Owen Thursday sees his new posting to the desolate Fort Apache as a chance to claim the military honour which he believes is rightfully his. Arrogant, obsessed with military form and ultimately self-destructive, he attempts to destroy the Apache chief Cochise after luring him across the border from Mexico, against the advice of his subordinates.

A woman with psychic powers has a vision of a murder that took place in a house owned by her husband.

Three generations of women who seek to murder their husbands share a solidarity for one another which brings about three copy-cat drownings.

Damien e un artist și pictor care se bucură de succes și e căsătorit cu Leïla, o restauratoare de mobilă. În ciuda bipolarității sale, Damien încearcă să-și vadă de viață, știind că s-ar putea să nu-i poată oferi vreodată ceea ce ea își dorește.

Un bărbat găsește un șarpe veninos adormit în patul său. O adaptare după Roald Dahl, din colecția de patru scurtmetraje a lui Wes Anderson.

Tim Roth și Clive Owen joacă într-o poveste emoționantă cu acţiunea răspândită pe două continente de-a lungul a mai bine de jumătate de secol. Sub dezvăluirile muzicale uimitoare și pulsante ale filmului, ard groaza unui război și sufletele pierdute în istorie.

Ed Okin used to have a boring life. He used to have trouble getting to sleep. Then one night, he met Diana. Now, Ed's having trouble staying alive.

A college freshman joins her university's rowing team and undertakes an obsessive physical and psychological journey to make it to the top varsity boat, no matter the cost.

Doi soți găsesc o fetiță traumatizată despre care nu știu nimic, iar femeia încearcă să descifreze comportamentul ciudat al fetiței pentru a afla cine este și ce a pățit.

After the Civil War, a former Union colonel searches for the two traitors whose perfidy led to the loss of a close friend.

A woman seeking revenge for her murdered father hires a famous gunman, but he's very different from what she expects.

Two young women and their friends spend spare time at an exclusive nightclub in 1980s New York.

Christmas brings the ultimate gift to Aldovia: a royal baby. But first, Queen Amber must help her family and kingdom by finding a missing peace treaty.

După ani de abuz din partea soțului ei, o femeie, Emmanuelle, este împinsă până la extremă. Ea angajează un asasin care să-l ucidă pe soțul ei, dar tocmai când crede că necazurile ei au luat sfârșit, asasinul o șantajează. În timp ce partenerul de afaceri al soțului ei se luptă să-și demonstreze nevinovăția și în timp ce asasinul continuă să-i amenințe siguranța, Emmanuelle se luptă să-și păstreze numele clar și să o împiedice pe fiica ei vitregă naivă să nu se încurce în rețeaua pericolului pe care ea a creat-o.

Marc, a bipolar and paranoid filmmaker, cannot tolerate seeing his current project picked apart by his producers. The clips he’s been able to sneak a look at lead him to fear the worst. With his editor as an accomplice, he manages to spirit away the rushes to his aunt’s place in the Cévennes, to finish the film as he envisions it. Instead, its completion is constantly postponed, as he creates endless diversions and impasses, which alternate between the comic and the downright disturbing.

Set in London in the early 1970's, supposedly for teen thrills, Johnny organises a black magic ceremony in a desolate churchyard. The culmination of the ritual, however, is the rejuvenation of Dracula from shrivelled remains. Johnny, Dracula' s disciple, lures victims to the deserted graveyard for his master's pleasure and one of the victims delivered is Jessica Van Helsing. Descended from the Van Helsing line of vampire hunters her grandfather, equipped with all the devices to snare and destroy the Count, confronts his arch enemy in the age-old battle between good and evil.

New York police are bemused by reports of a giant flying lizard that has been spotted around the rooftops of New York, until the lizard starts to eat people. An out-of-work ex-con is the only person who knows the location of the monster's nest and is determined to turn the knowledge to his advantage, but will his gamble pay off or will he end up as lizard food?

Duane and his basket-bound mutant brother are taken in by a secret home for wayward freaks with journalists hot on their tail.

Rămas fără combustibil, un submarin german din Primul Război Mondial, cu prizonieri la bord, ajunge în Antarctica, unde echipajul descoperă o rafinărie petrolieră veche.

When a single mother and her two young children are tormented by an increasingly strange and intense presence in their quiet suburban home, she turns to her scientist boyfriend to take on the violent forces that paranormal experts are too frightened to face.