A hitman is tasked to take out ex-mobsters when he suddenly hears a voice that questions his morality.

Light, color, and correlated sound. A program for the human nervous system.

On his journey towards becoming a film director, Cole discovers an insight that flips his perspective on his way of living.

A serial killer and the detective who tracked him down find themselves in an unexpected stalemate.

Test is a multi-screen work using three animated sequences, a person, a teddy bear and the word TEST, whose synchronicity is continually being broken by the destruction of a tower block.

A father experiences strange apparitions after his daughter is killed in a car accident.

This is a story about a city guy Nikolai, who will have to go instead of his friend on a rural business trip. A series of funny events, meetings and the beauty of the Yakut village encourage Nikolai to make an important decision in his life…

Early morning silence is broken by screeching tires as a helicopter bears down on a speeding vehicle. Taking a quick corner, the team tumbles out into the woods as their car pulls away. Now they must make their way through the thick of nature and thick gunfire to accomplish their mission. Not a single word of dialogue is spoken throughout the entire film. Instead, the music, sounds, images and deeply truthful acting turn a simple plot into an intense experience. Passion and intrigue keep building to the very end.

1983 год. После попытки покушения на южнокорейского президента во время визита в Вашингтон руководители внутреннего и внешнего отделов разведки получают задание вычислить в своих рядах северокорейского шпиона. Каждый начинает подозревать другого...

Мари попадает в королевство, власть в котором захватили крысы. Чтобы спасти жителей королевства от захватчиков и вернуться домой Мари должна найти волшебную флейту — она поможет снять чары. В этом ей будут помогать ее новые друзья — барашек Кудряш, страус Красный Клюв и Щелкунчик — заколдованный принц по имени Георг.

A bookshop renowned for its rare works is mysteriously and filled with copies of a book entitled 1, which doesn't appear to have a publisher or author. The strange almanac describes what happens to humanity in a minute. A police investigation begins and the bookshop staff are placed in solitary confinement by the Bureau for Paranormal Research. As the investigation progresses, the situation becomes more complex and the book becomes increasingly well-known, raising numerous controversies. Plagued by doubts, the protagonist has to face facts: reality only exists in the imagination of individuals.

As a result of a successful conspiracy against Menshikov, Peter II is prematurely recognized as an adult and is in a hurry to be crowned in Moscow. The Dolgoruky brothers gather for this celebration. There were eight of them - all-powerful and influential representatives of the ancient Rurikovich family - and among them the beautiful Ekaterina, the daughter of the huntsman Alexei.

10-летняя Уиллоу следует за своими родителями во время одного из своих тайных ночных походов в самое сердце древнего леса. Но, увидев, как ее отец претерпевает ужасную трансформацию, она тоже попадает в ловушку темной тайны предков, которую они так отчаянно пытались скрыть.

A mentally-afflicted young man is accused of murdering his longtime benefactor. The real truth of what happened lies in his mad obsession with his supposed victim's old typewriter, on which he types relentlessly, day and night.

В День независимости детективу Джеймсу Найту предстоит обезвредить бандитов, чтобы спасти городской праздник.

Two souls lost in a world of modernisation find each other in a moment's need for clarity and appreciation.

В основе сюжета фильма — реальные события, происходившие в восемнадцатом веке среди гор Тянь-Шаня. Люди в этих местах тогда жили согласно непоколебимым законам жизни, установленным предками в стародавние времена. Бай Базарбай выдает старшую дочь замуж за богатого жениха. У Базарбая есть и младшая дочь, Бегимай, которая дружит с Эсеном, младшим сыном вдовы Дарийки. Но после того, как Базарбай приказывает срубить священное дерево, наступает период раздоров и хаоса. После убийства старшего сына Дарийки, Асана, Эсен вынужден покинуть родину. Случайная встреча с одиноким охотником становится для него поворотной.

Mia has an idea for a musical. The best thing is that this idea is to save the Leo Weiß School from the impending closure. But the "potato salad" staging about the past zombie apocalypse causes great confusion.