A 3-way collaboration between Kamiusagi Rope, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, and TOHO Cinemas. The purpose is to promote a new TOHO theater opening up in Ueno on November 4, 2017. The collaboration video will also be available to view in TOHO Cinemas in Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba, and Saitama from Ocotober 21 - December 1.

基于IPS 官员 Manoj Kumar Sharma 和 IRS 官员 Shraddha Joshi 的真实故事改编。马诺杰-库马尔-夏尔马(Manoj Kumar Sharma)来自钱巴尔村,在那里考试作弊是家常便饭。他正在参加 12 年级考试,并想找一份小工的工作。但在考试期间,一位严厉的警官 DCP 杜什扬-辛格(Dushyant Singh)来到这里,阻止了作弊行为。 第二年,他通过了考试,梦想成为一名 IAS,但命运另有安排,Manoj 必须从一开始就努力学习。

画改编自法国作家大仲马的同名小说《三剑客》。科琳娜(Kelly Sheridan 配音)出生在一个民风淳朴而又保守的小镇之中,从小,科琳娜的性格就有些像男孩子,勇敢而又执着。她一直梦想着能够前往大都市巴黎,在那里成为一名剑客,然而,在那个年代,女孩子想要成为剑客,那简直就是一件不可能发生的事情。   幸运的是,科琳娜结识了三位和她志同道合的姑娘们——艾拉米娜(Kelly Sheridan 配音)、薇薇卡(Cassidy Ladden 配音)和蕾妮(坎迪斯·麦克卢尔 Kandyse McClure 配音),三人一拍即合,决定相互帮助,实现她们彼此的梦想。在巴黎,三个姑娘不仅女扮男装,混入化装舞会,甚至在机缘巧合之下拯救了王子的性命,充满了刺激的冒险就此拉开序幕。

Candela, the headmistress of an elite school, after a traumatic divorce, returns to her old high school to lead a group of rebellious students through chess. There she will learn that in chess, and in life, it doesn't matter if you are a king or a pawn, because everyone ends up in the same box.

A group of friends have created a brand new subculture that is taking over the streets of Glasgow. They've established their very own fight club, but this is no ordinary wrestling event - this is brutal, riotous chaos. Fights don't always stay inside the ring, people are bounced off the side of buses and thrown off balconies in pubs. They now plan the biggest show of their lives. The stakes are high, will it bring them the fame and recognition they need to survive?

Carole tries to save the life of her son who has been wrongfully sentenced to death in a rigged trial.

本片由伊莎贝尔·于佩尔出演,故事改编自卡罗琳·米歇尔-阿奎尔(Caroline Michel-Aguirre)撰写的同名小说,原著小说讲述2012年12月17日,在巴黎郊区的一栋房子里,一名女子被绑在椅子上,阴道内被插入一把刀柄,肚子上被刀刃划出字母“A”。她的名字叫莫林·科尔尼(Maureen Kearney),是阿海珐工会成员。

萧条的城市里,帮派分子随处可见,担任黑手党会计的杰克因为私吞黑手党财产并向警方告密,而遭到黑手党监视,他一家人被困在公寓中随时会遭遇不测。杰克和妻子将小儿子菲尔托付给单身女邻居葛洛莉(吉娜·罗兰兹 Gena Rowlands 饰),然而他们自己却没能躲过黑手党……欲追回钱款的黑手党继续追索菲尔,但此时,身份并不简单的葛洛莉挺身而出,决定保护这个陌生的男孩。二人在黑手党的包围中侥幸逃走,声称厌恶孩子的葛洛莉与英语不甚流利的混血男孩在步步惊心的旅途中营造了互信与默契,但葛洛莉清楚,真正的把菲尔从黑手党手中解救出来需要她做出一个惊险的决定……


Julien, a young teacher, is wrongfully accused of sexual misconduct by a teenage girl from his class. As he faces mounting pressures from the girl’s older brother and her classmates, the situation spirals out of control. Allegations spread, the entire school is thrown into turmoil, and the teacher has to fight to clear his name.

A bookshop renowned for its rare works is mysteriously and filled with copies of a book entitled 1, which doesn't appear to have a publisher or author. The strange almanac describes what happens to humanity in a minute. A police investigation begins and the bookshop staff are placed in solitary confinement by the Bureau for Paranormal Research. As the investigation progresses, the situation becomes more complex and the book becomes increasingly well-known, raising numerous controversies. Plagued by doubts, the protagonist has to face facts: reality only exists in the imagination of individuals.




Bouvier Sauvages是一个庞大的贵族家庭,当他们的孩子的婚礼宣布时,他们遇到了更为谦逊的Martin家族。届时,未来的新娘和新郎将为父母提供DNA检测,这将揭示他们的真实出身。结果完全出乎意料,将产生炸弹般的效果。


As the Lino Vartan shelter, which takes orphans and seniors in, has to shut down for health issues, Milann has no choice but to accept the invitation of a retirement home in the south of France.

Ten days into the competition, the International Games are a complete fiasco for the French delegation as they’ve consistently failed to win any gold medals. All hopes now rest on Paul, an outstanding shooting champion, though somewhat immature and not particularly clever. As the event draws near, he has to share his room with Jacob, a carefree swimmer from Vanuatu, who seems more focused on the village’s “extra-curricular activities” than on his own races.

Under the border leading into Mexico, within a labyrinth of caves, a deadly presence haunts all who enter. For four friends on an expedition, the caverns become an underground graveyard as the tortured ghosts prey upon them, one by one.

As the months pass through her, Mai gives us a glimpse into old age that explores between being abandoned and being belonged, passing the time and living the time.