New England 1860-luvulla. Marchin perhe erottuu ilahduttavasti muusta porvaristosta. Humoristinen ja rakastava äiti (Susan Sarandon, "Päämies", "Thelma & Louise") ja hänen neljä tytärtään, romanttinen Amy, hauras Beth, kaunis Meg (Trini Alvardo) ja ennen kaikkea kapinallinen ja kekseliäs Jo (Winona Ryder), ovat tottuneet tulemaan toimeen omillaan. Puutteesta ja köyhyydestä huolimatta tyttöjen elämä on täynnä pieniä ilon aiheita, kodin lämpöä ja uskoa tulevaisuuteen. Heidän, varsinkaan temperamenttisen Jon, mielestä avioliitto ei ole ainoa tie onneen, sillä tytöt on kasvatettu kulkemaan omia polkujaan. Tulevaisuus tuo mukanaan suuria voittoja ja tappioita, mutta onko miehillä koskaan sijaa heidän elämässään...

A depiction of the conflict between King Henry VIII of England and his Lord Chancellor, Sir Thomas More, who refuses to swear the Oath of Supremacy declaring Henry Supreme Head of the Church in England.

Mark Hunter, a lonely high school student, uses his shortwave radio to moonlight as the popular pirate DJ "Hard Harry." When his show gets blamed for a teen committing suicide, the students clash with high school faculty and the authorities.

Aspiring interior designer Layla is dreading the Christmastime wedding of her cousin who’s marrying Layla’s ex-fiancé. Although Seth is the one responsible for introducing the bride and groom, she begrudgingly accepts his offer to be her date as she’s out of options. Seth gets carried away at the reception and announces they’re engaged, forcing a mortified Layla to keep up the pretense.

Kolmesta sisaresta yksi nai kartanonherran, toinen papin ja kolmannen aviomiestä ei kannata edes mainita. Pappilan emäntänä hääräävä rouva Norris pitää kristillisenä velvollisuutenaan auttaa huonoon avioliittoon ajautunutta sisartaan, jolla on runsaasti lapsia. Hän esittää kartanon väelle, että nämä ottaisivat yhden lapsiraukoista suojatikseen. Köyhä kymmenvuotias Fanny Price muuttaa asumaan tätinsä aviomiehen Sir Thomaksen kartanoon Mansfield Parkiin ja ystävystyy Thomaksen nuoremman pojan Edmundin kanssa. Aika kuluu ja lapset kasvavat rauhassa, kunnes pappilaan saapuu vieraita. Viehko ja sanavalmis nuori nainen varsinaisen naistenmiesveljensä kanssa viipyvät pidemmän aikaa sekoittaen kartanonväen elämän täydellisesti. Lopputuloksena on solmuja rakkaudessa, kun yksi rakastaa toista, joka on iskenyt silmänsä johonkuhun toiseen ja kolmas haaveilee ensimmäisestä.

A modern-day witch likes her neighbor but despises his fiancée, so she enchants him to love her instead... only to fall in love with him for real.

A modern retelling of Louisa May Alcott's classic novel, we follow the lives of four sisters - Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy March - detailing their passage from childhood to womanhood. Despite harsh times, they cling to optimism, and as they mature, they face blossoming ambitions and relationships, as well as tragedy, while maintaining their unbreakable bond as sisters.

A psychotic man, troubled by his childhood abuse, loose in NYC, kills young women and local girl American models and takes their scalps as trophies.

A free-spirited single mother forms a connection with the wedded headmaster of an Episcopalian boarding school in Monterey, California.

A young woman, Jill Young, grew up on her father's ranch in Africa, raising a large gorilla named Joe from an infant. Years later, she brings him to Hollywood to become a star.

Magda, a piano teacher, meets Knud, a parson’s son, who invites her to spend the summer at his parents’ parsonage. When a travelling circus stops in the village, Magda leaves the meek Knud for the dashing circus rider Rudolf. But circus life with Rudolf quickly turns out to be anything but happy, and Magda comes to a tragic end. (

The late, great impresario Florenz Ziegfeld looks down from heaven and ordains a new revue in his grand old style.

Rikkinäisessä perheessä kasvanut 17-vuotias Violet unelmoi pop-tähteydestä ja paosta pienestä englantilaisesta kotikylästään. Toivoa hänelle tuo kansallinen laulukilpailu Teen Spirit ja epätavallinen mentori, joka opettaa häntä laulamaan sydämestään. Tie menestykseen on kuitenkin täynnä vaaroja ja houkutuksia. Violetin on voitettava epävarmuutensa uskaltaakseen olla oma itsensä ja päästäkseen lopulta loistamaan.

Rose ja Ben ovat kaksitoistavuotiaita, mutta elävät eri aikakausina. New Yorkissa asuva Rose katselee mykkäelokuvia 1927 ja etsii niissä esiintyvää näyttelijää. Ben asuu Minnesotassa äitinsä kanssa ja karkaa kotoa 1977 etsimään isäänsä.

Best friends Judy and Carol compete for the affection of an older man during their high school dance. As Carol tries to rekindle Judy's relationship with Carol's bumbling brother, Oogie, Judy suspects that her father is having an affair with a beautiful dance instructor. The two girls team up to expose Judy's father -- who is only taking innocent dance lessons.

The Amado's decide to spend a weekend at the family's country home, but the plan is disrupted when Dominga, the Amado's cleaning woman, gives birth to a baby in the middle of a family gathering.

Egyptologist Erica Baron finds more than she bargained for during her long-planned trip to The Land of the Pharoahs - murder, theft, betrayal, love, and a mummy's curse!

In order to learn how to be responsible, two wealthy teen sisters are forced to work in the family business by their exasperated father. When company funds goes missing, it's up to the girls to save the day.

A 12 year old girl and her 8 year old brother live one week with their mother and the next week with their father. The girl blamers her mother, a super businesswoman for the divorce and turns all her anger on her. She prefers the weeks with her father who is flat broke after leaving his bank job to give people free hugs on street corners. Her brother channels his sense of injustice into the battle to save the planet. As the school year progresses and her parents struggle to mend their lives and as the girl approaches her 13th birthday, she learns to see the world in a new way.

The Addams Family goes on a search for their relatives. Gomez and Morticia are horrified to discover that Grandpa and Grandma Addams have a disease that is slowly turning them "normal". The only chance they have of a cure is to find a family member hoping that they know a home remedy.