A widowed high-school teacher tries to raise his four children alone.

Documentary about Ken Foster, street artist, drug addict.

"This piece, with the generic title Film, is a series of short videos built around one protocol: a snippet of news from a newspaper of the day, is rolled up and then placed on a black-inked surface. On making contact with the liquid, the roll opens and of Its own accord frees itself of the gesture that fashioned it. As it comes alive in this way, the sliver of paper reveals Its hitherto unexposed content; this unpredictable kinematics is evidence of the constant impermanence of news. As well as exploring a certain archaeology of cinema, the mechanism references the passage of time: the ink, whether it is poured or printed, is the ink of ongoing human history." –Ismaïl Bahri

Orphan, Oskar lives with Elvis and Fanny Egger, his guardians. Oskar is waiting for one thing, the majority, to finally be able to go to Zimbabwe and start a new life. While Oskar strives to raise money to get there, Elvis takes Oskar's success and makes it cost him to graduate. The balance of power is becoming more and more tense, swinging into a violence that will push Oskar to definitively abandon childhood, and Elvis, to fall the mask of his ambition and his madness.

Ayumi Aizawa is a lonely young man without a family. He works at Forest Hyde Press Hotel as a cleaner. His deceased grandfather Kenzaburo worked at the same hotel. When his grandfather worked at the Forest Hyde Press Hotel, the hotel was well known for its extreme hospitality. Now, the hotel is nothing more than an ordinary hotel. New manager Ryuuya Sawashiro then attempts to bring the hotel back to its glory days.

Um sich ihren Traum zu erfüllen und die benötigten 1000 Pfund für das Jahresticket ihres Heimatfussballvereins verdienen zu können, üben sich die beiden unzertrennlichen Freunde Gerry und Sewell in Abstinenz was Stoff, Zigaretten und Alkohol angeht. Zusätzlich testen sie vom Müllsammeln über Ladendiebstahl bis hin zu Einbruch und Raub alles aus, was Geld einbringt. Als ihnen nur noch zweihundert Pfund fehlen, erscheint Gerrys krimineller Vater, vor dem die Mutter und die Schwester auf der Dauerflucht sind, und reißt sich das Geld mit Gewalt unter den Nagel. In der Folgezeit verliebt Sewell sich in Gemma, die schwanger wird. Gerrys drogenabhängige Schwester taucht auf und seine Mutter muss ins Krankenhaus. Zuletzt überfallen die beiden Freunde eine Bank, und ausgerechnet dieses absurd scheiternde Unternehmen, das ihnen eine Jugendstrafe einbringt, führt sie ans Ziel ihrer Träume.

A mentally ill farm worker comes to believe that an injured car crash victim is his mother and becomes so unhinged that he turns to murder.

A New York Times investigation examines what happened at 3003 Springfield Drive in Louisville, Kentucky, just after midnight on March 13, 2020 when police executed a warrant that resulted in the death of Breonna Taylor.

Celebrate the best surprise party ever with Fien, Teun and all their animal friends in their brand new cinema film! Once again full of cheerful – well-known and new – songs.

After losing his job and his girlfriend on the same day. A man visits his friend in AZ for some R&R. But after a series of what it seemed impossible events the two turn into fugitives

A short documentary focusing on the adult performer Felicia Fisher. A look at her time with A Baroque House and her start with adult films and fetish interests.

Julie, eine unschuldige junge Frau, trifft auf einen geheimnisvollen Mann, der sich als der berühmte amerikanische Schriftsteller Max Oliver entpuppt. Max trauert noch immer um seine verstorbene Ehefrau, die Tangotänzerin Lucia Giordano, die das Thema seines neuesten Buches "A Woman" ist. Julie rettet Max aus seiner Qual, verliebt sich in ihn und nimmt seine plötzliche Einladung an, mit ihm in Italien zu leben. Doch dort entwickelt die junge Frau eine verhängnisvolle Obsession für die verstorbene Ehefrau des Schriftstellers. Und ihre Unsicherheit wandelt sich schnell in Paranoia.

Davka is a teenager who lives in the decaying Soviet buildings in Ulaanbaatar. With his classmate, Anuka, they talk about manga and tease each other about sex. When Davka encounters an older woman, his ideas about intimacy and his view of relationships are forced to change.

Cut-outs of war machines and the figure of Napoleon – contributors to an anti-war theme – encounter abstract shapes, line drawings, old-master landscapes, short bursts of ‘real-time’ landscapes and shakily photographed gestural watercolors. … ‘a synthesis of all previous techniques.’

A happy gay couple in Austin Texas allows a performance artist/hustler, Jonathon, to enter their lives while hiding from his past. His past with one of the couple will come back.

A musical comedy centers around the dreams and ambitions of a group of friends,who support each other in all the problems they face whether personal or professional.