Documentary series which uses film and eyewitness accounts from both sides of the conflict that divided Spain in the years leading up to World War Two, also placing it in its international context.

A chronicle of the production problems — including bad weather, actors' health, war near the filming locations, and more — which plagued the filming of Apocalypse Now, increasing costs and nearly destroying the life and career of Francis Ford Coppola.

Veiksmas vyksta postapokaliptinėje ateityje, kai žmonija dėl Trečiojo pasaulinio karo padarinių buvo priversta pasislėpti po žeme ir jai gresia išnykimas dėl išteklių trūkumo. Atliekami keli eksperimentai, kurių metu kalinys tampa kelionės laiku objektu, tikintis, kad pavyks ištaisyti dabartinę žmonijos padėtį.

On the lam, criminal Alonzo hides in the circus as The Armless Wonder – a performer who uses his feet to hurl knives. Alonzo keeps the arms he really has concealed to hide his identity. Meanwhile, ringmaster's daughter Nanon has a phobia of being touched by men, but is romantically pursued by not only Alonzo but the strongman Malabar. Alonzo's desperation to remain with Nanon will only end in tragedy.

A rebellious youth sentenced to a reformatory for robbing a bakery rises through the ranks of the institution through his prowess as a long distance runner. During his solitary runs, reveries of his life and times before his incarceration lead him to re-evaluate his privileged status as a prized athlete.

Carlos Acosta (Carlos Gardel), tied to a flirty wife and in love with another girl, watches fate work out a solution that allows him to return to his real love after trips to Paris and New York City.

Neteisingai nuteistas nusikaltėlis penkerius metus praleido kalėjime, bet apie tai nežinojo netgi jo tėvai. Laiškuose vyrukas rašydavo apie gražią sužadėtinę, todėl išėjęs iš kalėjimo pirmiausia jis turi susirasti merginą, kuri galėtų apsimesti jo žmona. Nesvarbu, kad tam reikės prievartos ir grasinimų nužudyti. Susitikus su tėvais, galima bus imtis svarbiausios užduoties - atkeršyti jį išdavusiems draugams.

Vyras pasakoja apie savo gyvenimą Hiustone 1969-aisiais, kai jam tebuvo 10 metų, prisiminimus pindamas fantastiška pasaka apie kelionę į mėnulį.

Paola is born in a traditional Colombian family, or at least that is what they try to be. Her father is a priest, her mother is a "psychic" and her sisters are not what their parents expected. She is a young Latin American woman struggling for her independence in a hard context full of stereotypes and appearances not being able to fit in any mold. With a unique feminine vision of the world this girl learns to live while she lives as she witnesses a series of small crises that shape her personality.

A ventriloquist is at the mercy of his vicious dummy while he tries to renew a romance with his high school sweetheart.

Jorge is a young man whose plans for the future are put on hold when his father has a stroke. For seven years, he diligently nurses his father and works as a janitor while studying part time to get a business degree.When Natalia, his childhood crush, returns from a stint studying abroad, Jorge begins to yearn for something better. He is desperate to find a new and better job, but finds that no one will hire him because he has experience only as a janitor. Antonio, Jorge’s older brother, soon to be released from jail, is an opportunist who has never gotten along with their father. In prison, at a theater workshop, Antonio meets Paula, a beautiful young woman in jail on drug charges. Paula has a problem because she flirted with another inmate's boyfriend.

After interning her insane husband in a remote psychiatric hospital, book editor Helga Pato returns home by train, where she meets a mysterious man who identifies himself as a psychiatrist.

Newly released from a mental ward, Jessica hopes to return to life the way it was before her nervous breakdown. But when Jessica moves to a country house with her husband and a close friend, she finds a mysterious girl living in there. Jessica's terror and paranoia resurface as evil forces surround her.

The Black Keys' new concert DVD reflects the no-frills genius of the drums-and-guitar duo's studio sound: It's a refreshingly straightforward, beautifully rendered, high-definition video document of their April 4, 2008 sold-out gig at Portland, Oregon's Crystal Ballroom, featuring seventeen songs culled from all five of the pair's albums.

Maimed by bullies at a California high school, a new student engineers acts of revenge.

Four women who used to be classmates, reunite years after for a Baby Shower party, in which several murders will unfold.

A peculiar family, which owns a nougat factory, decides to set out on a trip to Madrid in order to advertise its products in a Food Fair. Besides the disapproval from the family head and company founder, events are not as expected.

An Iranian couple living in the US become trapped inside a hotel when insidious events force them to face the secrets that have come between them, in a night that never ends.

Dvi poros nuomojasi atostogų namus, kuriuose turėtų šventiškai praleisti savaitgalį, bet viskas pasisuka kita linkme.

Filmo režisierius ir scenarijaus autorius Džošas Trankas (Josh Trank) nusprendžia į audringą gangsterio gyvenimą pažvelgti kitu kampu ir žiūrovams pristatyti mafijos tėvą po to, kai šis, prabuvęs Alkatraso belangėje vos 5 metus, išeina į laisvę kankinamas demencijos. Kadaise buvusio ypač nuožmaus mafijozo galvoje prabėga prisiminimai apie Čikagos gatvėse jo sukurtą siaubingą, daugybės žmonių krauju aplaistytą kriminalinę imperiją, kaip prievartavo, žudė, kūrė ištisus mafijos klanus, burdavo žudikų gaujas, nelegaliai užsiėmė alkoholio prekyba, vertėsi prostitucija, užminuodavo ir sprogdindavo automobilius, kontroliavo nusikaltėlių pelną, o, tie, kurie atsisakė jam paklusti greitai atsisveikindavo su šiuo pasauliu. Visa tai kėlė siaubą net patiems kriminalinio pasaulio sėbrams. Vieniems jis – visiškas beprotis, kitiems – bukas, įstatymų nepaisantis gangsteris, tačiau jo gyvenimas vertas aštraus veiksmo filmo scenarijaus.