Potem ko je izločila nekatere člane tolpe, ki so jo poskušali ubiti na njen poročni dan, se "Mamba Negra" nadaljuje s maščevanjem in poskuša dokončati preostalo tolpo, zlasti svojega nekdanjega šefa Billa, ki jo je pustil mrtvo in jo zapustil v komi.

Hiccup je sin mogočnega vikinškega poglavarja, toda mladenič zaradi majhne postave kljub vsem prizadevanjem ne more postati pravi heroj, ki bi se spoprijel z nadležnimi zmaji. Ko se udeleži treninga boja s krilato nadlego, uspe Hiccup s pomočjo svojega najnovejšega izuma ujeti majhnega zmaja. Ker ga ne more pokončati, se med njima razvije nenavadno prijateljstvo, toda ko želi deček resnico o zmajih posredovati preostalemu plemenu, naleti na številne težave in posmeh.

A good-natured but unlucky Italian is constantly going on a difficult situations, but never lose his mood.

When the creator of a popular video game system dies, a virtual contest is created to compete for his fortune.

The true story of Elle France editor Jean-Dominique Bauby, who, in 1995 at the age of 43, suffered a stroke that paralyzed his entire body, except his left eye. Using that eye to blink out his memoir, Bauby eloquently described the aspects of his interior world, from the psychological torment of being trapped inside his body to his imagined stories from lands he'd only visited in his mind.

In 1968, engineer Giorgio Rosa established the independent state called "The Isle of Roses" off the coast of Rimini, built on a platform outside the territorial waters, with Esperanto as the official language. The Italian authorities did not take it well because the micronation was seen as an expedient to not pay taxes on the revenues obtained thanks to the arrival of numerous tourists and curious people.

While investigating a young nun's rape, a corrupt New York City police detective, with a serious drug and gambling addiction, tries to change his ways and find forgiveness.

Med dvema rasama robotskih nezemljanov – Avtoboti in Deseptikoni – že stoletja divja vojna, od katere je odvisna usoda vesolja. Ko se bitka preseli na Zemljo, je edino, kar stoji med Deseptikoni in največjo močjo, ključ, ki ga ima mladi Sam Witwicky. Kot vsi najstniki se Sam ukvarja z vsakdanjimi skrbmi glede šole, prijateljev, avtomobilov in deklet. Sam ne ve, da je zadnja možnost človeštva za preživetje in prijateljico Mikaelo se znajdeta sredi boja med Avtoboti in Deseptikoni.

Zgodba, polna adrenalinske akcije in humorja, se začne, ko Lee in Carter prispeta v Hongkong na počitnice. Še posebej Carter se, oborožen s kitajsko-angleškim slovarjem, veseli zasluženega oddiha in eksotičnih užitkov, ki se mu ponujajo. A komaj prispeta v mesto, že se spopadeta z največjim primerom doslej. Na ameriškem veleposlaništvu je bomba ubila dva carinika, ki sta raziskovala tihotapljenje ponarejenega denarja. Policija sumi, da je za vsem tem Ricky Tan, vodja najbolj nevarne kitajske tolpe.

Starodavne pošasti, za katere so mnogi mislili, da so samo miti, se ponovno dvigajo. In ne le to - intenzivno si prizadevajo za prevlado nad človeštvom. Vprašanje je, ali je obstoj pošasti in ljudi sploh možen in zdi se, da je človeška vrsta močno ogrožena. Kriptozoološka agencija Monarch se sooča z množico uničujočih pošasti, vključno z mogočno Godzilo, ki se spopade z Mothro, Rodanom in njegovim končnim nasprotnikom, triglavim kraljem Ghidorahom.

The world's greatest criminal and the world greatest loser share the same face... now they'll share the same life!

A woman tries to exonerate her brother's murder conviction by proving that the crime was committed by a supernatural phenomenon.

After a couple finds a traumatized child of unknown origins, wife Paula must decipher the girl's strange behaviors to unlock her identity and dark past.

After thirty years in the big corporation, Ugo Fantozzi retires. Suddenly, he needs things to do in everyday life and he tries a number of activities: helping Pina shopping; babysitting grand-daughter Uga; a trip to Venice; learning golf. He then fakes documents to get a new job, but in the end he becomes a hypochondriac and doesn't even take a long-awaited chance with Miss Silvani.

Las Vegas showroom magician Cris Johnson has a secret which torments him: he can see a few minutes into the future. Sick of the examinations he underwent as a child and the interest of the government and medical establishment in his power, he lies low under an assumed name in Vegas, performing cheap tricks and living off small-time gambling "winnings." But when a terrorist group threatens to detonate a nuclear device in Los Angeles, government agent Callie Ferris must use all her wiles to capture Cris and convince him to help her stop the cataclysm.

Fantozzi is now retired but continues to go to the office where it is held up as a fine example of employees intending to do career.

On Christmas Eve, three friends dressed as Santa Clauses are arrested in what seems to be a burglary and taken to the police, accused of being the infamous "Santa Claus Gang". While trying to prove their innocence, the trio explains why they found themselves in such a strange situation.

Robert De Niro in Zac Efron v odbiti komediji o dedku, ki svojega vnuka prepriča, da ga odpelje na Florido , kjer se namerava udeležiti divjih študentskih zabav.

One by one, with a sweet but inexorable rate, Ugo's colleagues, go to a better life. When Ugo is attending at one of the innumerable funerals, he and the priest remain involved in an accident. The doctor says that Ugo as only one week left to live

Roberto Benigni adapts the classic children's tale by Carlo Collodi for the big-budget family-oriented comedy Pinocchio.