Nakon presude kojom je proglašen krivim za ubojstvo vlastite žene i njenog ljubavnika, Andy Dufresne 1947. stiže u zloglasni zatvor Shawshank kako bi odslužio doživotnu kaznu. Inače bankovni stručnjak i ugledni gospodin, Andy je ubačen u sredinu o kakvoj nije mogao niti sanjati. Okružen kriminalcima i sadističkim čuvarima, vrlo se brzo suočava s brutalnošću zatvorskog života. Drži se povučeno i rijetko komunicira, osim s utjecajnim i dobronamjernim zatvorenikom Redom. Do promjene će doći jednoga dana kada Andy počne nuditi čuvarima financijske usluge i savjete. Tad počinje uživati poseban status među zatvorenicima i čuvarima, pa ga čak i sam upravitelj vrbuje za zatvorskog knjigovođu. Svoj povlašteni položaj Andy koristi kako bi unaprijedio zatvorsku knjižnicu i time barem donekle uljepšao tamošnji turoban život...

From the moment she glimpses her idol at the stage door, Eve Harrington is determined to take the reins of power away from the great actress Margo Channing. Eve maneuvers her way into Margo's Broadway role, becomes a sensation and even causes turmoil in the lives of Margo's director boyfriend, her playwright and his wife. Only the cynical drama critic sees through Eve, admiring her audacity and perfect pattern of deceit.

When Gelsomina, a naïve young woman, is purchased from her impoverished mother by brutish circus strongman Zampanò to be his wife and partner, she loyally endures her husband's coldness and abuse as they travel the Italian countryside performing together. Soon Zampanò must deal with his jealousy and conflicted feelings about Gelsomina when she finds a kindred spirit in Il Matto, the carefree circus fool, and contemplates leaving Zampanò.

A photographer takes up newsreel shooting to impress a secretary.

Luke Skywalker vodi misiju spašavanja svog prijatelja Hana Sola iz kandži Jabbe Hutta, dok car pokušava jednom zauvijek uništiti pobunu još jednom strašnom Zvijezdom smrti.

Two angels, Damiel and Cassiel, glide through the streets of Berlin, observing the bustling population, providing invisible rays of hope to the distressed but never interacting with them. When Damiel falls in love with lonely trapeze artist Marion, the angel longs to experience life in the physical world, and finds -- with some words of wisdom from actor Peter Falk -- that it might be possible for him to take human form.

Recently paroled from prison, legendary burglar "Doc" Riedenschneider, with funding from Alonzo Emmerich, a crooked lawyer, gathers a small group of veteran criminals together in the Midwest for a big jewel heist.

Priča o ekspediciji konkvistadora Gonzala Pizarra koji je 1560. i 1561. godine predvodio odred ljudi u peruansku prašumu privučen pričama o izgubljenom gradu. Kada se Pizarro počne pribojavati da je njegova ekspedicija nepromišljena, on odabere manju skupinu ljudi koji će tjedan dana istraživati rijeku dalje uzvodno. Ako ništa ne pronađu, kaže on, odustat će od cijelog pothvata. Ovu manju grupu predvode plemić Don Pedro de Ursua i njegov zamjenik Lope de Aguirre. Putujući na splavi rijekom, istraživače opsjedaju neprijateljski nastrojeni urođenici, bolest, glad i opasne vode. Izluđen pohlepom i izbezumljen od moći, Aguirre preuzme vođenje pothvata uništavajući svakoga tko mu se suprotstavi.

A mute Scottish woman arrives in colonial New Zealand for an arranged marriage. Her husband refuses to move her beloved piano, giving it to neighbor George Baines, who agrees to return the piano in exchange for lessons. As desire swirls around the duo, the wilderness consumes the European enclave.

The Joker is back with a vengeance, and Neo-Gotham's Dark Knight, Terry McGinnis, needs answers as he stands alone to face the old Gotham's most infamous Clown Prince of Crime.

Naoružan samo jednom riječju - Tenet - i boreći se za opstanak cijelog svijeta, glavni junak putuje kroz mračni svijet međunarodne špijunaže u misiji koja će se odvijati u nečemu izvan stvarnog vremena.

This animated short revolves around the events causing an electrical systems failure on the west coast of the US. According to Blade Runner 2049’s official timeline, this failure leads to cities shutting down, financial and trade markets being thrown into chaos, and food supplies dwindling. There’s no proof as to what caused the blackouts, but Replicants — the bio-engineered robots featured in the original Blade Runner, are blamed.

An itinerant farmer and his young son help a heart-of-gold saloon singer search for her estranged husband.

A multi-part documentary about the making of the Jurassic Park trilogy. Each part walks through the making of part of one of the films, including the hurricane during the shooting of the first film, and how advances in CGI for Jurassic Park helped change the world of special effects forever. All interviews for these retrospective documentaries come with comments from Spielberg, Johnston, Neill, Dern, Goldblum, the effects crews, the child actors, and Peter Stormare. This documentary is broken into six parts: Dawn of a New Era (25 min), Making Prehistory (20 min), The Next Step in Evolution (15 min), Finding the Lost World (28 min), Something Survived (16 min), and The Third Adventure (25 min).

Ronan, borbeni pilot i Izraleac po 'Zakonu o povratku' (izraelski koji daje pravo Židovima koji nisu iz Izraela i preobraćenima, da dođu i žive u Izrael, te da dobiju izraelsko državljanstvo), srušen je i zarobljen u Siriji nakon misije. S obzirom da je sin američkog senatora, poslana je zajednička američko-izraelska postrojba da spasi Ronana u roku od 36 sati.

The reinvigorated elderly group that left Earth comes back to visit their relatives. Will they all decide to go back to the planet where no one grows old, or will they be tempted to remain on Earth?

Trojica mladih Amerikanaca John zvan Sheriff (V. Vaughn), Lewis (J. Phoenix) i Tony (D. Conrad) provode odmor u Maleziji prepuštajući se jednonoćnim vezama i uživanju lakih droga. Sheriff i Tony se vraćaju kući, a Lewis odluči otputovati u Indoneziju. New York, dvije godine poslije. Sheriffu pristupi odvjetnica Beth Eastern (A. Heche) obavijestivši ga da je Lewis zbog droge u Maleziji osuđen na smrtnu kaznu. Do izvršenja presude ostalo je samo osam dana, a Lewisu je jedini spas da i Sheriff i Tony priznaju posjedovanje droge kako ne bi bio osuđen kao krijumčar narkoticima. Sheriff i Tony nađu se pred najtežom odlukom u životu, a za priču se zainteresira i novinarka M. J. Major (J. Pinkett Smith).

Zla kraljica Taramis (Sarah Douglas) pronalazi Conana (Arnold Schwarzenegger) i njegovog prijatelja, lopova Malaka (Tracey Walter) te obećaje Conanu da će oživjeti njegovu mrtvu ljubav Valeriju ukoliko joj donese čarobni ključ iz začaranog dvorca čarobnjaka Totha Amona (Pat Roach). Na putovanju im se pridružuju kraljičina nećakinja princeza Jehnna (Olivia d'Abo) koja jedina može taknti dijamantni rog boga Dagotha i njen tjelohranitelj Bombaat (Wilt Chamberlain).

Joanna Mills has a successful career but feels her personal life is spinning out of control. She has few friends, an estranged father, and a crazy ex-boyfriend who is stalking her. Joanna begins having terrifying visions of a woman's murder, and it seems that she is the killer's next target. Determined to solve the mystery and escape her apparent fate, Joanna follows her visions to the victim's hometown and finds that some secrets just do not stay buried.

A motocross team on their way to trial a new super-fuel head out across the desert lead by Rachel, who, unbeknownst to the rest of the group, is a survivor of the cannibal clan which menaced the Carter family several years before.