August Pullman se je rodil s hudo deformacijo obraza. Do desetega leta ni hodil v šolo, ampak je imel zaradi številnih zahtevnih operacij in dolgotrajnih okrevanj pouk doma. Z vstopom v peti razred osnovne šole je zdaj njegova edina želja, da bi ga sošolci imeli za navadnega. Toda novi sošolci ne morejo prezreti njegovega nenavadnega obraza. Poleg Augusta, ki izredno duhovito pripoveduje o sebi, svoji družini in svetu, ki ga obdaja, svoja razmišljanja o tem nadarjenem fantu razkrijejo še sestra Via, njen fant Justin, novi sošolec Jack, prijateljica Summer in Viina prijateljica Miranda. Vsi njihovi pogledi se združujejo v boju za sočutje, empatijo in sprejemanje drugačnosti. Ta nepozabna zgodba v naša življenja prinaša srčnost in upanje.

Potem ko je izločila nekatere člane tolpe, ki so jo poskušali ubiti na njen poročni dan, se "Mamba Negra" nadaljuje s maščevanjem in poskuša dokončati preostalo tolpo, zlasti svojega nekdanjega šefa Billa, ki jo je pustil mrtvo in jo zapustil v komi.

Režiser Ang Lee nam v filmu Gora Brokeback prikaže pravo moč in vzdržljivost ljubezni, ki je ne morejo uničiti stereotipi, geografska oddaljenost ali zob časa. Ennis in Jack se spoznata leta 1963, ko odideta na goro Brokeback past ovce. Njuno prijateljstvo se počasi spremeni v globoko ljubezen, toda ko se vrneta v civilizacijo, se morata soočiti z ljudmi, ki ne odobravajo take ljubezni. Da bi razmerje skrila, se Ennis poroči z dolgoletno prijateljico Almo, Jack pa si ustvari družino z ambiciozno Lureen. Toda ljubezen med Ennisom in Jackom se z leti le še krepi, vsako srečanje pa jima postavlja težka vprašanja o zvestobi, obvezi in zaupanju.

Ricky is a defiant young city kid who finds himself on the run with his cantankerous foster uncle in the wild New Zealand bush. A national manhunt ensues, and the two are forced to put aside their differences and work together to survive.

Mišičnjak Arnold Schwarzenegger se v Terminatorju prelevi v nasilno bitje iz prihodnosti, mešanico človeka in robota. V Los Angeles pride z namenom, da bi ubil Sarah Connor, ker ima njen obstoj pomemben vpliv na prihodnost. Nekoč bo rodila Johna Connorja, ki bo nekje v prihodnosti vodil človeštvo v boju proti mehanizaciji. Kmalu za Terminatorjem pride še Kyle Reese, da bi zaščitil ubogo Sarah. Njuno življenje je na nitki, kajti policija Reesovim zgodbam ne verjame, Terminator pa je neuničljiv.

Režiser napetih akcij Kdo je Bourne? ter Gospod in gospa Smith predstavlja futuristično zgodbo o neizprosni vojni z Nezemljani in poslednji neuspešni bitki, ki zapečati usodo človeštva. Toda vojak Bill se na bojišču tik pred svojo smrtjo po naključju polasti nezemljanske sposobnosti časovnega preskakovanja, kar povzroči njegovo nenehno vračanje v čas začetka invazije. Njegovi neverjetni zgodbi prisluhne pripadnica posebnih enot Rita, ki neizkušenega Billa začne trenirati v popolnega bojevnika, da bi lahko spremenil potek usodnih dogodkov.

An awkward, telekinetic teenage girl's lonely life is dominated by relentless bullying at school and an oppressive religious fanatic mother at home. When her tormentors pull a humiliating prank at the senior prom, she unleashes a horrifying chaos on everyone, leaving nothing but destruction in her wake.

An ex-thief is accused of enacting a new crime spree, so to clear his name he sets off to catch the new thief, who’s imitating his signature style.

Režiser z oskarji nagrajenih dram Ostrostrelec, Punčka za milijon dolarjev in Skrivnostna reka predstavlja zgodbo pilota Chesleya Sullenbergerja, ki je po okvari motorjev leta 2009 zaslovel s herojskim pristankom na reki Hudson sredi New Yorka. Čeprav izkušeni Sully kljub neznatnim možnostim uspe rešiti vse potnike, se kmalu po nesreči znajde pod drobnogledom zvedavih novinarjev in preiskovalcev. Ker se na preizkušnji znajdejo njegova kariera, družina in ugled, mora Sully spretno krmariti med trenutnimi pričakovanji in odzivi množic ter trdo realnostjo vsakdanjega življenja.

Pasquale Baudaffi, on amnesty, comes out of prison and starts looking for a job with the help of his cousin Gaetano. But first he goes to what was once a brothel, but, unbeknownst to our hapless hero, has been taken over and rented as a dental office. Pasquale finds himself at the center of endless misunderstandings. He tries to be a gamekeeper but that's not okay, he tries to be a waiter in a bar: he immediately gets his orders wrong and he is fired. His performance as a garage keeper was negative. The very latest experience is in an electronics company but its insertion into the futuristic mechanism triggers the craziest complications. The encounter with a lost dog allows him to get to know his mistress and thus discover the woman of his life.

Pod vodstvom predsednika Coina in nasvetov svojih zaupnih prijateljev si Katniss prizadeva rešiti Peeto in ljudstvo, ki ga je ganil njen pogum.

When a group of trespassing seniors swim in a pool containing alien cocoons, they find themselves energized with youthful vigor.

An Italian doctor starts a new life in Kenya to escape the city, but life catches up with him when an old friend offers his assistance along with his wife, who happens to be an old lover.

As his wedding day approaches, Ben heads to Miami with his soon-to-be brother-in-law James to bring down a drug dealer who's supplying the dealers of Atlanta with product.

The inmate Proietti, nicknamed "Er Soffia", getting out of prison. There is the Roman brigadier Vasco Sacchetti, an agent of the narcotics and his old friend who, to celebrate his freedom, invites him to eat fish at Fiumicino.

Asso (Ace), the best poker-player in town, was killed in his wedding night, because he won too much against a bad loser. In the "final" game in heaven the clerk on duty also lost, so Asso can come back to this world as a ghost to search for a good man for his wife (widow). Who is good enough for the wife of Asso ?

Fracchia is desperate: he has to sell a house with at least five bathrooms within three days or his boss will fire him. Incredibly, he and his pal Filini manage to find the perfect house, a castle in Transylvania owned by some count Vlad... things get even worse when they meet the Count and his sister, who has a crush on Fracchia and decides to marry him!

Luisa De Dominicus is a Milanese piano teacher who moves to Lucca to be with the man she loves: Ferdinando 'Bonci' Marinotti, a city councilman campaigning for mayor on a platform of moral values. She is of the belief that Fernando is single, living with his ailing mother. This, of course, is far from the case. The boys living in her apartment building mistakenly believe Luisa is a call-girl who uses piano teaching as a cover for her true profession, and word soon spreads among the building's dirty old men. The resourceful boys drill a well-concealed hole in the wall between Signorina Luisa's flat and the bedroom of the landlord's son, Marcello Busatti, allowing them a spectacular view of their spectacular neighbor. Marcello quickly becomes infatuated with Luisa, but is also conflicted regarding her supposed profession. Eventually Luisa learns of Fernando's philandering nature, and after a vigorous misunderstanding, satisfies Marcello's unrequited lust/love.

Three episodes. In the first episode Valerio is mistaken for a notorious criminal. Very beautiful journalists succeed to bring him to her house for an exclusive interview. She tries to seduce him. In the second episode Giuseppe, an unlucky and ugly man, gets a job as a maid. His mistress falls in love for him. In the third episode, Plinio is a taxi driver who loves his cab above all. But at one point he is involved with the kidnapping of a woman.

Two traffic policemen help capture a dangerous robber after unwittingly contributing to his making off with the loot.