A good-natured but unlucky Italian is constantly going on a difficult situations, but never lose his mood.

Greek Sea, World War II. An Italian ship leaves a handful of soldiers in a little island; their mission is to spot enemy ships and to hold the island in case of attack. The village of the island seems abandoned and there isn't a single enemy in sight, so the soldiers begin to relax a little. Things change when their ship is hit and destroyed by the enemy, and the soldiers find themselves abandoned there.

Starting his new job as an instructor at a New England school for the deaf, James Leeds meets Sarah Norman, a young deaf woman who works at the school as a member of the custodial staff. In spite of Sarah's withdrawn emotional state, a romance slowly develops between the pair.

Felice returns to his native Rione Sanità in Naples to look after his dying mother, having lived abroad for the last forty years. Here he discovers that his old friend Oreste has become a notorious crimeboss.

XVI-ojo amžiaus Londonas. Rašant pjesę “Romeo ir Etelė, pirato duktė”, jaunąjį dramaturgą Viljamą Šekspyrą (akt. Joseph Fiennes) ištinka kūrybinė krizė. Negana to, jam nesiseka rasti aktoriaus, kuris atliktų pagrindinį vaidmenį jo naujajame spektaklyje. Vos jis susipažista su vienu idealiai vaidmeniui tinkančiu jaunuoliu, pastarasis dingsta lyg į vandenį. Tačiau jaunojo dramaturgo gyvenimas ima taisytis, kai jis sutinka nepaprasto grožio merginą vardu Viola. Pamilęs ją, Šekspyras sužino, kad jam patikęs aktorius ir yra persirengusi Viola, metusi iššūkį tuometiniam draudimui moterims vaidinti teatre.

Koroneriai Austin ir Tommy Tilden privalo greitai atlikti skrodimą anonimiškai moteriai. Jiems vykdant procedūrą, jie supranta, kad kūno požymiai neatitinka mirties laiko. Austin suvokia, kad jos kūnas pažymėtas keistais ženklais ir simboliais, kurie susiję su raganyste ir satanizmu. Netrukus visos durys užsirakina ir pastatą apgaubia tamsa.

Gregas Fockeris (Benas Stilleris) yra šiek tiek gremėzdiškas slaugytojas, kuris, paskelbęs apie savo sužadėtuves Pam (Teri Polo), turi keletą dienų praleisti su savo tėvais, susitikti su jais. Pirminiam jų susitikimui nebus labai pasisekimo, ypač dėl įtarimų, kad Gregas augina griežtą merginos tėvą (Robertą de Niro) - apsauginį tėvą, dirbusį CŽV, nors dabar jis yra pensininkas, ir tai yra labai sunku padaryti įspūdį. Nuo pat pradžių Jimas visiškai atmeta Gregą, tačiau geriau su juo susipažinus, jo atmetimas tampa absoliučiu panieka ir tai tampa blogiausio vyro košmaru, kuris, nepaisant to, kad myli savo merginą ir nori padaryti gerą pirmą įspūdį, nusėda giliau ir giliau į savo paties netyrumo purvą, ir jis turės sunkiai kovoti, kad pakeistų baisią nuomonę, kurią apie jį turi merginos artimieji.

Policijos detektyvas Haris Kalahanas negailestingas niekšams, tačiau savo darbe jis naudoja neleistinus metodus. Nors Haris pasiekia puikių rezultatų kovojant su nusikaltėliais, policijus skyrius dėl Hario darbo specifikos yra daugiau peikiamas, nei giriamas. Vienintelis jų noras - rasti pretekstą atsikratyti nesutramdomo ir neklusnaus policininko. Šiame filme – o tai jau ketvirtas filmas apie detektyvą Kalahaną, - Haris gina merginą, kuri keršydama už išprievartautą seserį, nušauna gaujos lyderį.

Down-on-his-luck race car driver Jim Douglas teams up with a little VW Bug that has a mind of its own, not realizing Herbie's worth until a sneaky rival plots to steal him.

Traveling from New York to Italia, pretty Mary rushes into moody macho lawyer Tito. The girl immediately falls for the guy with the gruffy manners and in an very impertinent way, she leans on him as she gets in trouble: Not only that she gets tied up in her suite by some Gangsters, but also, her new husband is found dead.

Two reckless friends Leonardo (Adriano Celentano) and Luciano (Renato Potstsetto) are just doing whatever they want and getting into endless alterations. When one of them decides to marry, their friendship is in a crisis ...

The inmate Proietti, nicknamed "Er Soffia", getting out of prison. There is the Roman brigadier Vasco Sacchetti, an agent of the narcotics and his old friend who, to celebrate his freedom, invites him to eat fish at Fiumicino.

A thief and a priest end up magically transported in the year 0's Palestine, where they'll have to make sure that the Nativity will follow its course.

Fracchia is desperate: he has to sell a house with at least five bathrooms within three days or his boss will fire him. Incredibly, he and his pal Filini manage to find the perfect house, a castle in Transylvania owned by some count Vlad... things get even worse when they meet the Count and his sister, who has a crush on Fracchia and decides to marry him!

Two silent movie actors escape from their film. Forced to find a way to survive in the real world, they will only cause troubles to the people they will meet along the way.

A wealthy millionaire decided to commit suicide but meets a homeless with whom he experiences a lot of funny adventures until finally makes order in his life.

Mario Cavallaro is 50 and lives in the same district of always in Milano and fears changes until arrives Oba, a Senegalese seller of socks so he decides to kidnap Oba and take him back to Senegal.

Andrea, a forty-year old engineer, suddenly becomes unemployed while his wife France gets a promotion. He is very down hearted and since he does not want to be a burden to his family he takes the place of the house maid.

Eduardo accidentally discovers that he is adopted. His real father is dying, but before his death he said that his mother was the "Queen of England", failing to clarify that this is the nickname of Italian prostitute. But Eduardo is already rushing to the capital of England...

Cetto and its city council were arrested, but in prison the conspiratorial former mayor makes no earning name as the gratitude of the powerful secretary. These decide to replace some MPs mysteriously killed precisely with Cetto and two other characters: Rodolfo Favaretto and Frengo Stop