As armies mass for a final battle that will decide the fate of the world--and powerful, ancient forces of Light and Dark compete to determine the outcome--one member of the Fellowship of the Ring is revealed as the noble heir to the throne of the Kings of Men. Yet, the sole hope for triumph over evil lies with a brave hobbit, Frodo, who, accompanied by his loyal friend Sam and the hideous, wretched Gollum, ventures deep into the very dark heart of Mordor on his seemingly impossible quest to destroy the Ring of Power.​

Atriebēju komandas izdzīvojušajiem un viņu sabiedrotajiem ir jāizstrādā jauns plāns, kurš palīdzētu stāties pretī Tanosa postošajai darbībai. Pēc pēdējās kaujas, kura bija pati masveidīgākā un traģiskākā visā Atriebēju cīņu vēsturē, katra pieļautā kļūda var kļūt liktenīga ne tikai Zemei, bet arī Visumam.

Kriss un viņa draudzene Roza dodas uz ziemeļiem apciemot viņas vecākus nedēļas nogalē. Sākumā Kriss notur ģimenes pārlieko viesmīlību kā nervozu mēģinājumu pieņemt meitas drauga izcelsmi, bet brīvdienu gaitā caur dažādiem nepatīkamiem atklājumiem viņam parādās patiesība, kādu nekad nebūtu varējis iedomāties.

Liams ir kantrī mūziķis, kurš apmainīja laulības ar Džosiju pret traukšanos pretī slavai un bagātībai. Taču reiz Liamam būs jāatgriežas dzimtajā pilsētā uz labākā drauga bērēm un no jauna jāsatiek sava vienīgā un īstā mīlestība – mūžam viņa meitene Džosija.

Viens no NDA darbiniekiem, Edvards Snoudens nopludina informāciju par aģentūras izmantotajiem nelegālās uzraudzības paņēmieniem. Preses un sabiedrības rīcībā nonāk tūkstošiem slepenu dokumentu.

A classical musician travels to the South of France to escape his demons and wait for his new love, a younger woman named Sophia. Trying to come to peace with his new life in these slow, peaceful surroundings, his seemingly chance meeting with Peter will threaten to derail everything.

Saniknotā Burve pārvērta Adamu atbaidošā briesmonī par to, ka viņš bija ļauns, rupjš un egoistisks. Lai noņemtu lāstu sev un savas pils kalpotājiem, viņam ir nepieciešams pilnīgi izmainīties - kļūt labsirdīgam, mīlēt un būt mīlētam. Pa to laiku, kādā attālā ciematā dzīvo daiļā Bella, kuras tēvs, nākot no gadatirgus nomaldās un nokļūst noburtajā pilī. Bellai nekas cits neatliek, kā doties tēvam palīgā un viņa pat nenojauš, ka tur viņu sagaida liktenīga tikšanās.

Two overworked and underpaid assistants come up with a plan to get their bosses off their backs by setting them up with each other.

Veterinarian Dr. Carly Monroe makes it a habit to stop by the local dog shelter as often as possible because she loves dogs and secretly loves the shelter’s owner, Dan. Unfortunately, he has agreed to marry his glamorous TV personality girlfriend and move to the Big Apple. With Dan’s big move looming, his sister decides to take matters into her own hands.

A famous country singer set to marry a glamorous Hollywood actress returns to his small town roots. When he crosses paths with his childhood sweetheart and finally feels inspired to write songs again he reevaluates his life, his values and his opinion of true love. As his wedding day approaches, he must decide if he has chosen the right woman to be his wife.

An independent-minded American tour guide is fired from her job in Rome just before Christmas. She crosses paths with an American executive named Oliver, who wants to buy a high-end Italian ceramics company. Oliver hires Angela to be his tour guide around the Eternal City, as the owner of the ceramics company won’t sell it to him until he learns “the heart and soul of Rome.” But is there another heart and soul that he may win?

Jeppe falls for a mysterious girl from school, but their relationship is on borrowed time.

What happens when a man and a woman share a common passion? They fall in love. And this is what happens to Jean-René, the boss of a small chocolate factory, and Angélique, a gifted chocolate maker he has just hired. What occurs when a highly emotional man meets a highly emotional woman? They fall in love, and this is what occurs to Jean-René and Angélique who share the same handicap. But being pathologically timid does not make things easy for them. So whether they will manage to get together, join their solitudes and live happily ever after is a guessing matter.

When Lucy’s childhood sweetheart plans to tear down the Gilded Age estate and replace it with a golf course, Lucy fights to preserve the historic mansion at all costs. As Lucy and Duncan set out to find a compromise, they learn that embracing the past may be the key to protecting the future.

When a restless young married woman is granted a wish by a Christmas Angel to be single again, she soon discovers her new life isn't what she bargained for, and embarks on a quest to win her husband back.

Optimistic and cheerful TV producer, Kelly, doesn’t have time for love. Bad boy celebrity chef, Stephen, doesn’t have time for anything besides cooking. Fun with a side of love ensues as Kelly and Stephen are paired on a children's cooking show.

A woman expecting to get engaged on her all-important 30th birthday gets a different surprise after she makes her birthday wish: a glimpse into her future – which doesn’t resemble anything she’s ever imagined for herself.

The first wedding anniversary of Princess Odette and Prince Derek is distracted by field fires set by Knuckles. His master Clavius, wants to conquer the world, and he needs to capture a giant orb to do that. Clavius kidnaps Queen Uberta and Odette with Derek have to save her.

Lilly, a hard working EMT, is only focused on her job and getting into medical school. So when wealthy slacker Jeff enters her life it throws her off course. At first, Lilly wants nothing to do with Jeff or his sense of entitlement and lack of direction. As she spends more time with him, she starts to realize that you can’t always judge a book by its cover.

After her job and relationship implode on the same day, Sofia starts from scratch — and meets a dashing Spanish chef who might be her missing ingredient.