči, se Jacob poda na krvavo pot uničenja, ki vse tri može prižene do skrajnosti.

On his latest private investigation, a shamed former cop connects a murder case to a government conspiracy involving rogue agents from a top spy agency.