Bruno Anthony vymyslí plán, ako sa zbaviť svojho nenávideného otca. Je relatívne jednoduchý - dvaja cudzí ľudia sa dohodnú na tom, že každý z nich zabije toho, ktorého sa ten druhý potrebuje zbaviť. Ideálnym partnerom pre tento plán sa zdá byť tenista Guy, ktorého stretne vo vlaku, a ktorý sa potrebuje zbaviť svojej manželky Miriam, aby sa mohol oženiť s dcérou senátora Anne...
14-year-old Eun-hee moves through life like a hummingbird searching for a taste of sweetness wherever she may find it. Ignored by her parents and abused by her brother, she finds her escape by roaming the neighborhood with her best friend, going on adventures, and exploring young love.
Sentenced to six years in prison, Malik El Djebena is alone in the world and can neither read nor write. On his arrival at the prison, he seems younger and more brittle than the others detained there. At once he falls under the sway of a group of Corsicans who enforce their rule in the prison. As the 'missions' go by, he toughens himself and wins the confidence of the Corsican group.
Bruno Stroszek is released from prison and warned to stop drinking. He has few skills and fewer expectations: with a glockenspiel and an accordion, he ekes out a living as a street musician. He befriends Eva, a prostitute down on her luck and they join his neighbor, Scheitz, an elderly eccentric, when he leaves Germany to live in Wisconsin.
Zhenya and Boris are going through a vicious divorce marked by resentment, frustration and recriminations. Already embarking on new lives, each with a new partner, they are impatient to start again, to turn the page – even if it means threatening to abandon their 12-year-old son Alyosha. Until, after witnessing one of their fights, Alyosha disappears.
Chun-su arrives in Suwon one day earlier than scheduled. He has a special lecture to give the next day. Chun-su decides to visit a palace and meets Hee-jung there. Hee-jung is a painter and she lets Chun-su see her workroom with her paintings. In the evening, they go out eat and drink together. There, Chun-su reveals something unexpected to Hee-jung.
A life-size, inflatable sex doll suddenly comes to life one day. Without her owner knowing, she goes for a walk around town and falls in love with Junichi. She starts to date Junichi and gets a job at the same store where he works. Everything seems to be going perfectly for her until something unexpected happens.
Edson is having an affair with a left-wing aspiring movie director during Brazil's military dictatorship years. He tries to get some easy money for her film, but ends up being arrested and tortured as his torturers suspect he's involved in a plot to overthrow the military government.
Nothing is as it seems in this riveting World War 2 thriller as a wary soldier goes to investigate a mysterious German monarch at his secluded mansion, leading him into a web of deceit and a dangerous love affair with a local Jewish woman.
Dievča Hayley má vraj ešte len štrnásť rokov. Na internete objavila muža, fotografa, menom Jeff. Stretnú sa osobne v akejsi cukrárni a potom sa obaja vypravia k Jeffovi domov. Hayley jeho dom obdivuje a chce, aby ju Jeff fotil. Už pri fotení sa Jeffovi urobí nejako divne a neskôr omdlie. Prebudí sa pripútaný k stoličke. Hay ho totiž podozrieva, že je pedofil. Zistila si na nete veľa vecí. A chce nájsť dôkazy. Nachádza trezor a odhalí aj kombináciu k nemu. Áno, sú tam fotky, ktoré sa nezlučujú so zákonom. Jeff sa pokúsi oslobodiť, ale veľmi sa mu to nepodarí a tentoraz končí na stole. Hay ho k nemu pripútala a hodlá ho kastrovať. Jeffovi sa to nepáči, ale nemôže proti tomu nič robiť. Aj druhýkrát sa mu podarí oslobodiť, avšak ukáže sa, že Hayley je veľmi ťažký súper ...
A lonely, chain-smoking office lady in Tokyo falls for her teacher when she decides to take English lessons. When her teacher disappears, she sets out on a journey to find him.
Offering a caustic immersion into the lives of disaffected junior high students on the cusp of adulthood, the film takes place over the five-day period before, during, and after a ferocious, seemingly-liberating typhoon, which six of the students endure while marooned in their school.
While her husband is on a business trip, Gam-hee meets three of her friends on the outskirts of Seoul.
On her first day at work, Areum replaces a woman who broke up with the boss. The wife of the boss finds a love note, bursts into the office, and mistakes Areum for the other woman.
Keď Vittoria v jedno leto dovŕši desať rokov, zistí, že má dve mamy: Tina (Valeria Golino) je milujúca matka, ktorá má s dcérou harmonický vzťah. Ale je tu aj Angelica (Alba Rohrwacher), krehká a impulzívna žena, ktorej život je poriadne zamotaný. Keď sa ich tajná dohoda po narodení dieťaťa náhle prevalí, obe ženy dramaticky bojujú o jeho lásku. Vittoria prežije leto plné nezodpovedaných otázok, obáv, odhalení, ale aj dobrozdružstiev a víťazstiev, po ktorom už nič nebude tak ako predtým.
Tommy Jarvis, tormented by the fear that maybe Jason isn't really dead, unwittingly resurrects the mass murderer for another bloody rampage.
In an isolated family mansion, a group of rich 20-somethings decides to play Bodies Bodies Bodies, a game where one of them is secretly a "killer" while the rest tries to "escape". Things take a turn for the worse when real bodies start turning up, setting off a paranoid and dangerous chain of events.
The accidental unearthing of Satan’s earthly remains causes the children of a 17th-century English village to slowly convert into a coven of devil worshipers.
Michal is 32 years old. She became religious 12 years ago, and only now is she getting married. A month before the wedding, while checking out the catering for the event, the groom has a change of heart and the wedding is called off. Michal feels she’s unable to go back to ordinary life, to the usual course of matchmaking. She feels this is the moment to change something very basic in her personality. A simple belief that God is good and sweet; that He wants to give and is only waiting for her to wish it. Michal goes on a month-long journey lasting up to the planned wedding day: “I have the venue, the dress, the apartment; God can easily come up with my groom.”
Twelve year old Juana goes to a British school in the outskirts of Buenos Aires, where she fails both socially and academically. A week away from the exams that will determine her future in the institution, she is surrounded by the same routine; going to class and trying to pull her social life back together, with useless attempts in between. Juana goes through these strange days apparently feeling indifferent towards the situation.