Saksan hyökkää Venäjälle 22. kesäkuuta 1941. Puna-armeijan kiväärirykmentti saarretaan rajan tuntumassa sijaitsevaan Brestin linnoitukseen, jota he yrittävät puolustaa vähäisellä resursseilla. Venäläiset sotajoukot aloittavat perääntymisen kohti Minskiä, mutta Brestin puolustajat eivät pääse pakenemaan saksalaisten puristuksesta. Rykmentti pystyi puolustamaan linnoitusta ja kasarmialuetta yhdeksän päivän ajan ennen antautumistaan ylivoimaiselle viholliselle.

Three stories about persons forced to think about the ethics and moral issues raised by medical advances.

Amidst the chaos of massive budget cuts and school closures, a young female teacher introduces men's rugby to an inner-city North Philadelphia high school.

Maths teacher Ted Slauson became adept at recording and memorizing prices of products featured on the iconic game show The Price is Right, an obsession dating back to the show's inception in 1972. This passion and dedication for the show culminated in him helping a contestant place a perfect bid during a 2008 showcase, an innocent act that would create one of the biggest controversies in television industry history.

In 370 B.C, China was separated as seven nations and several other small tribes, one of these being the city state of Liang. The nation of Zhao is led by the terrifying Xiang Yangzhong who orders his troops to conquer the small city. Leaping to the defense of the people of Liang is 'Ge Li' from the Mo-Tsu tribe, their last hope from the terrors of Yangzhong's troops.

A family in financial crisis is forced to sell Lassie, their beloved dog. Hundreds of miles away from her true family, Lassie escapes and sets out on a journey home.

A romantic comedy told with a set of interwoven Christmas tales about life, love, forgiveness and caring. A heroic vagrant becomes a TV sensation Santa Claws, while a prince takes a menial job at a department store to woo his sweetheart.

In North Africa, German Field Marshal Rommel and his troops have successfully fended off British forces, and now intend to take Tobruk, an important port city. A ramshackle group of Australian reinforcements sent to combat the Germans is put under the command of British Captain MacRoberts. The unruly Aussies immediately clash with MacRoberts, a gruff, strict disciplinarian, however this unorthodox team must band together to protect Tobruk from the German forces.

Aviva is thirteen, awkward and sensitive. Her mother Joyce is warm and loving, as is her father, Steve, a regular guy who does have a fierce temper from time to time. The film revolves around her family, friends and neighbors.

Documentary made by the U.S. Army Signal Corps after the North African campaign.

Hal is a 15-year-old high-school student with a minor yet socially alienating (and painful) disability: he stutters uncontrollably. Determined to work through the problem, Hal opts for an extreme route – he joins the school debating team, which sends him on a headfirst plunge into breakneck speech competitions and offers a much-needed boost toward correcting the problem.

On vuosi 1944, ja tämä on Aavikkokettuna tunnetun saksalaiskenraali Erwin Rommelin kertomus. Ranskaan komennetun Rommelin tehtävänä on puolustaa maata liittoutuneiden hyökkäykseltä, mutta Hitler kieltäytyy antamasta hänelle lisää panssarivoimia avukseen. Samanaikaisesti Rommelin uusi adjutantti Speidel yrittää houkutella häntä kohtalokkaasti mukaan Hitlerin vastaiseen salaliittoon...

A government agent discovers a plot by a cartel of seven gangsters to take over the state of Hawaii. He hires a team of seven hitmen to stop them.

The life and times of Armando Feroci, a fortyish year old, who's been everything, a divorced husband, a careless father, an unreliable brother. The story is told in flashback by his friends while Armando has been mysteriously kidnapped in an Arab country by an integralist group and condemned to death.

When police is about to apprehend a famous gang of bank robbers, an elite sniper opens fire from a roof, thus facilitating the flee of his accomplices. However, one of them is seriously injured, which compromises the plans of the thieves.

After four years in jail, Elias is doing his rehabilitation in an hospital as stretcher bearer. In five hours, his parole will be completed. He will make a fresh start and forget about his past. But that would be forgetting about Murphy's law and its string of problems.

Ikoninen filmitähti Eve Wilde on menossa jälleen naimisiin, mikä herättää huolta Even kolmen aikuisen pojan ja suosikki ex-miehen Laurencen keskuudessa. Kun koko perhe kerääntyy todistamaan Even ja Haroldin häitä, pitkä kesäviikonloppu tarjoaa kaikille mahdollisuuden tutustua toisiinsa entistä lähemmin. Kun koolla on iso porukka ja paljon exiä, seksuaaliset kipinät alkavat lennellä ja aiheuttaa yllättäviä seurauksia, joten luvassa ovat villit häät Wilden tyyliin!

Nick Tortano on mielistelevä ja itsepintainen rikollinen, joka on varttunut Bostonin kaduilla. Ihailtuaan ja jäljiteltyään vuosikausia paikallista italialaista mafiaa, Nick pääsee tavoitteeseensa ja onnistuu tekemään vaikutuksen mafian pomoon. Mutta kun hän on lopulta sisäpiirissä, alkaa syntyä kuilua hänen ja pomon välille.

Corky Romano is a bumbling, simpleton, veterinarian and the youngest, outcast son of an aging gangster, named Pops Romano, who calls upon Corky to infiltrate the local FBI and retrieve and destroy evidence being used to incriminate Pops for racketeering charges.